
Special Difficulties

Remark, Observe and Notice

remark 与 observe 都可以表示“说,评论说”,它们比 say 要正式:

‘You’re looking very well!’She remarked/observed.

notice 和 observe 都可以表示“注意到,察觉到”,但有一定区别。notice 指无意中“察觉到”;observe

则可以指有意观察、仔细地看,比 notice 更正式:

He observed me carefully. (He looked at me.)       他仔细地看着我. Did you notice how she was dressed?                                  你注意到她的穿戴了吗? I’ve noticed/observed that he telephones her oftener than before. 我发现/注意到他现在给她打电话比以前次数多了。

I didn’t notice his leaving.

make rude remark / call one's name / say F words (F 指 fuck) 讲粗话,骂人

He made a lot of rude remarks about the hat she was wearing. fail to do sth.                              没有能够

not fail to      表示强烈地肯定

I had changed the furniture round that you can not fail to notict it.


Multiple choice questions

3 Do you have to buy this hat? No, I___c___. It isn't necessary.

a. mustn't                    b. won't           c. needn't                  d. don't need Do you have to...?

Yes, I do … / No, I don't … / No,I don't have to do sth. mustn't 不准

don't have to 不 必 =needn’t

must=have to 必须

英文中要么助动词之后所有的东西都省略, 要么省到不定式标志, “don’t need to” 也对

Would you like to do sth?

Yes, I'd like to. / No,I don't / No,I don't need to. (to 不能省略) Do you want to go to school?                                 Yes,I do. / Yes,I want to.

Would you like to see the menu?       Yes, I'd like to.     (后接动词) Would you like some bananas?                          Yes, I’d like.     (后接名词)

Do you need the hat?

No, I don’t need.    (不能为“I needn’t”,情态动词不能直接接名词“hat”)

  1. A man can never have too many ties. It's ___b___.

a. unable                     b. impossible           c. improbable          d. incapable can never =can't                             不可能

be able/unable to do sth. (unable    adj.不能的, 不会的)

impossible 不可能improbable 不太可能probably 很有可能

incapable        adj.无能力的, 不能的

be capable of / be incapable of

  1. She looked in the mirror and saw her _ a_ .

a. reflection         b. idol         c. imagination        d. picture

reflection         n.反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映(reflect  v. 发射)

idol         n.偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论

imagination        n.想象, 空想, 想象的事物, 想象力, 听觉

picture    n. 照片, 图象

  1. His wife was wearing a hat. She _ c_ .

a. was dressing it         b. was putting it on         c. had it on         d.was carrying it wear/dress/put on/have on 穿

wear      穿着(强调状态)

dress sb.       给某人穿衣服(强调动作)

put on 穿上(强调动作)

have sth. on 穿着(强调状态) (have……on 让……东西在……上面 ) in a green coat

She is in a green coat. be in+衣服(状态)

  1. It looked like a lighthouse. It ___b_ a lighthouse.

a. appeared similar         b. resembled         c. matched        d.likened match 与……相配

liken       vt.把……比作

compare/liken sth to another thing 把前者比作后者

We liken the hat to a lighthouse. resemble                         vt. 象, 类似

a resemble b

appear 显 得

It appeared similar to a lighthouse. similar                 与……相似

be similar to (to 不能少)
