node版本 控制工具N --help 显示帮助信息 翻译 下载地址

n --help 显示帮助信息  

Usage: n [options/env] [COMMAND] [args]

n [COMMAND] args Uses default env (node)
n io COMMAND Sets env as io
n project [COMMAND] ‘(使用自定义的环境变量的使用非官方消息)’Uses custom env-variables to use non-official sources


n          (输出版本安装)                    Output versions installed
n latest   (安装或激活最新的节点释放) Install or activate the latest node release
n -a x86 latest                As above but force 32 bit architecture
n stable(安装或激活最新的稳定节点释放)  nstall or activate the latest stable node release
n lts  (安装或激活新的LTS节点释放)  Install or activate the latest LTS node release
n   (版本安装节点)      Install node 
n use  [args ...]  (< >与执行节点版本[ args…])xecute node  with [args ...]
n bin   (<版本>的输出路径) Output bin path for 
n rm (删除给定版本(s))Remove the given version(s)
n --latest (输出最新的节点版本可用)Output the latest node version available
n --stable (输出最新的节点版本可用)Output the latest stable node version available
n --lts  (最新的LTS版本输出节点)  Output the latest LTS node version available
n ls   (最新的LTS版本输出节点)  Output the versions of node available

n io latest (安装或启动新的iojs释放) Install or activate the latest iojs release
n io -a x86 latest (如上所述,但力32位体系结构) As above but force 32 bit architecture
n io (安装iojs) Install iojs
n io use [args …] (执行) Execute iojs with [args …]
n io bin Output bin path for
n io rm
