C/C++ protobuf与json互转

  1. 测试环境

    • ubuntu16.04 64bit
    • protocbuf:3.9.1 (支持json转换需>=3.0.0)
  2. 协议

    syntax = "proto2";
    message Person{
    	optional string name = 1;
    	optional uint32 age = 2;
    	optional string address = 3;
  3. 测试代码

    //protobuf >= 3.0.0
    #include "person.pb.h"
    #include "google/protobuf/stubs/stringpiece.h"
    #include "google/protobuf/util/json_util.h"
    bool proto_to_json(const google::protobuf::Message& message, std::string& json) {
        google::protobuf::util::JsonPrintOptions options;
        // options.add_whitespace = true;
        return MessageToJsonString(message, &json, options).ok();
    bool json_to_proto(const std::string& json, google::protobuf::Message& message) {
        google::protobuf::util::JsonParseOptions options;
        return JsonStringToMessage(json, &message, options).ok();
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
        std::string person_json;
        Person person;
        if (!proto_to_json(person, person_json)) {
            std::cout << "pb to json failed!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "pb to json:" << person_json << std::endl;
        person_json = "{\"name\": \"HB\", \"age\": 22, \"address\": \"SJZ\" }";
        if (!json_to_proto(person_json, person)) {
            std::cout << "json to pb failed!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "json to pb: name:" << person.name() << " age:" << person.age() << " address:" << person.address() << std::endl;
        return 0;
  4. 编译

    • 编译协议
      protoc --cpp_out=. person.proto 
    • 编译代码
      g++ person.pb.cc demo.cpp -lprotobuf -lpthread -o demo && ./demo
  5. 运行结果

    pb to json:{"name":"hb","age":20,"address":"sjz"}
    json to pb: name:HB age:22 address:SJZ
