



[localhost:21050] default> select substr("引擎", 1, 3);
Query: select substr("引擎", 1, 3)
Query submitted at: 2020-10-28 11:54:26 (Coordinator: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000)
Query progress can be monitored at: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000/query_plan?query_id=464f44d405bb16a1:5b41e00e00000000
| substr('引擎', 1, 3) |
Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.13s
[localhost:21050] default> select substr("引擎", 1, 2);
Query: select substr("引擎", 1, 2)
Query submitted at: 2020-10-28 11:54:32 (Coordinator: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000)
Query progress can be monitored at: http://quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:25000/query_plan?query_id=d048231be08f29b4:860c959500000000
Caught exception 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: unexpected end of data, type=exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'> in FetchResults.

第一个查询执行 substr(“引擎”, 1, 3) 没有问题,因为每个中文字符的UTF-8编码是3个字节,而Impala中把String都当成了字节数组(byte array),因此前3个字节就是第一个中文字符,没问题。

第二个查询读出来的是 “引” 的UTF-8编码的前2个字节,在解码成UTF-8字符时报了unexpected end of data的错误,并且impala-shell卡住不动,只能强行Ctrl+C.





$ ps aux | grep shell
quanlong 30957  0.5  0.0 296100 24716 pts/22   S+   15:06   0:00 bin/../infra/python/env-gcc7.5.0/bin/python /home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/
quanlong 31003  0.0  0.0  15960  1088 pts/20   S+   15:06   0:00 grep --color=auto shell

$ sudo /home/quanlong/.local/bin/pystack 30957
Dumping Threads....
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 2058, in <module>
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 2023, in impala_shell_main
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/python-2.7.16/lib/python2.7/", line 142, in cmdloop
    stop = self.onecmd(line)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 687, in onecmd
    return func(arg)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 1113, in do_select
    return self._execute_stmt(query_str, print_web_link=True)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 1303, in _execute_stmt
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 847, in close_query
    resp = self._do_hs2_rpc(CloseImpalaOperation, retry_on_error=True)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 959, in _do_hs2_rpc
    return rpc()
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 845, in CloseImpalaOperation
    return self.imp_service.CloseImpalaOperation(req)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/build/thrift-11-gen/gen-py/ImpalaService/", line 155, in CloseImpalaOperation
    return self.recv_CloseImpalaOperation()
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/build/thrift-11-gen/gen-py/ImpalaService/", line 167, in recv_CloseImpalaOperation
    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/protocol/", line 148, in readMessageBegin
    name = self.trans.readAll(sz)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 60, in readAll
    chunk = - have)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 162, in read
    self.__rbuf = BufferIO(, self.__rbuf_size)))
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 117, in read
    buff = self.handle.recv(sz)
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 1, in <module>

这里能看到impala-shell是卡在一个close_query操作,具体是发hs2协议的CloseImpalaOperation RPC,在等impalad那边回复。可以看到thrift层的代码都在做各种read操作并卡住。那么问题很可能出现在server端,要排查一下CloseImpalaOperation这个RPC为什么没有返回。


查看Impalad的日志,看不出什么异常,看起来查询就是正常结束了。比如我重新跑了个 select substr(“引擎”, 1, 4) 的查询,impala-shell 也是卡住不动,impalad端的日志如下:

I1106 09:49:19.698134 15454] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Analyzing query: select substr("引擎", 1, 4) db: default
I1106 09:49:19.702113 15454] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Authorization check took 3 ms
I1106 09:49:19.702214 15454] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Analysis and authorization finished.
W1106 09:49:19.706602 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Executor group empty group (using coordinator only) is unhealthy: 0 out of 1 are available.
I1106 09:49:19.706990 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Trying to admit id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 in pool_name=default-pool executor_group_name=empty group (using coordinator only) per_host_mem_estimate=10.00 MB dedicated_coord_mem_estimate=100.00 MB max_requests=-1 max_queued=200 max_mem=-1.00 B
I1106 09:49:19.707115 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Stats: agg_num_running=0, agg_num_queued=0, agg_mem_reserved=0,  local_host(local_mem_admitted=0, num_admitted_running=0, num_queued=0, backend_mem_reserved=0, topN_query_stats: queries=[], total_mem_consumed=0; pool_level_stats: num_running=0, min=0, max=0, pool_total_mem=0)
I1106 09:49:19.707186 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Admitting query id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.707155 15454] ExecuteStatement(): return_val=TExecuteStatementResp {
  01: status (struct) = TStatus {
    01: statusCode (i32) = 0, 
  02: operationHandle (struct) = TOperationHandle {
    01: operationId (struct) = THandleIdentifier {
      01: guid (string) = "\xbco\x9a\xa1\x0f\nE\xfc\x00\x00\x00\x00I\x82\x15\x93",
      02: secret (string) = "\xa5|\xf9A\xbc\x8aG\xd4\x8a\r\xb8\xae\xb4\xcf\x9f\xfc",
    02: operationType (i32) = 0, 
    03: hasResultSet (bool) = true,
I1106 09:49:19.707319 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Registering query locations
I1106 09:49:19.707382 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Exec() query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 stmt=select substr("引擎", 1, 4)
I1106 09:49:19.707787 15454] GetResultSetMetadata(): query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.707967 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] starting execution on 1 backends for query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.707902 15454] GetResultSetMetadata(): return_val=TGetResultSetMetadataResp {
  01: status (struct) = TStatus {
    01: statusCode (i32) = 0, 
  02: schema (struct) = TTableSchema {
    01: columns (list) = list<struct>[1] {
      [0] = TColumnDesc {
        01: columnName (string) = "substr('\xe5\xbc\x95\xe6\x93\x8e', 1, 4)", 
        02: typeDesc (struct) = TTypeDesc {
          01: types (list) = list<struct>[1] {
            [0] = TTypeEntry {
              01: primitiveEntry (struct) = TPrimitiveTypeEntry {
                01: type (i32) = 7, 
        03: position (i32) = 0, 
I1106 09:49:19.709297  7513] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] ExecQueryFInstances(): query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 coord=quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:27000 #instances=1
I1106 09:49:19.711102 15462] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Executing instance. instance_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 fragment_idx=0 per_fragment_instance_idx=0 coord_state_idx=0 #in-flight=1
I1106 09:49:19.711118 15459] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] started execution on 1 backends for query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.810067 15454] ExecState: query id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 execution completed
I1106 09:49:19.810063 15462] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] cancelling active streams for fragment_instance_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.810087 15454] Coordinator waiting for backends to finish, 1 remaining. query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.810119 15462] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Instance completed. instance_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 #in-flight=0 status=OK
I1106 09:49:19.810176 15461] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] UpdateBackendExecState(): last report for fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.810976  7513] Backend completed: host=quanlong-OptiPlex-BJ:27000 remaining=1 query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811048 15454] Release admission control resources for query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811172 15461] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Cancelling fragment instances as directed by the coordinator. Returned status: Cancelled
I1106 09:49:19.811204 15461] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] Cancel: query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811213 15461] fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000] cancelling active streams for fragment_instance_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811383 15454] CloseOperation(): query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811399 15454] UnregisterQuery(): query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.811409 15454] query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000 target backend= Not cancelling because the backend is already done:
I1106 09:49:19.811415 15454] CancelBackends() query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000, tried to cancel 0 backends
I1106 09:49:19.812331  8319] Query successfully unregistered: query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000
I1106 09:49:19.812489  8319] ReleaseQueryState(): deleted query_id=fc450a0fa19a6fbc:9315824900000000

那有一种可能,就是卡在了没有日志的地方。好在我这是开发环境,而且问题可固定重现,可以加点日志重新编译来Debug。先找一下处理 hs2 协议里 CloseImpalaOperation 这个RPC的代码,主要是在 be/src/service/ 中:

void ImpalaServer::CloseOperation(TCloseOperationResp& return_val,
    const TCloseOperationReq& request) {
  TCloseImpalaOperationReq request2;
  request2.operationHandle = request.operationHandle;
  TCloseImpalaOperationResp tmp_resp;
  CloseImpalaOperation(tmp_resp, request2);
  return_val.status = tmp_resp.status;

void ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation(TCloseImpalaOperationResp& return_val,
    const TCloseImpalaOperationReq& request) {
  TUniqueId query_id;
  TUniqueId op_secret;
  HS2_RETURN_IF_ERROR(return_val, THandleIdentifierToTUniqueId(
      request.operationHandle.operationId, &query_id, &op_secret),
  VLOG_QUERY << "CloseOperation(): query_id=" << PrintId(query_id);

  QueryHandle query_handle;
      return_val, GetActiveQueryHandle(query_id, &query_handle), SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR);

  ScopedSessionState session_handle(this);
  const TUniqueId session_id = query_handle->session_id();
      session_handle.WithSession(session_id, SecretArg::Operation(op_secret, query_id)),
  if (query_handle->stmt_type() == TStmtType::DML) {
    Status query_status;
    if (query_handle->GetDmlStats(&return_val.dml_result, &query_status)) {
      return_val.__isset.dml_result = true;

  // TODO: use timeout to get rid of unwanted query_handle.
  HS2_RETURN_IF_ERROR(return_val, UnregisterQuery(query_id, true),

这里有一些耗时的操作,比如最后的 UnregisterQuery,可能卡在这。简单暴力的方式就是加log,看这个函数卡在哪了。CloseImpalaOperation还被前面一个CloseOperation调用了,也加点日志。于是做了如下修改重新编译:

diff --git a/be/src/service/ b/be/src/service/
index 5c618fb..82a2820 100644
--- a/be/src/service/
+++ b/be/src/service/
@@ -786,14 +786,17 @@ void ImpalaServer::CloseOperation(TCloseOperationResp& return_val,
   TCloseImpalaOperationReq request2;
   request2.operationHandle = request.operationHandle;
   TCloseImpalaOperationResp tmp_resp;
+  VLOG_QUERY << "0";
   CloseImpalaOperation(tmp_resp, request2);
   return_val.status = tmp_resp.status;
+  VLOG_QUERY << "5";
 void ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation(TCloseImpalaOperationResp& return_val,
     const TCloseImpalaOperationReq& request) {
   TUniqueId query_id;
   TUniqueId op_secret;
+  VLOG_QUERY << "1";
   HS2_RETURN_IF_ERROR(return_val, THandleIdentifierToTUniqueId(
       request.operationHandle.operationId, &query_id, &op_secret),
@@ -802,12 +805,14 @@ void ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation(TCloseImpalaOperationResp& return_val,
   QueryHandle query_handle;
       return_val, GetActiveQueryHandle(query_id, &query_handle), SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR);
+  VLOG_QUERY << "2";
   ScopedSessionState session_handle(this);
   const TUniqueId session_id = query_handle->session_id();
       session_handle.WithSession(session_id, SecretArg::Operation(op_secret, query_id)),
+  VLOG_QUERY << "3";
   if (query_handle->stmt_type() == TStmtType::DML) {
     Status query_status;
     if (query_handle->GetDmlStats(&return_val.dml_result, &query_status)) {
@@ -819,6 +824,7 @@ void ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation(TCloseImpalaOperationResp& return_val,
   HS2_RETURN_IF_ERROR(return_val, UnregisterQuery(query_id, true),
+  VLOG_QUERY << "4";
 void ImpalaServer::GetResultSetMetadata(TGetResultSetMetadataResp& return_val,

改完只需要 ninja impalad 重新编译 impalad(如果最初编译时没启用ninja的话,则是用 make impalad ),因为只改了BE的代码。然后重启集群重现问题,发现 ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation 新加的日志都打出来了,但 ImpalaServer::CloseOperation 没有打。说明 CloseOperation 没有被调用,而 CloseImpalaOperation 正常结束了。日志如下:

I1106 10:12:25.581028 29674] bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000] UpdateBackendExecState(): last report for bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.581405 29667] 1
I1106 10:12:25.581435 29667] CloseOperation(): query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.581471 29667] 2
I1106 10:12:25.581503 29667] 3
I1106 10:12:25.581519 29667] UnregisterQuery(): query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.581562 29667] ExecState: query id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000 execution cancelled
I1106 10:12:25.581620 29667] query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000 target backend= Sending CancelQueryFInstances rpc
I1106 10:12:25.582509 28909] CancelQueryFInstances(): query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.582554 28909] QueryState: query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000 refcnt=3
I1106 10:12:25.582571 28909] Cancel: query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.582594 28909] cancelling active streams for fragment_instance_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.582669 28908] Invalid or unknown query handle: bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000.
I1106 10:12:25.582744 28908] ReportExecStatus(): Received report for unknown query ID (probably closed or cancelled): bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000 remote host=
I1106 10:12:25.583061 29667] CancelBackends() query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000, tried to cancel 1 backends
I1106 10:12:25.583123 29674] bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000] Cancelling fragment instances as directed by the coordinator. Returned status: ReportExecStatus(): Received report for unknown query ID (probably closed or cancelled): bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000 remote host=
I1106 10:12:25.583168 29674] bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000] Cancel: query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.583214 29667] Release admission control resources for query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.583902 29667] 4
I1106 10:12:25.586117 29513] Query successfully unregistered: query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000
I1106 10:12:25.586696 29513] ReleaseQueryState(): deleted query_id=bc46ff8a74592f6b:9146663900000000

那么可能是卡在什么地方呢?看一下在impalad里是谁调用了CloseImpalaOperation,有可能卡在上层调用方。impala里有一个GetStackTrace()函数,定义在debug-util.h里,用来打印运行时的代码堆栈。于是我把 4 号日志改为:

+  VLOG_QUERY << "4" << "\n" << GetStackTrace();


I1106 10:26:58.427156   565] 4
    @          0x2580dac  impala::ImpalaServer::CloseImpalaOperation()
    @          0x2b5ccba  impala::ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor::process_CloseImpalaOperation()
    @          0x2b5b418  impala::ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor::dispatchCall()
    @          0x1cd7721  apache::thrift::TDispatchProcessor::process()
    @          0x21ef3fc  apache::thrift::server::TAcceptQueueServer::Task::run()
    @          0x21e4810  impala::ThriftThread::RunRunnable()
    @          0x21e5e4c  boost::_mfi::mf2<>::operator()()
    @          0x21e5ce0  boost::_bi::list3<>::operator()<>()
    @          0x21e5a26  boost::_bi::bind_t<>::operator()()
    @          0x21e5938  boost::detail::function::void_function_obj_invoker0<>::invoke()
    @          0x215e37b  boost::function0<>::operator()()
    @          0x274cef9  impala::Thread::SuperviseThread()
    @          0x2754e96  boost::_bi::list5<>::operator()<>()
    @          0x2754dba  boost::_bi::bind_t<>::operator()()
    @          0x2754d7b  boost::detail::thread_data<>::run()
    @          0x3f41e21  thread_proxy
    @     0x7f2e95b706b9  start_thread
    @     0x7f2e9263e4dc  clone
I1106 10:26:58.577329   565] ReleaseQueryState(): deleted query_id=ea4b5873a9a4bc14:240fca4800000000

ImpalaHiveServer2ServiceProcessor::process_CloseImpalaOperation 这种函数代码是Thrift编译出来的,在 be/generated-sources/gen-cpp/ImpalaHiveServer2Service.cpp 里,这种出问题的可能性较小。我用minidump打印出了impalad的所有线程堆栈(具体操作参考《Impala查询卡顿分析案例》中的 “使用Minidump替代Core Dump” 章节,或参考官方文档 Debugging Impala Minidumps),但并没有找到相关的线程,这条Debug思路走不下去。


转变思路,看是哪个Commit引入了这个bug,然后对症下药。impala-shell 卡住的地方是最近这个 commit 新加的代码:fe6e625
即 shell/ 第1303 行:

shell/ 里处理 UnicodeDecodeError 时会调 close_query:
1297     except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
1298       # An error occoured possibly during the fetching.
1299       # Depending of which protocol is at use it can come from different places.
1300       # Possibly occours because we try to display binary data which contains
1301       # undecodable elements.
1302       if self.last_query_handle is not None:
1303         self.imp_client.close_query(self.last_query_handle)
1304       print('UnicodeDecodeError : %s \nPlease check for columns containing binary data '
1305           'to find the possible source of the error.' % (e,), file=sys.stderr)

说明首先是遇到了 UnicodeDecodeError,然后想关闭查询时卡住了。所以有两个问题要解释:(1) 为什么抛 UnicodeDecodeError;(2) 为什么会卡住。

这个commit(fe6e625)其实加了一段会抛 UnicodeDecodeError 的代码,但只对 beeswax 协议的逻辑加了,在 shell/ 里:

1016 class ImpalaBeeswaxClient(ImpalaClient):
1108   def fetch(self, query_handle):
1109     while True:
1110       result, rpc_status = self._do_beeswax_rpc(
1111          lambda: self.imp_service.fetch(query_handle, False,
1112                                         self.fetch_size))
1113       if rpc_status != RpcStatus.OK:
1114         raise RPCException()
1116       def split_row_and_decode_if_needed(row):
1117         try:
1118           return row.split('\t')
1119         except UnicodeDecodeError:
1120           return row.decode('utf-8', 'replace').split('\t')
1122       yield [split_row_and_decode_if_needed(row) for row in]

突然发现还没有玩过 beeswax 协议的情况。在 impala 4.0 里,impala-shell 默认使用 hs2 协议和 impalad 通信,切回 beeswax 协议需要显式指定 --protocol=beeswax:

$ bin/ --protocol=beeswax -q 'select substr("引擎", 1, 4)'
Unknown Exception : 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 1255, in _execute_stmt
    for rows in rows_fetched:
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/", line 1111, in fetch
    lambda: self.imp_service.fetch(query_handle, False,
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Could not execute command: select substr("引擎", 1, 4)

用 beeswax 协议的话是直接报错退出,表现也不一样,并没有报 utf-8 解码失败的错。

然而直接回滚这个commit并不能修复这个问题,应该是跟thrift相关的某个改动引起的,因为utf-8解码错误就是从thrift层抛出来的。其实在四月份发布的 Impala 3.4 中是没有这个bug的,可以把中间跟 thrift 相关的commit都找出来,然后用二分法去找出问题的commit。

$ git log --oneline -i --grep=thrift --since='2020-04-01'
981ef10 IMPALA-10215: Implement INSERT INTO for non-partitioned Iceberg tables (Parquet)
ee4043e IMPALA-10168: Expose JSON catalog objects in catalogd's debug page
6542b60 IMPALA-10243: ConcurrentModificationException during parallel INSERTs
63c435c IMPALA-9232 Potential overflow in serializeThriftMsg
6bb3b88 IMPALA-9180 (part 1): Remove legacy ImpalaInternalService
28181cb IMPALA-9930 (part 1): Initial refactor for admission control service
79b17db IMPALA-9382: part 1: transposed profile prototype
13f50ea IMPALA-9229: impala-shell 'profile' to show original and retried queries
fe6e625 IMPALA-10012: ds_hll_sketch() results ascii codec decoding error fix
75146c9 IMPALA-10012: ds_hll_sketch() results ascii codec decoding error fix
074731e IMPALA-3127: Support incremental metadata updates in partition level
ee18dc3 IMPALA-9987: Improve logging around HTTP connections
8aeb282 IMPALA-9540 Test that Impala Shell no longer sends duplicate "Host" headers in http mode.
b67c090 IMPALA-9692 (part 2): Refactor parts of TExecPlanFragmentInfo to protobuf
8b09343 IMPALA-9719: Upgrade sasl-0.1.1 -> 0.2.1
e46bbf2 IMPALA-9692 (part 1): Refactor TBackendDescriptor to protobuf
bc9d7e0 IMPALA-3343, IMPALA-9489: Make impala-shell compatible with python 3.
bd4458b IMPALA-9422: Re-visit and improve join node and builder's counters
2451846 IMPALA-9543 Reduce duplicate code in thrift CMakeLists.txt


bc9d7e0 IMPALA-3343, IMPALA-9489: Make impala-shell compatible with python 3.



柳暗花明 —— tcpdump

还是回到最初的思路,直接定位impalad端卡在哪了导致不返回RPC结果。同事提议可以用 tcpdump 对比下正常和异常的查询,这确实是个很好的思路!其实之前也对比过正常查询和异常查询在 impalad 端的日志,发现都一样。但对比 TCP 包的内容却是个更深入的 debug 手段,应用层看不出端倪,我们就往下走一层,看 TCP 层是怎么样!

在我的开发环境里,impala-shell是通过localhost连接的impalad,所以监听的设备要选 lo (Local Loopback)。现在master分支的impala-shell默认使用hs2协议,因此连的是impalad的21050端口。由于只有我的 impala-shell 能连接到这个 impalad,因此我直接监听 21050 端口的 TCP 包就是所有该 impala-shell 的通信包了。如果是在生产环境中,则要只监听 impala-shell 使用的端口,以区分其它应用跟 impalad 的通信。


sudo tcpdump -i lo 'port 21050'

把 impala-shell 启动起来,执行一条正常语句 select substr(“引擎”, 1, 3),然后再执行一条异常语句 select substr(“引擎”, 1, 4),明显能看到异常语句少了几个包。

11:04:52.169568 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 2344715580:2344715671, ack 246892403, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330901 ecr 3249311189], length 91
11:04:52.169913 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 1:181, ack 91, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330902 ecr 3249330901], length 180
11:04:52.169944 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 181, win 511, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330902 ecr 3249330902], length 0
11:04:52.170831 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 91:292, ack 181, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330902 ecr 3249330902], length 201
11:04:52.187515 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 181:290, ack 292, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330919 ecr 3249330902], length 109
11:04:52.187852 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 292:394, ack 290, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330920 ecr 3249330919], length 102
11:04:52.188237 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 290:411, ack 394, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330920 ecr 3249330920], length 121
11:04:52.189283 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 394:494, ack 411, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330921 ecr 3249330920], length 100
11:04:52.189459 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 411:464, ack 494, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330921 ecr 3249330921], length 53
11:04:52.231963 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 464, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249330964 ecr 3249330921], length 0
11:04:52.290038 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 494:594, ack 464, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331022 ecr 3249330921], length 100
11:04:52.290276 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 464:517, ack 594, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331022 ecr 3249331022], length 53
11:04:52.290348 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 517, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331022 ecr 3249331022], length 0
11:04:52.290815 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 594:706, ack 517, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331022 ecr 3249331022], length 112
11:04:52.291191 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 517:620, ack 706, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331023 ecr 3249331022], length 103
11:04:52.292094 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 706:818, ack 620, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331024 ecr 3249331023], length 112
11:04:52.294791 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 620:715, ack 818, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331026 ecr 3249331024], length 95
11:04:52.295077 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 818:906, ack 715, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331027 ecr 3249331026], length 88
11:04:52.295349 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 715:823, ack 906, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331027 ecr 3249331027], length 108
11:04:52.295624 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 906:1008, ack 823, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331027 ecr 3249331027], length 102
11:04:52.335924 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [.], ack 1008, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331068 ecr 3249331027], length 0
11:04:52.458929 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 823:871, ack 1008, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331191 ecr 3249331027], length 48
11:04:52.459074 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1008:1172, ack 871, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331191 ecr 3249331191], length 164
11:04:52.459080 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [.], ack 1172, win 511, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331191 ecr 3249331191], length 0
11:04:52.460225 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 871:12312, ack 1172, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331192 ecr 3249331191], length 11441
11:04:52.503980 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 12312, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249331236 ecr 3249331192], length 0


11:05:00.805456 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1172:1263, ack 12312, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339537 ecr 3249331192], length 91
11:05:00.805554 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12312:12492, ack 1263, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339537 ecr 3249339537], length 180
11:05:00.805561 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 12492, win 511, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339537 ecr 3249339537], length 0
11:05:00.805751 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1263:1464, ack 12492, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339537 ecr 3249339537], length 201
11:05:00.810144 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12492:12601, ack 1464, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339542 ecr 3249339537], length 109
11:05:00.810290 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1464:1566, ack 12601, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339542 ecr 3249339542], length 102
11:05:00.810415 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12601:12722, ack 1566, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339542 ecr 3249339542], length 121
11:05:00.810576 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1566:1666, ack 12722, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339542 ecr 3249339542], length 100
11:05:00.810650 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12722:12775, ack 1666, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339542 ecr 3249339542], length 53
11:05:00.851921 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 12775, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339583 ecr 3249339542], length 0
11:05:00.911128 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1666:1766, ack 12775, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339643 ecr 3249339542], length 100
11:05:00.911375 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12775:12828, ack 1766, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339643 ecr 3249339643], length 53
11:05:00.911468 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 12828, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339643 ecr 3249339643], length 0
11:05:00.911948 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1766:1878, ack 12828, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339644 ecr 3249339643], length 112
11:05:00.912416 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12828:12932, ack 1878, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339644 ecr 3249339644], length 104
11:05:00.912848 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [P.], seq 1878:1980, ack 12932, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339644 ecr 3249339644], length 102
11:05:00.959907 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [.], ack 1980, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339691 ecr 3249339644], length 0
11:05:01.097326 IP localhost.21050 > localhost.40938: Flags [P.], seq 12932:12980, ack 1980, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339829 ecr 3249339644], length 48
11:05:01.139967 IP localhost.40938 > localhost.21050: Flags [.], ack 12980, win 512, options [nop,nop,TS val 3249339871 ecr 3249339829], length 0


sudo tcpdump -i lo 'port 21050' -w good_query_tcp_dump.txt

这样会把tcp包的内容都dump到文件good_query_tcp_dump.txt里。在impala-shell中执行正常查询 select substr(“引擎”, 1, 3),然后Ctrl+C关掉tcpdump进程。再执行

sudo tcpdump -i lo 'port 21050' -w bad_query_tcp_dump.txt

这次在impala-shell中跑异常查询 select substr(“引擎”, 1, 4),再次Ctrl+C关掉tcpdump。这样我们就采集到两个查询的TCP包了。直接用vim打开,能看到里面有文本内容,FetchResults、GetLog、CloseImpalaOperation这些都是成对出现,一个是request,另一个是response。正常查询在CloseImpalaOperation后还会拿profile:

从这里我们已经能看出,impalad其实已经返回了CloseImpalaOperation的结果!看起来是 impala-shell 收到 CloseImpalaOperation 的结果后,又发出了个很短的包,然后在等结果。看一下 impala-shell 这边 thrift 层的代码在做什么。


前面已经用 pystack 打出了 impala-shell 的代码堆栈,最底下几层是 thrift 代码:

  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/build/thrift-11-gen/gen-py/ImpalaService/", line 155, in CloseImpalaOperation
    return self.recv_CloseImpalaOperation()
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/shell/build/thrift-11-gen/gen-py/ImpalaService/", line 167, in recv_CloseImpalaOperation
    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/protocol/", line 148, in readMessageBegin
    name = self.trans.readAll(sz)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 60, in readAll
    chunk = - have)
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 162, in read
    self.__rbuf = BufferIO(, self.__rbuf_size)))
  File "/home/quanlong/workspace/Impala/toolchain/toolchain-packages-gcc7.5.0/thrift-0.11.0-p2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/thrift/transport/", line 117, in read
    buff = self.handle.recv(sz)

好在都给出了文件名和行号,直接就能找到代码。从上到下依次看,recv_CloseImpalaOperation() 卡在第二行代码的 iprot.readMessageBegin():

def recv_CloseImpalaOperation(self):
    iprot = self._iprot
    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
    if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
        x = TApplicationException()
        raise x
    result = CloseImpalaOperation_result()
    if result.success is not None:
        return result.success
    raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "CloseImpalaOperation failed: unknown result")

readMessageBegin() 是在 thrift/protocol/ 里定义的,这是 thrift 自己的代码。前面的 recv_CloseImpalaOperation 所在的文件是 ImpalaService/,这是 thrift 编译出来的 python 代码。

133 def readMessageBegin(self):
134     sz = self.readI32()
135     if sz < 0:
136         version = sz & TBinaryProtocol.VERSION_MASK
137         if version != TBinaryProtocol.VERSION_1:
138             raise TProtocolException(
139                 type=TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION,
140                 message='Bad version in readMessageBegin: %d' % (sz))
141         type = sz & TBinaryProtocol.TYPE_MASK
142         name = self.readString()
143         seqid = self.readI32()
144     else:
145         if self.strictRead:
146             raise TProtocolException(type=TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION,
147                                      message='No protocol version header')
148         name = self.trans.readAll(sz)  # <-------- 卡在了这一行
149         type = self.readByte()
150         seqid = self.readI32()
151     return (name, type, seqid)

如上代码,堆栈显示是卡在了第148行的 readAll() 调用上。这个函数主体是个 if 语句,由第一行读入的 int32 值的正负来决定走哪个分支。可以直接改这段代码,把 sz 的值 print 出来。对比正常和异常和查询,发现正常查询的 sz 值都是负的,异常查询在读到一个正的 sz 值后进入了 else 分支,然后就卡住不动了。所以 impala-shell 里的 thrift 代码很可能解读了错误的 sz 值,从而在等一些不可能到来的数据。而这个误读的 sz 值,很可能是前面解码失败的 utf-8 字符的遗留字节。

带着这个猜想,我回头调查为什么会出现 utf-8 解码失败。研究了一些 thrift 的代码、python2 和 python3 在str和unicode上的不同表现、以及处理 utf-8 的规范 (即 “UTF-8 Sandwith”——系统外部是byte数组,系统内部是utf8字符串,在系统边界做编码/解码),最终发现 thrift 的 fast_decode 逻辑里有一个 bug:THRIFT-5303。大致解析一下:Thrift在解译(decode) 字节数组到thrift对象时有一个fast_decode的方案,调用C++的library来加速解码。在fast_decode的代码(C++代码)里调用了 Python 的decode函数来解码 utf-8 字符串,但却没有指定错误处理函数,因此在里面直接抛了 UnicodeDecodeError 出来。

修完这个后 impala-shell 的问题也就修复了。其实 thrift-0.11.0 已经做到了 “UTF-8 Sandwith” 的规范,因此在客户端解译 thrift 对象时是不应该抛 UnicodeDecodeError 的,因为这属于 Thrift 层的内部,字符串都已经是正常的 utf-8 形式了。问题出在 impalad 这边还用的是 thrift-0.9.3,因此impalad这边 thrift 内部的字符串还是字节数组的形式,并没有做任何 utf-8 相关的事情,所以坑了一把高版本的 thrift 客户端。当然这本身是客户端的 bug,修完就好了。


这次 Debug 之所以曲折,是因为一开始走错了方向,一味地在找 impalad 端卡在哪,因为无法确认其是否正常返回了 RPC,一开始也很难怀疑 Thrift 层有问题。陷入僵局后,还是用 tcpdump 打开了局面,证实了 impalad 其实已经返回了 RPC,只是 impala-shell 这边在等过多的输入。然后才走上正轨,去研究 Thrift 层为什么会抛 utf-8 解码失败的错,从而修复了问题。这次最大的感悟就是,系统都是分层的,这一层看不清的问题,不防往下走一层,或许就看清了。


  • pystack: 用来打印 python 进程的堆栈
  • minidump: 用来打印 C++ 进程的堆栈,Impala BE端 debug 经常用到
  • tcpdump: 用来监听TCP层的传输
  • UTF-8 Sandwith:Python程序在 UTF-8 方面做到Python2和Python3兼容的方案,具体可以参考这个 PPT:
