空洞卷积(Dilatee/Atrous Convolution)是一种特殊的卷积算子,针对卷积神经网络在下采样时图像分辨率降低、部分信息丢失而提出的卷积思路,通过在卷积核中添加空洞以获得更大的感受野。
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
class ASPPPooling(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,num_channels,num_filters):
self.adaptive_pool = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2D(output_size=3)
self.features = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2D(num_channels, num_filters,1),
nn.BatchNorm(num_filters, act="relu")
def forward(self, inputs):
n1, c1, h1, w1 = inputs.shape
x = self.adaptive_pool(inputs)
x = self.features(x)
x = nn.functional.interpolate(x, (h1, w1), align_corners=False)
return x
class ASPPConv(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,num_channels,num_filters,dilations):
self.asppconv = nn.Sequential(
nn.BatchNorm(num_filters, act="relu")
def forward(self,inputs):
x = self.asppconv(inputs)
return x
class ASPPModule(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, num_channels, num_filters, rates):
super(ASPPModule, self).__init__()
self.features = nn.LayerList()
nn.Conv2D(num_channels, num_filters,1),
nn.BatchNorm(num_filters, act="relu")
for r in rates:
self.features.append(ASPPConv(num_channels, num_filters, r))
self.features.append(ASPPPooling(num_channels, num_filters))
self.project = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2D(num_filters*(2+len(rates)), num_filters, 1),#TODO
nn.BatchNorm(num_filters, act="relu")
def forward(self, inputs):
out = []
for op in self.features:
x = paddle.concat(x=out,axis=1)
x = self.project(x)
return x
class DeeplabHead(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, num_channels, num_classes):
super(DeeplabHead, self).__init__()
self.head = nn.Sequential(
ASPPModule(num_channels, 256, [12, 24, 36]),
nn.Conv2D(256, 256, 3, padding=1),
nn.BatchNorm(256, act="relu"),
nn.Conv2D(256, num_classes, 1)
def forward(self, inputs):
x = self.head(inputs)
return x
from paddle.vision.models import resnet50
from paddle.vision.models.resnet import BottleneckBlock
class Deeplabv3(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, num_classes=59, backbone='resnet50'):
super(Deeplabv3, self).__init__()
# resnet50 3->2048
# resnet50 四层layers = [3 4 6 3]
# 调用resnet.py模块,空洞卷积[2 4 8 16]
res = resnet50()
res.inplanes = 64 #初始化输入层
self.layer0 = nn.Sequential(res.conv1, res.bn1, res.relu, res.maxpool)
self.layer1 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock, 64,3)
self.layer2 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,128,4)
self.layer3 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,256,6)
self.layer4 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,512,3,stride=2,dilate= 2) #dilation=2
self.layer5 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,512,3,stride=2,dilate= 4) #dilation=4
self.layer6 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,512,3,stride=2,dilate= 8) #dilation=8
self.layer7 = res._make_layer(BottleneckBlock,512,3,stride=2,dilate=16) #dilation=16
feature_dim = 2048 #输出层通道2048
self.deeplabhead = DeeplabHead(feature_dim, num_classes)
def forward(self, inputs):
x = self.layer0(inputs)
x = self.layer1(x)
x = self.layer2(x)
x = self.layer3(x)
x = self.layer4(x)
x = self.layer5(x)
x = self.layer6(x)
x = self.layer7(x)
x = self.deeplabhead(x)#ASPP模块进行分类
# 恢复原图尺寸
x = paddle.nn.functional.interpolate(x=x, size=inputs.shape[2::], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
return x
paddle.summary(Deeplabv3(), (1, 3, 600, 600))
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Deeplabv2:DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation withDeep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution,and Fully Connected CRFs
Deeplabv3:Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
Deeplabv3+:Encoder-Decoder with Atrous SeparableConvolution for Semantic Image Segmentation