
关注Vue3源码库的童鞋应该有注意到,2021.11月2号Vue更新到了3.2.21版本,自Vue3发布以来,一直在不断的迭代完善着,Vue3的GitHub仓库已有25.7k Star,  主流UI框架如:Ant Design of Vue、element plus、Vant  等已实现了对Vue3的支持

性能上快了 1.3 ~ 2倍是Vue3的一大亮点,而本文就主要记录下 提升性能的一个措施:静态标记



vue3的源码仓库地址:GitHub - vuejs/vue-next: Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.


 * Patch flags are optimization hints generated by the compiler.
 * when a block with dynamicChildren is encountered during diff, the algorithm
 * enters "optimized mode". In this mode, we know that the vdom is produced by
 * a render function generated by the compiler, so the algorithm only needs to
 * handle updates explicitly marked by these patch flags.
 * Patch flags can be combined using the | bitwise operator and can be checked
 * using the & operator, e.g.
 * ```js
 * const flag = TEXT | CLASS
 * if (flag & TEXT) { ... }
 * ```
 * Check the `patchElement` function in '../../runtime-core/src/renderer.ts' to see how the
 * flags are handled during diff.
export const enum PatchFlags {
   * Indicates an element with dynamic textContent (children fast path)
  TEXT = 1,

   * Indicates an element with dynamic class binding.
  CLASS = 1 << 1,

   * Indicates an element with dynamic style
   * The compiler pre-compiles static string styles into static objects
   * + detects and hoists inline static objects
   * e.g. style="color: red" and :style="{ color: 'red' }" both get hoisted as
   *   const style = { color: 'red' }
   *   render() { return e('div', { style }) }
  STYLE = 1 << 2,

   * Indicates an element that has non-class/style dynamic props.
   * Can also be on a component that has any dynamic props (includes
   * class/style). when this flag is present, the vnode also has a dynamicProps
   * array that contains the keys of the props that may change so the runtime
   * can diff them faster (without having to worry about removed props)
  PROPS = 1 << 3,

   * Indicates an element with props with dynamic keys. When keys change, a full
   * diff is always needed to remove the old key. This flag is mutually
   * exclusive with CLASS, STYLE and PROPS.
  FULL_PROPS = 1 << 4,

   * Indicates an element with event listeners (which need to be attached
   * during hydration)
  HYDRATE_EVENTS = 1 << 5,

   * Indicates a fragment whose children order doesn't change.

   * Indicates a fragment with keyed or partially keyed children
  KEYED_FRAGMENT = 1 << 7,

   * Indicates a fragment with unkeyed children.

   * Indicates an element that only needs non-props patching, e.g. ref or
   * directives (onVnodeXXX hooks). since every patched vnode checks for refs
   * and onVnodeXXX hooks, it simply marks the vnode so that a parent block
   * will track it.
  NEED_PATCH = 1 << 9,

   * Indicates a component with dynamic slots (e.g. slot that references a v-for
   * iterated value, or dynamic slot names).
   * Components with this flag are always force updated.
  DYNAMIC_SLOTS = 1 << 10,

   * Indicates a fragment that was created only because the user has placed
   * comments at the root level of a template. This is a dev-only flag since
   * comments are stripped in production.
  DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT = 1 << 11,

   * SPECIAL FLAGS -------------------------------------------------------------
   * Special flags are negative integers. They are never matched against using
   * bitwise operators (bitwise matching should only happen in branches where
   * patchFlag > 0), and are mutually exclusive. When checking for a special
   * flag, simply check patchFlag === FLAG.

   * Indicates a hoisted static vnode. This is a hint for hydration to skip
   * the entire sub tree since static content never needs to be updated.
  HOISTED = -1,
   * A special flag that indicates that the diffing algorithm should bail out
   * of optimized mode. For example, on block fragments created by renderSlot()
   * when encountering non-compiler generated slots (i.e. manually written
   * render functions, which should always be fully diffed)
   * OR manually cloneVNodes
  BAIL = -2

 * dev only flag -> name mapping
export const PatchFlagNames = {
  [PatchFlags.TEXT]: `TEXT`,
  [PatchFlags.CLASS]: `CLASS`,
  [PatchFlags.STYLE]: `STYLE`,
  [PatchFlags.PROPS]: `PROPS`,
  [PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS]: `FULL_PROPS`,
  [PatchFlags.NEED_PATCH]: `NEED_PATCH`,
  [PatchFlags.HOISTED]: `HOISTED`,
  [PatchFlags.BAIL]: `BAIL`


export const enum PatchFlags {
  TEXT = 1,// 1 动态的文本节点
  CLASS = 1 << 1,  // 2 动态的 class
  STYLE = 1 << 2,  // 4 动态的 style
  PROPS = 1 << 3,  // 8 动态属性,不包括类名和样式
  FULL_PROPS = 1 << 4,  // 16 动态 key,当 key 变化时需要完整的 diff 算法做比较
  HYDRATE_EVENTS = 1 << 5,  // 32 表示带有事件监听器的节点
  STABLE_FRAGMENT = 1 << 6,   // 64 一个不会改变子节点顺序的 Fragment
  KEYED_FRAGMENT = 1 << 7, // 128 带有 key 属性的 Fragment
  UNKEYED_FRAGMENT = 1 << 8, // 256 子节点没有 key 的 Fragment
  NEED_PATCH = 1 << 9,   // 512  表示只需要non-props修补的元素 (non-props不知道怎么翻才恰当~)
  DYNAMIC_SLOTS = 1 << 10,  // 1024 动态的solt
  DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT = 1 << 11, //2048 表示仅因为用户在模板的根级别放置注释而创建的片段。 这是一个仅用于开发的标志,因为注释在生产中被剥离。

  HOISTED = -1,  // 表示已提升的静态vnode,更新时调过整个子树
  BAIL = -2 // 指示差异算法应该退出优化模式

备注: 1<

我们在Vue Template Explorer 上做测试,我们可以直观的看到对应的静态标记


以上是vue3 静态标记的内容

vue3是一个大版本的改动,在性能优化肯定不止这一项,比如还有:静态提升(hoistStatic)、事件监听缓存(cacheHandler)、SSR服务端渲染速度提升2~3倍、静态节点(staticNode)等等,可以在 Vue Template Explorer  的右上角的Options查看这些优化的差别


注意: 记录一个很多人的误解,觉得Vue3的setup 方法的出现, vue2的beforeCreate 和 created生命周期就去掉了没有了,根据vue团队在Vue Mastery上的讲解, 实际上setup函数是在生命周期之前执行的,但确实beforeCreate和created中的代码基本都可以直接写在setup中,只能说setup基本能做那两个生命周期的事情,但这两个生命周期在vue3也是可以继续用的.


