遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传机理的生物学进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。
初代种群产生之后,按照适者生存和优胜劣汰的原理,逐代(generation)演化产生出越来越好的近似解,在每一代,根据问题域中个体的适应度(fitness)大小选择(selection)个体,并借助于自然遗传学的遗传算子(genetic operators)进行组合交叉(crossover)和变异(mutation),产生出代表新的解集的种群。
1. 初始种群:随机生成8个solution,即生成8组w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6。
# Inputs of the equation.
equation_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7]
# Number of the weights we are looking to optimize.
num_weights =len(equation_inputs) # num_weight=6
sol_per_pop =8
num_parents_mating =4
# Defining the population size:shape(8,6).
pop_size = (sol_per_pop, num_weights)
# Creating the initial population.
new_population = numpy.random.uniform(low=-4.0, high=4.0, size=pop_size)
print(new_population) # 输出随机生成的(8,6) population矩阵
# 计算fitness
def cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, pop):
# Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
# The fitness function calculates the sum of products between each input and its corresponding weight.
fitness = numpy.sum(pop * equation_inputs, axis=1) # 每一行6位对应相乘相加得出和,一共计算出8个和值
return fitness
a = cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population)
print(a) # 输出计算出的8个solution的fitness值
# 选择parents:
def select_mating_pool(pop, fitness, num_parents):
# Selecting the best individuals in the current generation as parents for producing the offspring of the next generation.
parents = numpy.empty((num_parents, pop.shape[1]))# parents用来存放被选择的parent,shape:(4,6)
for parent_numin range(num_parents):
max_fitness_idx = numpy.where(fitness == numpy.max(fitness))
# print(max_fitness_idx) 存的是array([3],),所以需要下一步取出具体的值3
max_fitness_idx = max_fitness_idx[0][0]
# print(max_fitness_idx)
parents[parent_num, :] = pop[max_fitness_idx, :]# 将fitness值大的solution放入parent
fitness[max_fitness_idx] = -99999999999 # 将已选的solution的fitness值赋为很小,以免再被选到
return parents
b = select_mating_pool(new_population, a, num_parents_mating)
# 单点交叉crossover
def crossover(parents, offspring_size):
offspring = numpy.empty(offspring_size)
# The point at which crossover takes place between two parents. Usually, it is at the center.
crossover_point = numpy.uint8(offspring_size[1] /2)# 6/2=3
print('\n crossover point: ',crossover_point)
for kin range(offspring_size[0]):
# Index of the first parent to mate.
parent1_idx = k % parents.shape[0]
# Index of the second parent to mate.
parent2_idx = (k +1) % parents.shape[0]
# The new offspring will have its first half of its genes taken from the first parent.
offspring[k,0:crossover_point] = parents[parent1_idx,0:crossover_point]
# The new offspring will have its second half of its genes taken from the second parent.
offspring[k, crossover_point:] = parents[parent2_idx, crossover_point:]
return offspring
offspring_size = (pop_size[0]-b.shape[0],num_weights)# 8-4=4
c = crossover(b, offspring_size)
# 随机变异mutation
def mutation(offspring_crossover):
# Mutation changes a single gene in each offspring randomly.
for idxin range(offspring_crossover.shape[0]):
# The random value to be added to the gene.
random_value = numpy.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,1)
# print(random_value) 随机生成突变数
offspring_crossover[idx,4] = offspring_crossover[idx,4] + random_value
return offspring_crossover
d = mutation(c)
# 新种群:4 parents+4 offsprings
new_population[0:b.shape[0], :] = b
new_population[b.shape[0]:, :] = d
print("\n new population:\n",new_population)
# 计算新种群fitness
e = cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population)
print("\n new population fitness:\n",e)
import numpy
The y=target is to maximize this equation:
y = w1x1+w2x2+w3x3+w4x4+w5x5+6wx6
where (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6)=(4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7)
What are the best values for the 6 weights w1 to w6?
新种群:4个parent + 4个offspring
# Inputs of the equation.
equation_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7]
# Number of the weights we are looking to optimize.
num_weights =len(equation_inputs)# 6
sol_per_pop =8
num_parents_mating =4
# Defining the population size:shape(8,6).
pop_size = (sol_per_pop,num_weights)
# The population will have sol_per_pop chromosome where each chromosome has num_weights genes.
# Creating the initial population.
new_population = numpy.random.uniform(low=-4.0,high=4.0,size=pop_size)
print(new_population)# 输出随机生成的(8,6)population矩阵
# 计算fitness
def cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, pop):
# Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
# The fitness function calculates the sum of products between each input and its corresponding weight.
fitness = numpy.sum(pop * equation_inputs,axis=1)# 每一行6位对应相乘相加得出和,一共计算出8个和值
return fitness
a = cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs,new_population)
# 输出计算出的8个solution的fitness值: (8,6)*(6,1)=(8,1)
# 选择parents
def select_mating_pool(pop, fitness, num_parents):
# Selecting the best individuals in the current generation as parents for producing the offspring of the next generation.
parents = numpy.empty((num_parents, pop.shape[1]))# parents用来存放被选择的parent,shape:(4,6)
for parent_numin range(num_parents):
max_fitness_idx = numpy.where(fitness == numpy.max(fitness))
# print(max_fitness_idx) 存的是array([3],),所以需要下一步取出具体的值3
max_fitness_idx = max_fitness_idx[0][0]
# print(max_fitness_idx)
parents[parent_num, :] = pop[max_fitness_idx, :]# 将fitness值大的solution放入parent
fitness[max_fitness_idx] = -99999999999 # 将已选的solution的fitness值赋为很小,以免再被选到
return parents
b = select_mating_pool(new_population,a,num_parents_mating)
# 单点交叉crossover
def crossover(parents, offspring_size):
offspring = numpy.empty(offspring_size)
# The point at which crossover takes place between two parents. Usually, it is at the center.
crossover_point = numpy.uint8(offspring_size[1] /2)# 6/2=3
print('\ncrossover point: ',crossover_point)
for kin range(offspring_size[0]):
# Index of the first parent to mate.
parent1_idx = k % parents.shape[0]
# Index of the second parent to mate.
parent2_idx = (k +1) % parents.shape[0]
# The new offspring will have its first half of its genes taken from the first parent.
offspring[k,0:crossover_point] = parents[parent1_idx,0:crossover_point]
# The new offspring will have its second half of its genes taken from the second parent.
offspring[k, crossover_point:] = parents[parent2_idx, crossover_point:]
return offspring
offspring_size = (pop_size[0]-b.shape[0],num_weights)# 8-4=4
c = crossover(b,offspring_size)
# 随机变异mutation
def mutation(offspring_crossover):
# Mutation changes a single gene in each offspring randomly.
for idxin range(offspring_crossover.shape[0]):
# The random value to be added to the gene.
random_value = numpy.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,1)
# print(random_value) 随机生成突变数
offspring_crossover[idx,4] = offspring_crossover[idx,4] + random_value
return offspring_crossover
d = mutation(c)
# 新种群:4 parents+4 offsprings
new_population[0:b.shape[0], :] = b
new_population[b.shape[0]:, :] = d
print("\nnew population:\n",new_population)
# 计算新种群fitness
e = cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs,new_population)
print("\nnew population fitness:\n",e)
initial population:
[[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 2.1008358 0.52596433 1.98108016]
[ 0.02967332 3.04681893 1.97656438 2.7959895 3.15241166 3.91648211]
[-1.31178987 -1.27418233 -1.00478326 -1.29114282 1.8485721 3.13817543]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 1.7364455 1.46130962 -3.52271109]
[ 1.51475644 -2.1725475 1.47089756 -3.69968089 2.24351239 2.65613884]
[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 3.68666271 -1.41268268 -3.59376827]
[ 0.58807659 -0.57318307 -2.12536315 -1.06865911 3.62827415 -0.47741893]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 -0.95386063 -1.96272369 -0.51242958]]
initial fitness:
[ 4.86849204 -38.16101585 -47.75496796 31.51246754 -40.10863106
37.81560145 -46.95054081 15.95026854]
[[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 3.68666271 -1.41268268 -3.59376827]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 1.7364455 1.46130962 -3.52271109]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 -0.95386063 -1.96272369 -0.51242958]
[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 2.1008358 0.52596433 1.98108016]]
crossover point: 3
crossover offspring:
[[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 1.7364455 1.46130962 -3.52271109]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 -0.95386063 -1.96272369 -0.51242958]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 2.1008358 0.52596433 1.98108016]
[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 3.68666271 -1.41268268 -3.59376827]]
mutation offspring:
[[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 1.7364455 2.1462265 -3.52271109]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 -0.95386063 -2.7350463 -0.51242958]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 2.1008358 0.21911624 1.98108016]
[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 3.68666271 -2.21451672 -3.59376827]]
new population:
[[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 3.68666271 -1.41268268 -3.59376827]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 1.7364455 1.46130962 -3.52271109]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 -0.95386063 -1.96272369 -0.51242958]
[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 2.1008358 0.52596433 1.98108016]
[-2.54748948 1.26403815 -0.09425664 1.7364455 2.1462265 -3.52271109]
[ 2.65273704 1.00240443 3.92621841 -0.95386063 -2.7350463 -0.51242958]
[ 0.72622601 1.08531417 -1.14659535 2.1008358 0.21911624 1.98108016]
[ 1.49671815 0.93113301 1.52468311 3.68666271 -2.21451672 -3.59376827]]
new population fitness:
[ 37.81560145 31.51246754 15.95026854 4.86849204 -11.41745433
50.07252895 -4.4959844 69.14470585]
对比new population fitness 和 initial fitness,结果有了很大改善。初始解中最大值是37.81560145,经过遗传算法一次选择交叉变异后,最大值变为了69.14470585,效果显著。迭代次数增加,越接近最优解。