【翻译文章】The Best Product Management Model?

【翻译】本文由陈菜菜学习并翻译自Marty Cagan的文章《The Best Product Management Model?》,供产品爱好者交流使用。翻译如有所不妥,欢迎指教探讨。


由Marty Cagan 2008年1月4日发布

















The Best Product Management Model?

Posted by Marty Cagan on January 4, 2008

Tags:company culture,management,product management model

One question I get quite frequently is “Google is making boatloads ofmoney, so how can we do product management like Google?” Or another commonvariant is “Apple creates fantastic products. How can we do product managementlike Apple?”

You can understand why some might look at Google or Apple and think theyshould just clone what they do. But odds are they’d be making a big mistake.

Don’t get me wrong. While Apple and Google have very different models ofproduct management, on the whole I’d argue they’re right for their companies(at least as long as their founders continue to stay so deeply involved inproduct).

But I have yet to recommend Google’s model of product management to othercompanies. And in the case of Apple, to implement their model you’d have toclone Steve Jobs.

The product management model for Google is very different, and I argue itneeds to be, and the same is true for Apple.

While there are a set of skills that are important for all tech productmanagers – skills like assessing opportunities, defining product principles,product discovery, and prototype testing – there’s more to succeeding in anorganization than just the skills involved.

It’s much like a sports team. Yes the skills are critically important. Ifyou can’t catch a ball, you won't go far as a receiver. However, winningrequires more than skills. It requires having a game plan or strategy forwinning, working well as a member of a team, adapting to your opponent, theplaying field, and the conditions.

Similarly, building a successful product management organization requiresnot only developing the skills of your product managers, but making sure theyknow how to work effectively with the rest of the product team, as a key partof your company’s overall product development organization and productdevelopment process, and knowing how to create the type of products yourcompany requires, and knowing how to compete successfully in the markets youplay in.

When I talk with a company about the “best” product management model forthem, I’m looking at several factors, including:

- The Type of Product. It matters whether you’re producing a consumerinternet service, a consumer electronics device, enterprise software, or asmall business services. There are unique challenges of each and the modelshould suit the needs.

- The Product Development Process. For example, if the product developmentteam is using Scrum there are very specific demands on the product managers anddesigners. Understanding the product development process is essential. Everyprocess has limitations and the “best” product management model willproactively attack these limitations.

- The Role of Product Management. In many companies the roles andresponsibilities are sliced up differently and the “best” product managementmodel is one where the staff has the ability and the desire to serve the rolethat’s needed. This also applies to the other key related roles such asinteraction designers and engineers, founders and executives.

- The Size of the Organization. A 12-person venture-funded startup with avery involved product-oriented founder, has very different needs than a4000-employee public company with a large base of existing customers.

- The Company Culture. Sometimes this is in fact the dominant factor. For example,if you have a company where one or two people effectively make all the productdecisions that matter (and want to continue doing so), then you want a productmanagement model that facilitates this, rather than fights it.

Apple, Google, Microsoft, eBay, and Yahoo all have different productmanagement models, and I argue they should. Could each be improved? Certainly.Could you learn things from each of them? Absolutely. But you won’t improve bytrying to force-fit a model from one company into another.

Unless a company has made the decision that they want to try to changetheir culture, I instead typically focus on getting the company to embrace thestrengths of their culture or process, and make sure the product managementmodel they select is proactive in addressing the weaknesses.

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