Charsets and encodings


Code point

code point is an unsigned integer. The smallest code point is zero. Code points are usually written as hexadecimal, e.g. “0x20AC” (8,364 in decimal).

Character set (charset)

character set, abbreviated charset, is a mapping between code points and characters. The mapping has a fixed size. For example, most 7 bits encodings have 128 entries, and most 8 bits encodings have 256 entries. The biggest charset is the Unicode Character Set 6.0 with 1,114,112 entries.

In some charsets, code points are not all contiguous. For example, the cp1252 charset maps code points from 0 though 255, but it has only 251 entries: 0x81, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x90 and 0x9D code points are not assigned.

Examples of the ASCII charset: the digit five (“5”, U+0035) is assigned to the code point 0x35 (53 in decimal), and the uppercase letter “A” (U+0041) to the code point 0x41 (65).

The biggest code point depends on the size of the charset. For example, the biggest code point of the ASCII charset is 127 ()

Charset examples:

Charset Code point Character
ASCII 0x35 5 (U+0035)
ASCII 0x41 A (U+0041)
ISO-8859-15 0xA4 € (U+20AC)
Unicode Character Set 0x20AC € (U+20AC)

Character string

character string, or “Unicode string”, is a string where each unit is a character. Depending on the implementation, each character can be any Unicode character, or only characters in the range U+0000—U+FFFF, range called the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). There are 3 different implementations of character strings:

  • array of 32 bits unsigned integers (the UCS-4 encoding): full Unicode range
  • array of 16 bits unsigned integers (UCS-2): BMP only
  • array of 16 bits unsigned integers with surrogate pairs (UTF-16): full Unicode range

UCS-4 use twice as much memory than UCS-2, but it supports all Unicode character. UTF-16 is a compromise between UCS-2 and UCS-4: characters in the BMP range use one UTF-16 unit (16 bits), characters outside this range use two UTF-16 units (a surrogate pair, 32 bits). This advantage is also the main disadvantage of this kind of character string.

The length of a character string implemented using UTF-16 is the number of UTF-16 units, and not the number of characters, which is confusing. For example, the U+10FFFF character is encoded as two UTF-16 units: {U+DBFF, U+DFFF}. If the character string only contains characters of the BMP range, the length is the number of characters. Getting the nth character or the length in characters using UTF-16 has a complexity of , whereas it has a complexity of  for UCS-2 and UCS-4 strings.

The Java language, the Qt library and Windows 2000 implement character strings with UTF-16. TheC and Python languages use UTF-16 or UCS-4 depending on: the size of the wchar_t type (16 or 32 bits) for C, and the compilation mode (narrow or wide) for Python. Windows 95 uses UCS-2 strings.

Byte string

byte string is a character string encoded to an encoding. It is implemented as an array of 8 bits unsigned integers. It can be called by its encoding. For example, a byte string encoded to ASCII is called an “ASCII encoded string”, or simply an “ASCII string”.

The character range supported by a byte string depends on its encoding, because an encoding is associated to a charset. For example, an ASCII string can only store characters in the range U+0000—U+007F.

The encoding is not stored explicitly in a byte string. If the encoding is not documented or attached to the byte string, the encoding has to be guessed, which is a difficult task. If a byte string is decodedfrom the wrong encoding, it will not be displayed correctly, leading to a well known issue: mojibake.

The same problem occurs if two byte strings encoded to different encodings are concatenated.Never concatenate byte strings encoded to different encodings! Use character strings, instead of byte strings, to avoid mojibake issues.

PHP5 only supports byte strings. In the C language, “strings” are usually byte strings which are implemented as the char* type (or const char*).

UTF-8 encoded strings and UTF-16 character strings

A UTF-8 string is a particular case, because UTF-8 is able to encode all Unicode characters [1] . But a UTF-8 string is not a Unicode string because the string unit is byte and not character: you can get an individual byte of a multibyte character.

Another difference between UTF-8 strings and Unicode strings is the complexity of getting the nth character:  for the byte string and  for the Unicode string. There is one exception: if the Unicode string is implemented using UTF-16: it has also a complexity of .

[1] A UTF-8 encoder should not encode surrogate characters (U+D800—U+DFFF).


An encoding describes how to encode code points to bytes and how to decode bytes to code points.

An encoding is always associated to a charset. For example, the UTF-8 encoding is associated to the Unicode charset. So we can say that an encoding encodes characters to bytes and decode bytes to characters, or more generally, it encodes a character string to a byte string and decodes a byte string to a character string.

The 7 and 8 bits charsets have most simple encoding: store a code point as a single byte. These charsets are also called encodings, it is easy to confuse them. The best example is the ISO-8859-1 encoding: all of the 256 possible bytes are considered as 8 bit code points (0 through 255) and are associated to characters. For example, the character A (U+0041) has the code point 65 (0x41 in hexadecimal) and is stored as the byte 0x41.

Charsets with more than 256 entries cannot encode all code points into a single byte. The encoding encode all code points into byte sequences of the same length or of variable length. For example,UTF-8 is a variable length encoding: code points lower than 128 use a single byte, whereas higher code points take 2, 3 or 4 bytes. The UCS-2 encoding encodes all code points into sequences of two bytes (16 bits).

Encode a character string

Encode a character string to a byte string, to an encoding. For example, encode “Hé” to UTF-8 gives0x48 0xC3 0xA9.

By default, most libraries are strict: raise an error at the first unencodable character. Some libraries allow to choose how to handle them.

Most encodings are stateless, but some encoding requires a stateful encoder. For example, the UTF-16 encoding starts by generating a BOM, 0xFF 0xFE or 0xFE 0xFF depending on the endian.

Decode a byte string

Decode a byte string from an encoding to a character string. For example, decode 0x48 0xC3 0xA9from UTF-8 gives “Hé”.

By default, most libraries raise an error if a byte sequence cannot be decoded. Some libraries allow to choose how to handle them.

Most encodings are stateless, but some encoding requires a stateful decoder. For example, the UTF-16 encoding decodes the two first bytes as a BOM to read the endian (use UTF-16-LE or UTF-16-BE).


When a byte strings is decoded from the wrong encoding, or when two byte strings encoded to different encodings are concatenated, a program will display mojibake.

The classical example is a latin string (with diacritics) encoded to UTF-8 but decoded from ISO-8859-1. It displays é {U+00C3, U+00A9} for the é (U+00E9) letter, because é is encoded to 0xC3 0xA9 in UTF-8.

Other examples:

Text Encoded to Decoded from Result
Noël UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 Noël
Русский KOI-8 ISO-8859-1 òÕÓÓËÉÊ


Unicode is a character set. It is a superset of all the other character sets. In the version 6.0, Unicode has 1,114,112 code points (the last code point is U+10FFFF). Unicode 1.0 was limited to 65,536 code points (the last code point was U+FFFF), the range U+0000—U+FFFF called BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane). I call the range U+10000—U+10FFFF as non-BMP characters.

Unicode Character Set

The Unicode Character Set (UCS) contains 1,114,112 code points: U+0000—U+10FFFF. Characters and code point ranges are grouped by categories. Only encodings of the UTF family are able to encode the UCS.


Unicode 6.0 has 7 character categories, and each category has subcategories:

  • Letter (L): lowercase (Ll), modifier (Lm), titlecase (Lt), uppercase (Lu), other (Lo)
  • Mark (M): spacing combining (Mc), enclosing (Me), non-spacing (Mn)
  • Number (N): decimal digit (Nd), letter (Nl), other (No)
  • Punctuation (P): connector (Pc), dash (Pd), initial quote (Pi), final quote (Pf), open (Ps), close (Pe), other (Po)
  • Symbol (S): currency (Sc), modifier (Sk), math (Sm), other (So)
  • Separator (Z): line (Zl), paragraph (Zp), space (Zs)
  • Other (C): control (Cc), format (Cf), not assigned (Cn), private use (Co), surrogate (Cs)

There are 3 ranges reserved for private use (Co subcategory): U+E000—U+F8FF (6,400 code points), U+F0000—U+FFFFD (65,534) and U+100000—U+10FFFD (65,534). Surrogates (Cs subcategory) use the range U+D800—U+DFFF (2,048 code points).


On a total of 1,114,112 possible code points, only 248,966 code points are assigned: 77.6% are not assigned. Statistics excluding not assigned (Cn), private use (Co) and surrogate (Cs) subcategories:

  • Letter: 100,520 (91.8%)
  • Symbol: 5,508 (5.0%)
  • Mark: 1,498 (1.4%)
  • Number: 1,100 (1.0%)
  • Punctuation: 598 (0.5%)
  • Other: 205 (0.2%)
  • Separator: 20 (0.0%)

On a total of 106,028 letters and symbols, 101,482 are in “other” subcategories (Lo and So): only 4.3% have well defined subcategories:

  • Letter, lowercase (Ll): 1,759
  • Letter, uppercase (Lu): 1,436
  • Symbol, math (Sm): 948
  • Letter, modifier (Lm): 210
  • Symbol, modifier (Sk): 115
  • Letter, titlecase (Lt): 31
  • Symbol, currency (Sc): 47

Charsets and encodings


There are many encodings around the world. Before Unicode, each manufacturer invented its own encoding to fit its client market and its usage. Most encodings are incompatible on at least one code, except some exceptions. A document stored in ASCII can be read using ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8, because ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 are supersets of ASCII. Each encoding can have multiple aliases, examples:

  • ASCII: US-ASCII, ISO 646, ANSI_X3.4-1968, …
  • ISO-8859-1: Latin-1, iso88591, …
  • UTF-8: utf8, UTF_8, …

Unicode is a charset and it requires a encoding. Only encodings of the UTF family are able to encode and decode all Unicode code points. Other encodings only support a subset of Unicode codespace. For example, ISO-8859-1 are the first 256 Unicode code points (U+0000—U+00FF).

This book presents the following encodings: ASCII, cp1252, GBK, ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15, JIS,UCS-2, UCS-4, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.


The three most common encodings are, in chronological order of their creation: ASCII (1968), ISO 8859-1 (1987) and UTF-8 (1996).

Google posted an interesting graph of the usage of different encodings on the web: Unicode nearing 50% of the web (Mark Davis, january 2010). Because Google crawls a huge part of the web, these numbers should be reliable. In 2001, the most used encodings were:

  • 1st (56%): ASCII
  • 2nd (23%): Western Europe encodings (ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 and cp1252)
  • 3rd (8%): Chinese encodings (GB2312, ...)
  • and then come Korean (EUC-KR), Cyrillic (cp1251, KOI8-R, ...), East Europe (cp1250, ISO-8859-2), Arabic (cp1256, ISO-8859-6), etc.
  • (UTF-8 was not used on the web in 2001)

In december 2007, for the first time: UTF-8 becomes the most used encoding (near 25%). In january 2010, UTF-8 was close to 50%, and ASCII and Western Europe encodings were near 20%. The usage of the other encodings don’t change.

Encodings performances

Complexity of getting the n th character in a string, and of getting the length in character of a string:

  •  for 7 and 8 bit encodings (ASCII, ISO 8859 family, ...), UCS-2 and UCS-4
  •  for variable length encodings (e.g. the UTF family)


Encoding A (U+0041) é (U+00E9) € (U+20AC) U+10FFFF
ASCII 0x41
ISO-8859-1 0x41 0xE9
UTF-8 0x41 0xC3 0xA9 0xE2 0x82 0xAC 0xF4 0x8F 0xBF 0xBF
UTF-16-LE 0x41 0x00 0xE9 0x00 0xAC 0x20 0xFF 0xDB 0xFF 0xDF
UTF-32-BE 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x41 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xE9 0x00 0x00 0x20 0xAC 0x00 0x10 0xFF 0xFF

— indicates that the character cannot be encoded.

Handle undecodable bytes and unencodable characters

Undecodable byte sequences

When a byte string is decoded from an encoding, the decoder may fail to decode a specific byte sequence. For example, 0x61 0x62 0x63 0xE9 is not decodable from ASCII nor UTF-8, but it is decodable from ISO 8859-1.

Some encodings are able to decode any byte sequences. All encodings of the ISO-8859 family have this property, because all of the 256 code points of these 8 bits encodings are assigned.

Unencodable characters

When a character string is encoded to a character set smaller than the Unicode character set (UCS), a character may not be encodable. For example, € (U+20AC) is not encodable to ISO 8859-1, but it is encodable to ISO 8859-15 and UTF-8.

Error handlers

There are different choices to handle undecodable byte sequences and unencodable characters:

  • strict: raise an error
  • ignore
  • replace by ? (U+003F) or � (U+FFFD)
  • replace by a similar glyph
  • escape: format its code point
  • etc.

Example of the “abcdé” string encoded to ASCII, é (U+00E9) is not encodable to ASCII:

Error handler Output
strict raise an error
ignore "abcd"
replace by ? "abcd?"
replace by a similar glyph "abcde"
escape as hexadecimal "abcd\xe9"
escape as XML entities "abcdé"

Replace unencodable characters by a similar glyph

By default, WideCharToMultiByte() replaces unencodable characters by similarly looking characters. The normalization to NFKC and NFKD does also such operation. Examples:

Character Replaced by
U+0141, latin capital letter l with stroke Ł L U+004C, latin capital letter l
U+00B5, micro sign µ μ U+03BC, greek small letter mu
U+221E, infinity 8 U+0038, digit eight
U+0133, latin small ligature ij ij ij {U+0069, U+006A}
U+20AC, euro sign EUR {U+0045, U+0055, U+0052}

∞ (U+221E) replaced by 8 (U+0038) is the worst example of the method: these two characters have completely different meanings.

Escape the character

Python “backslashreplace” error handler uses \xHH\uHHHH or \UHHHHHHHH where HHH...H is the code point formatted in hexadecimal. PHP “long” error handler uses U+HHU+HHHH or encoding+HHHH(e.g. JIS+7E7E).

PHP “entity” and Python “xmlcharrefreplace” error handlers escape the code point as an HTML/XML entity. For example, when U+00E9 is encoded to ASCII: it is replaced by é in PHP and éin Python.

Historical charsets and encodings


ASCII encoding is supported by all applications. A document encoded in ASCII can be read decoded by any other encoding. This is explained by the fact that all 7 and 8 bits encodings are superset of ASCII, to be compatible with ASCII. Except JIS X 0201 encoding: 0x5C is decoded to the yen sign (U+00A5, ¥) instead of a backslash (U+005C, \).

ASCII is the smallest encoding, it only contains 128 codes including 95 printable characters (letters, digits, punctuation signs and some other various characters) and 33 control codes. Control codes are used to control the terminal. For example, the “line feed” (code point 10, usually written "\n") marks the end of a line. There are some special control code. For example, the “bell” (code point 7, written"\b") sent to ring a bell.

  -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -a -b -c -d -e -f
1- ESC
2-   ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . /
3- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4- @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5- P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6- ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7- p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL

0x00—0x1F and 0x7F are control codes:

  • NUL (0x00): nul character (U+0000, "\0")
  • BEL (0x07): sent to ring a bell (U+0007, "\b")
  • TAB (0x09): horizontal tabulation (U+0009, "\t")
  • LF (0x0A): line feed (U+000A, "\n")
  • CR (0x0D): carriage return (U+000D, "\r")
  • ESC (0x1B): escape (U+001B)
  • DEL (0x7F): delete (U+007F)
  • other control codes are displayed as � in this table

0x20 is a space.


The first 128 code points of the Unicode charset (U+0000—U+007F) are the ASCII charset: Unicode is a superset of ASCII.

CJK: asian encodings

Chinese encodings

GBK is a family of Chinese charsets using multibyte encodings:

  • GB 2312 (1980): includes 6,763 Chinese characters
  • GBK (1993) (code page 936)
  • GB 18030 (2005, last revision in 2006)
  • HZ (1989) (HG-GZ-2312)

Other encodings: Big5 (大五碼, Big Five Encoding, 1984), cp950.

Unicode encodings


UTF-8 is a multibyte encoding able to encode the whole Unicode charset. An encoded character takes between 1 and 4 bytes. UTF-8 encoding supports longer byte sequences, up to 6 bytes, but the biggest code point of Unicode 6.0 (U+10FFFF) only takes 4 bytes.

It is possible to be sure that a byte string is encoded to UTF-8, because UTF-8 adds markers to each byte. For the first byte of a multibyte character, bit 7 and bit 6 are set (0b11xxxxxx); the next bytes have bit 7 set and bit 6 unset (0b10xxxxxx).

Another cool feature of UTF-8 is that it has no endianness (it can be read in big or little endian order, it does not matter). Another advantage of UTF-8 is that most C bytes functions are compatible with UTF-8 encoded strings (e.g. strcat() or printf()), whereas they fail with UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoded strings because these encodings encode small codes with nul bytes.

The problem with UTF-8, if you compare it to ASCII or ISO 8859-1, is that it is a multibyte encoding: you cannot access a character by its character index directly, you have to iterate on each character because each character may have a different length in bytes. If getting a character by its index is a common operation in your program, use a character string instead of a UTF-8 encoded string.

Charsets and encodings_第1张图片

See also

Non-strict UTF-8 decoder and Is UTF-8?.

UCS-2, UCS-4, UTF-16 and UTF-32

UCS-2 and UCS-4 encodings encode each code point to exactly one unit of, respectivelly, 16 and 32 bits. UCS-4 is able to encode all Unicode 6.0 code points, whereas UCS-2 is limited to BMPcharacters.These encodings are practical because the length in units is the number of characters.

UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings use, respectivelly, 16 and 32 bits units. UTF-16 encodes code points bigger than U+FFFF using two units: a surrogate pair.UCS-2 can be decoded from UTF-16. UTF-32 is also supposed to use more than one unit for big code points, but in practical, it only requires one unit to store all code points of Unicode 6.0. That’s why UTF-32 and UCS-4 are the same encoding.

Encoding Word size Unicode support
UCS-2 16 bits BMP only
UTF-16 16 bits Full
UCS-4 32 bits Full
UTF-32 32 bits Full

Windows 95 uses UCS-2, whereas Windows 2000 uses UTF-16.


UCS stands for Universal Character Set, and UTF stands for UCS Transformation format.


The UTF-7 encoding is similar to the UTF-8 encoding, except that it uses 7 bits units instead of 8 bits units. It is used for example in emails with server which are not “8 bits clean”.

Byte order marks (BOM)

UTF-16 and UTF-32 use units bigger than 8 bits, and so hit endian issue. A single unit can be stored in the big endian (most significant bits first) or little endian (less significant bits first). BOM are short byte sequences to indicate the encoding and the endian. It’s the U+FEFF code point encoded to the UTF encodings.

Unicode defines 6 different BOM:

BOM Encoding Endian
0x2B 0x2F 0x76 0x38 0x2D (5 bytes) UTF-7 endianless
0xEF 0xBB 0xBF (3) UTF-8 endianless
0xFF 0xFE (2) UTF-16-LE little endian
0xFE 0xFF (2) UTF-16-BE big endian
0xFF 0xFE 0x00 0x00 (4) UTF-32-LE little endian
0x00 0x00 0xFE 0xFF (4) UTF-32-BE big endian

UTF-32-LE BOMs starts with UTF-16-LE BOM.

“UTF-16” and “UTF-32” encoding names are imprecise: depending of the context, format or protocol, it means UTF-16 and UTF-32 with BOM markers, or UTF-16 and UTF-32 in the host endian without BOM. On Windows, “UTF-16” usually means UTF-16-LE.

Some Windows applications, like notepad.exe, use UTF-8 BOM, whereas many applications are unable to detect the BOM, and so the BOM causes troubles. UTF-8 BOM should not be used for better interoperability.

UTF-16 surrogate pairs

Surrogates are characters in the Unicode range U+D800—U+DFFF (2,048 code points): it is also the Unicode category “surrogate” (Cs). The range is composed of two parts:

  • U+D800—U+DBFF (1,024 code points): high surrogates
  • U+DC00—U+DFFF (1,024 code points): low surrogates

In UTF-16, characters in ranges U+0000—U+D7FF and U+E000—U+FFFD are stored as a single 16 bits unit. Non-BMP characters (range U+10000—U+10FFFF) are stored as “surrogate pairs”, two 16 bits units: an high surrogate (in range U+D800—U+DBFF) followed by a low surrogate (in range U+DC00—U+DFFF).Alone surrogate character is invalid in UTF-16, surrogate characters are always written as pairs (high followed by low).

Examples of surrogate pairs:

Character Surrogate pair
U+10000 {U+D800, U+DC00}
U+10E6D {U+D803, U+DE6D}
U+1D11E {U+D834, U+DD1E}


U+10FFFF is the highest code point encodable to UTF-16 and the highest code point of theUnicode Character Set 6.0. The {U+DBFF, U+DFFF} surrogate pair is the last available pair.

An UTF-8 or UTF-32 encoder should not encode surrogate characters (U+D800—U+DFFF), see Non-strict UTF-8 decoder.

C functions to create a surrogate pair (encode to UTF-16) and to join a surrogate pair (decode from UTF-16):


encode_utf16_pair(uint32_t character, uint16_t *units)
    unsigned int code;
    assert(0x10000 <= character && character <= 0x10FFF);
    code = (character - 0x10000);
    units[0] = 0xD800 | (code >> 10);
    units[1] = 0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF);

decode_utf16_pair(uint16_t *units)
    uint32_t code;
    assert(0xD800 <= units[0] && units[0] <= 0xDBFF);
    assert(0xDC00 <= units[1] && units[1] <= 0xDFFF);
    code = 0x10000;
    code += (units[0] & 0x03FF) << 10;
    code += (units[1] & 0x03FF);
    return code;

How to guess the encoding of a document?

Only ASCII, UTF-8 and encodings using a BOM (UTF-7 with BOM, UTF-8 with BOM, UTF-16, andUTF-32) have reliable algorithms to get the encoding of a document. For all other encodings, you have to trust heuristics based on statistics.


Check if a document is encoded to ASCII is simple: test if the bit 7 of all bytes is unset (0b0xxxxxxx).

Example in C:

int isASCII(const char *data, size_t size)
    const unsigned char *str = (const unsigned char*)data;
    const unsigned char *end = str + size;
    for (; str != end; str++) {
        if (*str & 0x80)
            return 0;
    return 1;

In Python, the ASCII decoder can be used:

def isASCII(data):
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return False
        return True


Only use the Python function on short strings because it decodes the whole string into memory. For long strings, it is better to use the algorithm of the C function because it doesn’t allocate any memory.

Check for BOM markers

If the string begins with a BOM, the encoding can be extracted from the BOM. But there is a problem with UTF-16-BE and UTF-32-LE: UTF-32-LE BOM starts with the UTF-16-LE BOM.

Example of a function written in C to check if a BOM is present:

#include    /* memcmp() */

const char *UTF_16_BE_BOM = "\xFE\xFF";
const char *UTF_16_LE_BOM = "\xFF\xFE";
const char *UTF_8_BOM = "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
const char *UTF_32_BE_BOM = "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF";
const char *UTF_32_LE_BOM = "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00";

char* check_bom(const char *data, size_t size)
    if (size >= 3) {
        if (memcmp(data, UTF_8_BOM, 3) == 0)
            return "UTF-8";
    if (size >= 4) {
        if (memcmp(data, UTF_32_LE_BOM, 4) == 0)
            return "UTF-32-LE";
        if (memcmp(data, UTF_32_BE_BOM, 4) == 0)
            return "UTF-32-BE";
    if (size >= 2) {
        if (memcmp(data, UTF_16_LE_BOM, 2) == 0)
            return "UTF-16-LE";
        if (memcmp(data, UTF_16_BE_BOM, 2) == 0)
            return "UTF-16-BE";
    return NULL;

For the UTF-16-LE/UTF-32-LE BOM conflict: this function returns "UTF-32-LE" if the string begins with "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", even if this string can be decoded from UTF-16-LE.

Example in Python getting the BOMs from the codecs library:

from codecs import BOM_UTF8, BOM_UTF16_BE, BOM_UTF16_LE, BOM_UTF32_BE, BOM_UTF32_LE

BOMS = (
    (BOM_UTF8, "UTF-8"),
    (BOM_UTF32_BE, "UTF-32-BE"),
    (BOM_UTF32_LE, "UTF-32-LE"),
    (BOM_UTF16_BE, "UTF-16-BE"),
    (BOM_UTF16_LE, "UTF-16-LE"),

def check_bom(data):
    return [encoding for bom, encoding in BOMS if data.startswith(bom)]

This function is different from the C function: it returns a list. It returns ['UTF-32-LE', 'UTF-16-LE'] if the string begins with b"\xFF\xFE\x00\x00".

Is UTF-8?

UTF-8 encoding adds markers to each bytes and so it’s possible to write a reliable algorithm to check if a byte string is encoded to UTF-8.

Example of a strict C function to check if a string is encoded to UTF-8. It rejects overlong sequences(e.g. 0xC0 0x80) and surrogate characters (e.g. 0xED 0xB2 0x80, U+DC80).


int isUTF8(const char *data, size_t size)
    const unsigned char *str = (unsigned char*)data;
    const unsigned char *end = str + size;
    unsigned char byte;
    unsigned int code_length, i;
    uint32_t ch;
    while (str != end) {
        byte = *str;
        if (byte <= 0x7F) {
            /* 1 byte sequence: U+0000..U+007F */
            str += 1;

        if (0xC2 <= byte && byte <= 0xDF)
            /* 0b110xxxxx: 2 bytes sequence */
            code_length = 2;
        else if (0xE0 <= byte && byte <= 0xEF)
            /* 0b1110xxxx: 3 bytes sequence */
            code_length = 3;
        else if (0xF0 <= byte && byte <= 0xF4)
            /* 0b11110xxx: 4 bytes sequence */
            code_length = 4;
        else {
            /* invalid first byte of a multibyte character */
            return 0;

        if (str + (code_length - 1) >= end) {
            /* truncated string or invalid byte sequence */
            return 0;

        /* Check continuation bytes: bit 7 should be set, bit 6 should be
         * unset (b10xxxxxx). */
        for (i=1; i < code_length; i++) {
            if ((str[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
                return 0;

        if (code_length == 2) {
            /* 2 bytes sequence: U+0080..U+07FF */
            ch = ((str[0] & 0x1f) << 6) + (str[1] & 0x3f);
            /* str[0] >= 0xC2, so ch >= 0x0080.
               str[0] <= 0xDF, (str[1] & 0x3f) <= 0x3f, so ch <= 0x07ff */
        } else if (code_length == 3) {
            /* 3 bytes sequence: U+0800..U+FFFF */
            ch = ((str[0] & 0x0f) << 12) + ((str[1] & 0x3f) << 6) +
                  (str[2] & 0x3f);
            /* (0xff & 0x0f) << 12 | (0xff & 0x3f) << 6 | (0xff & 0x3f) = 0xffff,
               so ch <= 0xffff */
            if (ch < 0x0800)
                return 0;

            /* surrogates (U+D800-U+DFFF) are invalid in UTF-8:
               test if (0xD800 <= ch && ch <= 0xDFFF) */
            if ((ch >> 11) == 0x1b)
                return 0;
        } else if (code_length == 4) {
            /* 4 bytes sequence: U+10000..U+10FFFF */
            ch = ((str[0] & 0x07) << 18) + ((str[1] & 0x3f) << 12) +
                 ((str[2] & 0x3f) << 6) + (str[3] & 0x3f);
            if ((ch < 0x10000) || (0x10FFFF < ch))
                return 0;
        str += code_length;
    return 1;

In Python, the UTF-8 decoder can be used:

def isUTF8(data):
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return False
        return True

In Python 2, this function is more tolerant than the C function, because the UTF-8 decoder of Python 2 accepts surrogate characters (U+D800—U+DFFF). For example, isUTF8(b'\xED\xB2\x80') returnsTrue. With Python 3, the Python function is equivalent to the C function. If you would like to reject surrogate characters in Python 2, use the following strict function:

def isUTF8Strict(data):
        decoded = data.decode('UTF-8')
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return False
        for ch in decoded:
            if 0xD800 <= ord(ch) <= 0xDFFF:
                return False
        return True


PHP has a builtin function to detect the encoding of a byte string: mb_detect_encoding().

  • chardet: Python version of the “chardet” algorithm implemented in Mozilla
  • UTRAC: command line program (written in C) to recognize the encoding of an input file and its end-of-line type
  • charguess: Ruby library to guess the charset of a document

Operating systems


Since Windows 2000, Windows offers a nice Unicode API and supports non-BMP characters. It usesUnicode strings implemented as wchar_t* strings (LPWSTR). wchar_t is 16 bits long on Windows and so it uses UTF-16: non-BMP characters are stored as two wchar_t (a surrogate pair), and the length of a string is the number of UTF-16 units and not the number of characters.

Windows 95, 98 an Me had also Unicode strings, but were limited to BMP characters: they usedUCS-2 instead of UTF-16.

Code pages

A Windows application has two encodings, called code pages (abbreviated “cp”): ANSI and OEM code pages.The ANSI code page, CP_ACP, is used for the ANSI version of the Windows API to decode byte strings to character strings and has a number between 874 and 1258. The OEM code page or “IBM PC” code page, CP_OEMCP, comes from MS-DOS, is used for the Windows console, contains glyphs to create text interfaces (draw boxes) and has a number between 437 and 874. Example of a French setup: ANSI is cp1252 and OEM is cp850.

There are code page constants:

  • CP_ACP: Windows ANSI code page
  • CP_MACCP: Macintosh code page
  • CP_OEMCP: ANSI code page of the current process
  • CP_SYMBOL (42): Symbol code page
  • CP_THREAD_ACP: ANSI code page of the current thread
  • CP_UTF7 (65000): UTF-7
  • CP_UTF8 (65001): UTF-8


UINT  GetACP ( )

Get the ANSI code page number.


Get the OEM code page number.

BOOL  SetThreadLocale (LCID  locale )

Set the locale. It can be used to change the ANSI code page of current thread (CP_THREAD_ACP).

See also

Wikipedia article: Windows code page.

Encode and decode functions

Encode and decode functions of .

MultiByteToWideChar ( )

Decode a byte string from a code page to a character string. Use MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag to return an error on an undecodable byte sequence.

The default behaviour (flags=0) depends on the Windows version:

  • Windows Vista and later: replace undecodable bytes
  • Windows 2000, XP and 2003: ignore undecodable bytes

In strict mode (MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS), the UTF-8 decoder (CP_UTF8) returns an error on surrogate characters on Windows Vista and later. On Windows XP, the UTF-8 decoder is not strict: surrogates can be decoded in any mode.

The UTF-7 decoder (CP_UTF7) only supports flags=0.

Examples on any Windows version:

Flags default (0) MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS
0xE9 0x80, cp1252 é€ {U+00E9, U+20AC} é€ {U+00E9, U+20AC}
0xC3 0xA9, CP_UTF8 é {U+00E9} é {U+00E9}
0xFF, cp932 {U+F8F3} decoding error
0xFF, CP_UTF7 {U+FF} invalid flags

Examples on Windows Vista and later:

Flags default (0) MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS
0x81 0x00, cp932 {U+30FB, U+0000} decoding error
0xFF, CP_UTF8 {U+FFFD} decoding error
0xED 0xB2 0x80, CP_UTF8 {U+FFFD, U+FFFD, U+FFFD} decoding error

Examples on Windows 2000, XP, 2003:

Flags default (0) MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS
0x81 0x00, cp932 {U+0000} decoding error
0xFF, CP_UTF8 decoding error decoding error
0xED 0xB2 0x80, CP_UTF8 {U+DC80} {U+DC80}


The U+30FB character is the Katakana middle dot (・). U+F8F3 code point is part of a Unicode range reserved for private use (U+E000—U+F8FF).

WideCharToMultiByte ( )

Encode a character string to a byte string. The behaviour on unencodable characters depends on the code page, the Windows version and the flags.

Code page Windows version Flags Behaviour
CP_UTF8 2000, XP, 2003 0 Encode surrogates
Vista or later 0 Replace surrogates by U+FFFD
CP_UTF7 all versions 0 Encode surrogates
Others all versions 0 Replace by similar glyph
WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS Replace by ? (1)
  1. : Strict if you check for pusedDefaultChar pointer.

pusedDefaultChar is not supported by CP_UTF7 or CP_UTF8.

Use WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS flag (or WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag for CP_UTF8) to have a strict encoder:return an error on unencodable character. By default, if a character cannot be encoded, it isreplaced by a character with a similar glyph or by ”?” (U+003F). For example, with cp1252, Ł (U+0141) is replaced by L (U+004C).

On Windows Vista or later with WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag, the UTF-8 encoder (CP_UTF8) returns an error on surrogate characters. The default behaviour (flags=0) depends on the Windows version: surrogates are replaced by U+FFFD on Windows Vista and later, and are encoded to UTF-8 on older Windows versions. The WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS flag is not supported by the UTF-8 encoder.

The WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag is only supported by CP_UTF8 and only on Windows Vista or later.

The UTF-7 encoder (CP_UTF7) only supports flags=0. It is not strict: it encodes surrogate characters.

Examples (on any Windows version):

Flags default (0) WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS
ÿ (U+00FF), cp932 0x79 (y) 0x3F (?)
Ł (U+0141), cp1252 0x4C (L) 0x3F (?)
€ (U+20AC), cp1252 0x80 0x80
U+DC80, CP_UTF7 0x2b 0x33 0x49 0x41 0x2d (+3IA-) invalid flags

Examples on Windows Vista an later:

U+DC80, CP_UTF8 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD encoding error invalid flags

Examples on Windows 2000, XP, 2003:

U+DC80, CP_UTF8 0xED 0xB2 0x80 invalid flags invalid flags


MultiByteToWideChar() and WideCharToMultiByte() functions are similar to mbstowcs() andwcstombs() functions.

Windows API: ANSI and wide versions

Windows has two versions of each function of its API: the ANSI version using byte strings (A suffix) and the ANSI code page, and the wide version (W suffix) using character strings. There are also functions without suffix using TCHAR* strings: if the C define _UNICODE is defined, TCHAR is replaced by wchar_t and the Unicode functions are used; otherwise TCHAR is replaced by char and the ANSI functions are used. Example:

  • CreateFileA(): bytes version, use byte strings encoded to the ANSI code page
  • CreateFileW(): Unicode version, use wide character strings
  • CreateFile()TCHAR version depending on the _UNICODE define

Always prefer the Unicode version to avoid encoding/decoding errors, and use directly the W suffix to avoid compiling issues.


There is a third version of the API: the MBCS API (multibyte character string). Use the TCHAR functions and define _MBCS to use the MBCS functions. For example, _tcsrev() is replaced by_mbsrev() if _MBCS is defined, by _wcsrev() if _UNICODE is defined, or by _strrev() otherwise.

Windows string types

  • LPSTR (LPCSTR): byte string, char* (const char*)
  • LPWSTR (LPCWSTR): wide character string, wchar_t* (const wchar_t*)
  • LPTSTR (LPCTSTR): byte or wide character string depending of _UNICODE define, TCHAR*(const TCHAR*)


Windows stores filenames as Unicode in the filesystem. Filesystem wide character POSIX-like API:

int  _wfstat (const wchar_t*  filename, struct _stat  *statbuf )

Unicode version of stat().

FILE * _wfopen (const wchar_t*  filename, const wchar_t  *mode )

Unicode version of fopen().

int  _wopen (const wchar_t  *filename, int  oflag[, int  pmode] )

Unicode version of open().

POSIX functions, like fopen(), use the ANSI code page to encode/decode strings.

10.1.6. Windows console

Console functions.

GetConsoleCP ( )

Get the code page of the standard input (stdin) of the console.

GetConsoleOutputCP ( )

Get the code page of the standard output (stdout and stderr) of the console.

WriteConsoleW ( )

Write a character string into the console.

To improve the Unicode support of the console, set the console font to a TrueType font (e.g. “Lucida Console”) and use the wide character API

If the console is unable to render a character, it tries to use a character with a similar glyph. For example, with OEM code page 850, Ł (U+0141) is replaced by L (U+0041). If no replacment character can be found, ”?” (U+003F) is displayed instead.

In a console (cmd.exe), chcp command can be used to display or to change the OEM code page (and console code page). Change the console code page is not a good idea because the ANSI API of the console still expect characters encoded to the previous console code page.

See also

Conventional wisdom is retarded, aka What the @#%&* is _O_U16TEXT? (Michael S. Kaplan, 2008) and the Python bug report #1602: windows console doesn’t print or input Unicode.


Set the console code page to cp65001 (UTF-8) doesn’t improve Unicode support, it is the opposite: non-ASCII are not rendered correctly and type non-ASCII characters (e.g. using the keyboard) doesn’t work correctly, especially using raster fonts.

File mode

_setmode() and _wsopen() are special functions to set the encoding of a file:

  • _O_U8TEXT: UTF-8 without BOM
  • _O_U16TEXT: UTF-16 without BOM
  • _O_WTEXT: UTF-16 with BOM

fopen() can use these modes using ccs= in the file mode:

  • ccs=UTF-8_O_UTF8
  • ccs=UTF-16LE_O_UTF16

Mac OS X

Mac OS X uses UTF-8 for the filenames. If a filename is an invalid UTF-8 byte string, Mac OS X returns an error. The filenames are decomposed to an incompatible variant of the Normal Form D (NFD). Extract of the Technical Q&A QA1173: “For example, HFS Plus uses a variant of Normal Form D in which U+2000 through U+2FFF, U+F900 through U+FAFF, and U+2F800 through U+2FAFF are not decomposed.”


To support different languages and encodings, UNIX and BSD operating systems have “locales”. Locales are process-wide: if a thread or a library change the locale, the whole process is impacted.

Locale categories

Locale categories:

  • LC_COLLATE: compare and sort strings
  • LC_CTYPE: decode byte strings and encode character strings
  • LC_MESSAGES: language of messages
  • LC_MONETARY: monetary formatting
  • LC_NUMERIC: number formatting (e.g. thousands separator)
  • LC_TIME: time and date formatting

LC_ALL is a special category: if you set a locale using this category, it sets the locale for all categories.

Each category has its own environment variable with the same name. For example, LC_MESSAGES=Cdisplays error messages in English. To get the value of a locale category, LC_ALLLC_xxx (e.g.LC_CTYPE) or LANG environment variables are checked: use the first non empty variable. If all variables are unset, fallback to the C locale.


The gettext library reads LANGUAGELC_ALL and LANG environment variables (and some others) to get the user language. The LANGUAGE variable is specific to gettext and is not related to locales.

The C locale

When a program starts, it does not get directly the user locale: it uses the default locale which is called the “C” locale or the “POSIX” locale. It is also used if no locale environment variable is set. ForLC_CTYPE, the C locale usually means ASCII, but not always (see the locale encoding section). ForLC_MESSAGES, the C locale means to speak the original language of the program, which is usually English.

Locale encoding

For Unicode, the most important locale category is LC_CTYPE: it is used to set the “locale encoding”.

To get the locale encoding:

  • Copy the current locale: setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL)
  • Set the current locale encoding to the user preference: setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")
  • Use nl_langinfo(CODESET) if available
  • or setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL)

For the C locale, nl_langinfo(CODESET) returns ASCII, or an alias to this encoding (e.g. “US-ASCII” or “646”). But on FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X, codec functions (e.g. mbstowcs()) use ISO 8859-1even if nl_langinfo(CODESET) announces ASCII encoding. AIX uses ISO 8859-1 for the C locale (andnl_langinfo(CODESET) returns "ISO8859-1").

Locale functions


char*  setlocale (category, NULL )

Get the value of the specified locale category.

char*  setlocale (category, name )

Set the value of the specified locale category.


char*  nl_langinfo (CODESET )

Get the name of the locale encoding.


size_t  mbstowcs (wchar_t  *dest, const char  *src, size_t  n )

Decode a byte string from the locale encoding to a character string. The decoder is strict: it returns an error on undecodable byte sequence. If available, prefer the reentrant version:mbsrtowcs().

size_t  wcstombs (char  *dest, const wchar_t  *src, size_t  n )

Encode a character string to a byte string in the locale encoding. The encoder is strict : it returns an error if a character cannot by encoded. If available, prefer the reentrant version: wcsrtombs().

mbstowcs() and wcstombs() are strict and don’t support error handlers.


“mbs” stands for “multibyte string” (byte string) and “wcs” stands for “wide character string”.

On Windows, the “locale encoding” are the ANSI and OEM code pages. A Windows program uses the user preferred code pages at startup, whereas a program starts with the C locale on UNIX.

Filesystems (filenames)


CD-ROM uses the ISO 9660 filesystem which stores filenames as byte strings. This filesystem is very restrictive: only A-Z, 0-9, _ and ”.” are allowed. Microsoft has developed the Joliet extension: store filenames as UCS-2, up to 64 characters (BMP only). It was first supported by Windows 95. Today, all operating systems are able to read it.

UDF (Universal Disk Format) is the filesystem of DVD: it stores filenames as character strings.

Microsoft: FAT and NTFS filesystems

MS-DOS uses the FAT filesystems (FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32): filenames are stored as byte strings. Filenames are limited to 8+3 characters (8 for the name, 3 for the extension) and displayed differently depending on the code page (mojibake issue).

Microsoft extended its FAT filesystem in Windows 95: the Virtual FAT (VFAT) supports “long filenames”, filenames are stored as UCS-2, up to 255 characters (BMP only). Starting at Windows 2000, non-BMP characters can be used: UTF-16 replaces UCS-2 and the limit is now 255 UTF-16 units.

The NTFS filesystem stores filenames using UTF-16 encoding.

Apple: HFS and HFS+ filesystems

HFS stores filenames as byte strings.

HFS+ stores filenames as UTF-16: the maximum length is 255 UTF-16 units.


JFS and ZFS also use Unicode.

The ext family (ext2, ext3, ext4) store filenames as byte strings.

Programming languages

C language

The C language is a low level language, close to the hardware. It has a builtin character string type (wchar_t*), but only few libraries support this type. It is usually used as the first “layer” between the kernel (system calls, e.g. open a file) and applications, higher level libraries and other programming languages. This first layer uses the same type as the kernel: except Windows, all kernels use byte strings.

There are higher level libraries, like glib or Qt, offering a Unicode API, even if the underlying kernel uses byte strings. Such libraries use a codec to encode data to the kernel and to decode data from the kernel. The codec is usually the current locale encoding.

Because there is no Unicode standard library, most third-party libraries chose the simple solution: use byte strings. For example, the OpenSSL library, an open source cryptography toolkit, expectsfilenames as byte strings. On Windows, you have to encode Unicode filenames to the current ANSI code page, which is a small subset of the Unicode charset.

Byte API (char)


For historical reasons, char is the C type for a character (“char” as “character”). In pratical, it’s only true for 7 and 8 bits encodings like ASCII or ISO 8859-1. With multibyte encodings, a charis only one byte. For example, the character “é” (U+00E9) is encoded as two bytes (0xC3 0xA9) inUTF-8.

char is a 8 bits integer, it is signed or not depending on the operating system and the compiler. On Linux, the GNU compiler (gcc) uses a signed type for Intel CPU. It defines __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ ifchar type is unsigned. Check if the CHAR_MAX constant from  is equal to 255 to check ifchar is unsigned.

A literal byte is written between apostrophes, e.g. 'a'. Some control characters can be written with an backslash plus a letter (e.g. '\n' = 10). It’s also possible to write the value in octal (e.g.'\033' = 27) or hexadecimal (e.g. '\x20' = 32). An apostrophe can be written '\'' or '\x27'. A backslash is written '\\'.

 contains functions to manipulate bytes, like toupper() or isprint().

Byte string API (char*)


char* is a a byte string. This type is used in many places in the C standard library. For example,fopen() uses char* for the filename.

 is the byte string library. Most functions starts with “str” (string) prefix: strlen(),strcat(), etc.  contains useful string functions like snprintf() to format a message.

The length of a string is stored directly in the string as a nul byte at the end. This is a problem with encodings using nul bytes (e.g. UTF-16 and UTF-32): strlen() cannot be used to get the length of the string, whereas most C functions suppose that strlen() gives the length of the string. To support such encodings, the length should be stored differently (e.g. in another variable or function argument) and str*() functions should be replaced by mem* functions (e.g. replacestrcmp(a, b) == 0 by memcmp(a, b) == 0).

A literal byte strings is written between quotes, e.g. "Hello World!". As byte literal, it’s possible to add control characters and characters in octal or hexadecimal, e.g. "Hello World!\n".

Character API (wchar_t)


With ISO C99 comes wchar_t: the character type. It can be used to store Unicode characters. Aschar, it has a library:  contains functions like towupper() or iswprint() to manipulate characters.

wchar_t is a 16 or 32 bits integer, signed or not. Linux uses 32 bits signed integer. Mac OS X uses 32 bits integer. Windows and AIX use 16 bits integer (BMP only). Check if the WCHAR_MAX constant from  is equal to 0xFFFF to check if wchar_t is a 16 bits unsigned integer.

A literal character is written between apostrophes with the L prefix, e.g. L'a'. As byte literal, it’s possible to write control character with an backslash and a character with its value in octal or hexadecimal. For codes bigger than 255, '\uHHHH' syntax can be used. For codes bigger than 65535, '\UHHHHHHHH' syntax can be used with 32 bits wchar_t.

Character string API (wchar_t*)


With ISO C99 comes wchar_t*: the character string type. The standard library contains character string functions like wcslen() or wprintf(), and constants like WCHAR_MAX. Ifwchar_t is 16 bits long, non-BMP characters are encoded to UTF-16 as surrogate pairs.

A literal character strings is written between quotes with the L prefix, e.g. L"Hello World!\n". As character literals, it supports also control character, codes written in octal, hexadecimal,L"\uHHHH" and L"\UHHHHHHHH".

POSIX.1-2001 has no function ignoring case to compare character strings. POSIX.1-2008, a recent standard, adds wcscasecmp(): the GNU libc has it as an extension (if _GNU_SOURCE is defined). Windows has the _wcsnicmp() function.

Windows uses (UTF-16) wchar_t* strings for its Unicode API.

printf functions family

int  printf (const char*  format, ... )
int  wprintf (const wchar_t*  format, ... )

Formats of string arguments for the printf functions:

  • "%s": literal byte string (char*)
  • "%ls": literal character string (wchar_t*)

printf("%ls") is strict: it stops immediatly if a character string argument cannot be encoded to thelocale encoding. For example, the following code prints the truncated string “Latin capital letter L with stroke: [” if Ł (U+0141) cannot be encoded to the locale encoding.

printf("Latin capital letter L with stroke: [%ls]\n", L"\u0141");

wprintf("%s") and wprintf("%.s") are strict: they stop immediatly if a byte string argumentcannot be decoded from the locale encoding. For example, the following code prints the truncated string “Latin capital letter L with stroke: [” if 0xC5 0x81 (U+0141 encoded to UTF-8) cannot be decoded from the locale encoding.

wprintf(L"Latin capital letter L with stroke): [%s]\n", "\xC5\x81");
wprintf(L"Latin capital letter L with stroke): [%.10s]\n", "\xC5\x81");

wprintf("%ls") replaces unencodable character string arguments by ? (U+003F). For example, the following example print “Latin capital letter L with stroke: [?]” if Ł (U+0141) cannot be encoded to thelocale encoding:

wprintf(L"Latin capital letter L with stroke: [%s]\n", L"\u0141");

So to avoid truncated strings, try to use only wprintf() with character string arguments.


There is also "%S" format which is a deprecated alias to the "%ls" format, don’t use it.


  • std::wstring: character string using the wchar_t type, Unicode version of std::string (byte string)
  • std::wcinstd::wcout and std::wcerr: standard input, output and error output; Unicode version of std::cinstd::cout and std::cerr
  • std::wostringstream: character stream buffer; Unicode version of std::ostringstream.

To initialize the locales, equivalent to setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), use:


If you use also C and C++ functions (e.g. printf() and std::cout) to access the standard streams, you may have issues with non-ASCII characters. To avoid these issues, you can disable the automatic synchronization between C (std*) and C++ (std::c*) streams using:



Use typedef basic_ostringstream wostringstream; if wostringstream is not available.


Python supports Unicode since its version 2.0 released in october 2000. Byte and Unicode strings store their length, so it’s possible to embed nul byte/character.

Python can be compiled in two modes: narrow (UTF-16) and wide (UCS-4). sys.maxunicode constant is 0xFFFF in narrow build, and 0x10FFFF in wide build. Python is compiled in narrow mode on Windows, because wchar_t is also 16 bits on Windows and so it is possible to use Python Unicode strings as wchar_t* strings without any (expensive) conversion.

See also

Python Unicode HOWTO.

Python 2

str is the byte string type and unicode is the character string type. Literal byte strings are writtenb'abc' (syntax compatible with Python 3) or 'abc' (legacy syntax), \xHH can be used to write a byte by its hexadecimal value (e.g. b'\x80' for 128). Literal Unicode strings are written with the prefix uu'abc'. Code points can be written as hexadecimal: \xHH (U+0000—U+00FF), \uHHHH(U+0000—U+FFFF) or \UHHHHHHHH (U+0000—U+10FFFF), e.g. 'euro sign:\u20AC'.

In Python 2, str + unicode gives unicode: the byte string is decoded from the default encoding (ASCII). This coercion was a bad design idea because it was the source of a lot of confusion. At the same time, it was not possible to switch completely to Unicode in 2000: computers were slower and there were fewer Python core developers. It took 8 years to switch completely to Unicode: Python 3 was relased in december 2008.

Narrow build of Python 2 has a partial support of non-BMP characters. The unichr() function raises an error for code bigger than U+FFFF, whereas literal strings support non-BMP characters (e.g.'\U0010FFFF'). Non-BMP characters are encoded as surrogate pairs. The disavantage is thatlen(u'\U00010000') is 2, and u'\U0010FFFF'[0] is u'\uDBFF' (lone surrogate character).


DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT ENCODING! Calling sys.setdefaultencoding() is a very bad idea because it impacts all libraries which suppose that the default encoding is ASCII.

Python 3

bytes is the byte string type and str is the character string type. Literal byte strings are written with the b prefix: b'abc'\xHH can be used to write a byte by its hexadecimal value, e.g. b'\x80'for 128. Literal Unicode strings are written 'abc'. Code points can be used directly in hexadecimal:\xHH (U+0000—U+00FF), \uHHHH (U+0000—U+FFFF) or \UHHHHHHHH (U+0000—U+10FFFF), e.g.'euro sign:\u20AC'. Each item of a byte string is an integer in range 0—255: b'abc'[0] gives 97, whereas 'abc'[0] gives 'a'.

Python 3 has a full support of non-BMP characters, in narrow and wide builds. But as Python 2, chr(0x10FFFF) creates a string of 2 characters (a UTF-16 surrogate pair) in a narrow build. chr()and ord() supports non-BMP characters in both modes.

Python 3 uses U+DC80—U+DCFF character range to store undecodable bytes with thesurrogateescape error handler, described in the PEP 383 (Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces). It is used for filenames and environment variables on UNIX and BSD systems. Example:b'abc\xff'.decode('ASCII', 'surrogateescape') gives 'abc\uDCFF'.

Differences between Python 2 and Python 3

str + unicode gives unicode in Python 2 (the byte string is decoded from the default encoding, ASCII) and it raises a TypeError in Python 3. In Python 3, comparing bytes and str gives False, emits a BytesWarning warning or raises a BytesWarning exception depending of the bytes warning flag (-b or -bb option passed to the Python program). In Python 2, the byte string is decoded from the default encoding (ASCII) to Unicode before being compared.

UTF-8 decoder of Python 2 accept surrogate characters, even if there are invalid, to keep backward compatibility with Python 2.0. In Python 3, the UTF-8 decoder is strict: it rejects surrogate characters.

It is possible to make Python 2 behave more like Python 3 with from __future__ import unicode_literals.


The codecs and encodings module provide text encodings. They supports a lot of encodings. Some examples: ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16-LE, ShiftJIS, Big5, cp037, cp950, EUC_JP, etc.

UTF-8UTF-16-LEUTF-16-BEUTF-32-LE and UTF-32-BE don’t use BOM, whereas UTF-8-SIGUTF-16and UTF-32 use BOM. mbcs is only available on Windows: it is the ANSI code page.

Python provides also many error handlers used to specify how to handle undecodable byte sequences and unencodable characters:

  • strict (default): raise a UnicodeDecodeError or a UnicodeEncodeError
  • replace: replace undecodable bytes by � (U+FFFD) and unencodable characters by ?(U+003F)
  • ignore: ignore undecodable bytes and unencodable characters
  • backslashreplace (only to decode): replace undecodable bytes by \xHH

Python 3 has two more error handlers:

  • surrogateescape: replace undecodable bytes (non-ASCII: 0x800xFF) by surrogate characters (in U+DC80—U+DCFF) on decoding, replace characters in range U+DC80—U+DCFF by bytes in 0x800xFF on encoding. Read the PEP 383 (Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces) for the details.
  • surrogatepass, specific to UTF-8 codec: allow encoding/decoding surrogate characters inUTF-8. It is required because UTF-8 decoder of Python 3 rejects surrogate characters by default.

Decoding examples in Python 3:

  • b'abc\xff'.decode('ASCII') uses the strict error handler and raises an UnicodeDecodeError
  • b'abc\xff'.decode('ASCII', 'ignore') gives 'abc'
  • b'abc\xff'.decode('ASCII', 'replace') gives 'abc\uFFFD'
  • b'abc\xff'.decode('ASCII', 'surrogateescape') gives 'abc\uDCFF'

Encoding examples in Python 3:

  • '\u20ac'.encode('UTF-8') gives b'\xe2\x82\xac'
  • 'abc\xff'.encode('ASCII') uses the strict error handler and raises an UnicodeEncodeError
  • 'abc\xff'.encode('ASCII', 'backslashreplace') gives b'abc\\xff'

String methods

Byte string (str in Python 2, bytes in Python 3) methods:

  • .decode(encoding, errors='strict'): decode from the specified encoding and (optional) error handler.

Character string (unicode in Python 2, str in Python 3) methods:

  • .encode(encoding, errors='strict'): encode to the specified encoding with an (optional) error handler
  • .isprintable()False if the character category is other (Cc, Cf, Cn, Co, Cs) or separator (Zl, Zp, Zs), True otherwise. There is an exception: even if U+0020 is a separator,' '.isprintable() gives True.
  • .toupper(): convert to uppercase


Python decodes bytes filenames and encodes Unicode filenames using the filesystem encoding,sys.getfilesystemencoding():

  • mbcs (ANSI code page) on Windows
  • UTF-8 on Mac OS X
  • locale encoding otherwise

Python uses the strict error handler in Python 2, and surrogateescape (PEP 383) in Python 3. In Python 2, if os.listdir(u'.') cannot decode a filename, it keeps the bytes filename unchanged. Thanks to surrogateescape, decode a filename does never fail in Python 3. But encoding a filename can fail in Python 2 and 3 depending on the filesystem encoding. For example, on Linux with the C locale, the Unicode filename "h\" cannot be encoded because the filesystem encoding is ASCII.

In Python 2, use os.getcwdu() to get the current directory as Unicode.


Encodings used on Windows:

  • locale.getpreferredencoding(): ANSI code page
  • 'mbcs' codec: ANSI code page
  • sys.stdout.encoding, sys.stderr.encoding: encoding of the Windows console.
  • sys.argv, os.environ, subprocess.Popen(args): native Unicode support (no encoding)


codecs module:

  • BOM_UTF8BOM_UTF16_BEBOM_UTF32_LE, ...: Byte order marks (BOM) constants
  • lookup(name): get a Python codec. lookup(name).name gets the Python normalized name of a codec, e.g. codecs.lookup('ANSI_X3.4-1968').name gives 'ascii'.
  • open(filename, mode='rb', encoding=None, errors='strict', ...): legacy API to open a binary or text file. To open a file in Unicode mode, use instead

io module:

  • open(name, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, ...): open a binary or text file in read and/or write mode. For text file, encoding and errors can be used to specify the encoding and the error handler. By default, it opens text files with the locale encoding in strictmode.
  • TextIOWrapper(): wrapper to read and/or write text files, encode from/decode to the specified encoding (and error handler) and normalize newlines (\r\n and \r are replaced by \n). It requires a buffered file. Don’t use it directly to open a text file: use open() instead.

locale module (locales):

  • LC_ALLLC_CTYPE, ...: locale categories
  • getlocale(category): get the value of a locale category as the tuple (language code, encoding name)
  • getpreferredencoding(): get the locale encoding
  • setlocale(category, value): set the value of a locale category

sys module:

  • getdefaultencoding(): get the default encoding, e.g. used by 'abc'.encode(). In Python 3, the default encoding is fixed to 'utf-8', in Python 2, it is 'ascii' by default.
  • getfilesystemencoding(): get the filesystem encoding used to decode and encode filenames
  • maxunicode: biggest Unicode code point storable in a single Python Unicode character, 0xFFFF in narrow build or 0x10FFFF in wide build.

unicodedata module:

  • category(char): get the category of a character
  • name(char): get the name of a character
  • normalize(string): normalize a string to the NFC, NFD, NFKC or NFKD form


In PHP 5, a literal string (e.g. "abc") is a byte string. PHP has no character string type, only a “string” type which is a byte string.

PHP have “multibyte” functions to manipulate byte strings using their encoding. These functions have an optional encoding argument. If the encoding is not specified, PHP uses the default encoding (called “internal encoding”). Some multibyte functions:

  • mb_internal_encoding(): get or set the internal encoding
  • mb_substitute_character(): change how to handle unencodable characters:
    • "none": ignore unencodable characters
    • "long": escape as hexadecimal value, e.g. "U+E9" or "JIS+7E7E"
    • "entity": escape as HTML entities, e.g. "é"
  • mb_convert_encoding(): decode from an encoding and encode to another encoding
  • mb_ereg(): search a pattern using a regular expression
  • mb_strlen(): get the length in characters
  • mb_detect_encoding(): guess the encoding of a byte string

Perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE) have an u flag (“PCRE8”) to process byte strings as UTF-8 encoded strings.

PHP includes also a binding of the iconv library.

  • iconv(): decode a byte string from an encoding and encode to another encoding, you can use//IGNORE or //TRANSLIT suffix to choose the error handler
  • iconv_mime_decode(): decode a MIME header field

PHP 6 was a project to improve Unicode support of Unicode. This project died at the beginning of 2010. Read The Death of PHP 6/The Future of PHP 6 (May 25, 2010 by Larry Ullman) and Future of PHP6 (March 2010 by Johannes Schlüter) for more information.


Write a character using its code point written in hexadecimal:

  • chr(0x1F4A9)
  • "\x{2639}"
  • "\N{U+A0}"

Using use charnames qw( :full );, you can use a Unicode character in a string using "\N{name}"syntax. Example:

say "\N{long s} \N{ae} \N{Omega} \N{omega} \N{UPWARDS ARROW}"

Declare that filehandles opened within this lexical scope but not elsewhere are in UTF-8, until and unless you say otherwise. The :std adds in STDINSTDOUT, and STDERR. This critical step implicitly decodes incoming data and encodes outgoing data as UTF-8:

use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );

If PERL_UNICODE environment variable is set to AS, the following data will use UTF-8:

  • @ARGV

If you have a DATA handle, you must explicitly set its encoding. If you want this to be UTF-8, then say:

binmode(DATA, ":encoding(UTF-8)");


use feature qw< unicode_strings >;
use Unicode::Normalize qw< NFD NFC >;
use Encode qw< encode decode >;
@ARGV = map { decode("UTF-8", $_) } @ARGV;
open(OUTPUT, "> :raw :encoding(UTF-16LE) :crlf", $filename);


  • Encode
  • Unicode::Normalize
  • Unicode::Collate
  • Unicode::Collate::Locale
  • Unicode::UCD
  • DBM_Filter::utf8


  • Perl 5.6 (2000): initial Unicode support, support character strings
  • Perl 5.8 (2002): regex supports Unicode
  • use “use utf8;” pragma to specify that your Perl script is encoded to UTF-8

Read perluniintroperlunicode and perlunifaq manuals.

See Tom Christiansen’s Materials for OSCON 2011 for more information.


char is a character able to store Unicode BMP only characters (U+0000—U+FFFF), whereasCharacter is a wrapper of the char with static helper functions. Character methods:

  • .getType(ch): get the category of a character
  • .isWhitespace(ch): test if a character is a whitespace according to Java
  • .toUpperCase(ch): convert to uppercase
  • .codePointAt(CharSequence, int): return the code point at the given index of the CharSequence

String is a character string implemented using a char array and UTF-16. String methods:

  • String(bytes, encoding): decode a byte string from the specified encoding. The decoder isstrict: throw a CharsetDecoder exception if a byte sequence cannot be decoded.
  • .getBytes(encoding): encode to the specified encoding, throw a CharsetEncoder exception if a character cannot be encoded.
  • .length(): get the length in UTF-16 units.

As Python compiled in narrow mode, non-BMP characters are stored as UTF-16 surrogate pairs and the length of a string is the number of UTF-16 units, not the number of Unicode characters.

Java, as the Tcl language, uses a variant of UTF-8 which encodes the nul character (U+0000) as theoverlong byte sequence 0xC0 0x80, instead of 0x00. So it is possible to use C functions like strlen()on byte string with embeded nul characters.

Go and D

The Go and D languages use UTF-8 as internal encoding to store Unicode strings.


Programming languages have no or basic support of Unicode. Libraries are required to get a full support of Unicode on all platforms.

Qt library

Qt is a big C++ library covering different topics, but it is typically used to create graphical interfaces. It is distributed under the GNU LGPL license (version 2.1), and is also available under a commercial license.

Character and string classes

QChar is a Unicode character, only able to store BMP characters. It is implemented using a 16 bits unsigned number. Interesting QChar methods:

  • isSpace(): True if the character category is separator (Zl, Zp or Zs)
  • toUpper(): convert to upper case

QString is a character string implemented as an array of QChar using UTF-16. A Non-BMP characteris stored as two QChar (a surrogate pair). Interesting QString methods:

  • toAscii()fromAscii(): encode to/decode from ASCII
  • toLatin1()fromLatin1(): encode to/decode from ISO 8859-1
  • utf16()fromUtf16(): encode to/decode to UTF-16 (in the host endian)
  • normalized(): normalize to NFC, NFD, NFKC or NFKD

Qt decodes literal byte strings from ISO 8859-1 using the QLatin1String class, a thin wrapper tochar*QLatin1String is a character string storing each character as a single byte. It is possible because it only supports characters in U+0000—U+00FF range. QLatin1String cannot be used to manipulate text, it has a smaller API than QString. For example, it is not possible to concatenate twoQLatin1String strings.


QTextCodec.codecForLocale() gets the locale encoding codec:

  • Windows: ANSI code page
  • Otherwise: the locale encoding. Try nl_langinfo(CODESET), or LC_ALLLC_CTYPELANGenvironment variables. If no one gives any useful information, fallback to ISO 8859-1.



  • Windows: encode to UTF-16
  • Mac OS X: normalize to the D form and then encode to UTF-8
  • Other (UNIX/BSD): encode to the local encoding (QTextCodec.codecForLocale())

QFile.decodeName() is the reverse operation.

Qt has two implementations of its QFSFileEngine:

  • Windows: use Windows native API
  • UNIX: use POSIX API. Examples: fopen()getcwd() or get_current_dir_name()mkdir(), etc.

Related classes: QFileQFileInfoQAbstractFileEngineHandlerQFSFileEngine.

The glib library

The glib library is a great C library distributed under the GNU LGPL license (version 2.1).

Character strings

The gunichar type is a character. It is able to store any Unicode 6.0 character (U+0000—U+10FFFF).

The glib library has no character string type. It uses byte strings using the gchar* type, but most functions use UTF-8 encoded strings.

Codec functions

  • g_convert(): decode from an encoding and encode to another encoding with the iconv library. Use g_convert_with_fallback() to choose how to handle undecodable bytes and unencodable characters.
  • g_locale_from_utf8() / g_locale_to_utf8(): encode to/decode from the current locale encoding.
  • g_get_charset(): get the locale encoding
    • Windows: current ANSI code page
    • OS/2: current code page (call DosQueryCp())
    • other: try nl_langinfo(CODESET), or LC_ALLLC_CTYPE or LANG environment variables
  • g_utf8_get_char(): get the first character of an UTF-8 string as gunichar

Filename functions

  • g_filename_from_utf8() / g_filename_to_utf8(): encode/decode a filename to/from UTF-8
  • g_filename_display_name(): human readable version of a filename. Try to decode the filename from each encoding of g_get_filename_charsets() encoding list. If all decoding failed, decode the filename from UTF-8 and replace undecodable bytes by � (U+FFFD).
  • g_get_filename_charsets(): get the list of charsets used to decode and encode filenames.g_filename_display_name() tries each encoding of this list, other functions just use the first encoding. Use UTF-8 on Windows. On other operating systems, use:
    • G_FILENAME_ENCODING environment variable (if set): comma-separated list of character set names, the special token "@locale" is taken to mean the locale encoding
    • or UTF-8 if G_BROKEN_FILENAMES environment variable is set
    • or call g_get_charset() (the locale encoding)

iconv library

libiconv is a library to encode and decode text in different encodings. It is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. It supports a lot of encodings including rare and old encodings.

By default, libiconv is strict: an unencodable character raise an error. You can ignore these characters by adding the //IGNORE suffix to the encoding name. There is also the //TRANSLIT suffix toreplace unencodable characters by similarly looking characters.

PHP has a builtin binding of iconv.

ICU libraries

International Components for Unicode (ICU) is a mature, widely used set of C, C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software applications. ICU is an open source project distributed under the MIT license.


libunistring provides functions for manipulating Unicode strings and for manipulating C strings according to the Unicode standard. It is distributed under the GNU LGPL license version 3.


1. Programming with Unicode 

2. UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for Unix/Linux by Markus Kuhn, first version in june 1999, last edit in may 2009
