【postgres】10、INDEX Types 索引

【postgres】10、INDEX Types 索引_第1张图片


    • 11.2 Index Types
      • 11.2.3 GiST


11.2 Index Types

11.2.3 GiST


<<   &<   &>   >>   <<|   &<|   |&>   |>>   @>   <@   ~=   &&

(See Section 9.11 for the meaning of these operators.) The GiST operator classes included in the standard distribution are documented in Table 68.1. Many other GiST operator classes are available in the contrib collection or as separate projects. For more information see Chapter 68

GiST indexes are also capable of optimizing “nearest-neighbor” searches, such as

SELECT * FROM places ORDER BY location <-> point '(101,456)' LIMIT 10;

which finds the ten places closest to a given target point. The ability to do this is again dependent on the particular operator class being used. In Table 68.1, operators that can be used in this way are listed in the column “Ordering Operators”.
