Client and Server Components

Client and Server Components

  WebStorm 2023.3.3 highlights Client and Server components in different colors, making it easier to tell them apart.

  JetBrains WebStorm is a powerful and modern Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically designed for web development. It offers a feature-rich environment that supports popular web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js. WebStorm helps you write cleaner, more efficient code with features like syntax highlighting, autocompletion, code refactoring, and built-in testing tools. It integrates seamlessly with various web frameworks and libraries, making it a versatile choice for both front-end and back-end development.

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  WebStorm 2023.3.3 streamlines React development with dedicated syntax highlighting. Client and Server components are now instantly distinguishable by their distinct colors, enhancing code clarity and efficiency. Customizable highlighting colors allow you to further personalize the development experience.
