
Submission deadline: Theassessment links will beaccessible on Moodlefrom 10:00 AM,18th January to23:55PM, 29thJanuary,Sydney Time.•You may attempt the assessmentat any time during the provided window, butplease note that the assessment will close sharplyat 11:55 PM on January 29th. Forinstance, if you begin your attempt at 11:25 PM on January 29th, you will haveonly 30 minutes to complete the task.•Pleaseplan your time accordingly and avoid waiting until the last minute.Pleasebe aware that any failure to submit due to technical issues near the deadline will notbe considered a valid reason for applying for special consideration.•Late submission: Late submissions without prior approval for special considerationwill incur a 5% mark deduction for each day or part thereof (including weekends)beyond the due date and time.2.Submission format:•Please submitBOTHquestionnaire and Excel work. If you only submit one ofthem, you will not be able to receive any marks for this assessment. Both of theselinks can be found in the Moodle section "Assessment -iLab: Data Exercise"•Questionnaire:To submit your solutions for each question, please usethe "Dataexercise Questionnaire" link.For successful submissions:i.Pleasereportyoursolutionsasdecimals(notpercentages)exactlyfollowing the exampleprovided in the questionnaire.ii.OnlyONEattempt isallowed. So please prepare yoursolutionsreadybeforeyou start the questionnaire to avoid any technical issues.iii.Yourattempt willbesubmittedifandonlyifyouclick"Submitquestionnaire".Please notethat you cannot make any further changes andresubmit the questionnaire after you click the submission button.iv.All the questions should be attempted(i.e., no questions left blank).•Excel:PleasesubmityourExcelspreadsheetviathe"DataexerciseExcelsubmission" link.i.Your marks will be determined by your answers in the questionnaire ratherthan the Excel file. However, the Excel file may be used/investigated bygrader if any clarificationor checking of your solutions is required. TheExcel file does not require a specific format, as long as it is clear and easilyunderstandable. For clarity, you might consider creating separate sheets fordifferent questions and labeling them appropriately.3.About enquiries: If you have questions regarding this assessment, please raise them on Moodlediscussionforum.However, pleasekeepinmind thatthisassessmentisoneoftheindividual assessmentsfor this course (i.e., please treat it as a takehome exam).Therefore,only clarification-type questions (e.g., the ambiguity of the question) will be answered.4.The total mark of this assessment is54. It accounts for20%of the final markfor this course.
