文献学习074--[sc]T cells specific for α-myosin drive immunotherapy-related myocarditis


1. Cardiac clonal CD8+ T cells are abundant

Fig 1a, b:Pdcd1–/– Ctla4+/+小鼠:不出现明显死亡,心脏没有浸润;Pdcd1–/– Ctla4+/-小鼠:心脏出现明显炎症细胞浸润,死亡率约50%,被认为是ICI-MC小鼠;Pdcd1–/– Ctla4-/-小鼠:死亡率100%。
Fig 1c:作者对4只Pdcd1–/– Ctla4+/-小鼠和6只对照小鼠的心脏免疫细胞进行了单细胞测序,发现T细胞出现了最显著的比例变化(2%-34%)。
Fig 1d-e:随后作者对T细胞进行了重新降维聚类,得到5个群。其中0群表达Gzmb, Ifng 和 Nkg7,是activated effector CD8+T;1群是resting CD8+ T,表达Ccr7, Sell and Klf2;2群是CD4+ T细胞,表达Cd4, Ccr7 and Cd40lg;3群表达Mki67,是增殖CD8T;4群是Cd24a-expressing T,数量很少。
Fig 1f:几群细胞中,只有心肌炎组小鼠的细胞出现了高TCR density,尤其是0群activated effector CD8+T。
Fig 1g:0群activated effector CD8+T的高表达基因(和1,2,3,4群相比)包括Ccl5, Nkg7, Ccl4, Cxcr6, Lag3 和 Prf1。
Fig1h:克隆性分析显示心肌炎组小鼠心脏中,63%的TCR+细胞是clonal TCRs,正常小鼠的TCR则都没有出现克隆扩增(Extended Data Fig. 3e)。随后作者比较了正常小鼠T细胞,心肌炎非克隆扩增T细胞和克隆扩增T细胞的基因表达,发现克隆扩增T细胞高表达Cd8a和细胞毒性marker如 Nkg7 和 Gzmb,低表达CD4和naive marker。

These data show that there is a large population of highly activated, clonally expanded CD8+ T cells in mouse ICI-MC.

2. CD8+ T cells are necessary for myocarditis

Fig2b-d:同样的,将Pdcd1–/–Ctla4+/–心肌炎小鼠的whole splenocytes的脾细胞过继给 Rag1–/–小鼠可以诱导出严重心肌炎,心脏出现明显CD8T细胞浸润。而过继CD8T细胞清除的脾细胞则没有出现这种现象。
Fig2e:随后作者对1个donor和4个接受了全脾细胞过继小鼠的心脏细胞进行了TCR β链测序。发现在recipient脾细胞中most clonal TCR β chain占了总心脏TCR库对的65%以上,提示很多TCR出现了克隆扩增。donor心脏中most clonal TCR β chain: CDR3: CASSLRRGEQYF (占了心脏TCR库的37%) 在3/4的recipient心脏 (Rec1, Rec3 和 Rec4)中出现了显著扩增。Rec2最显著扩增的TCR β chain是CDR3: CASSLGGTVQDTQYF。

This high degree of expansion from donor to recipient cardiac tissue suggests that a single TCR clonotype may drive myocarditis in the recipient animals. Together, these results strongly indicate that CD8+ T cells are necessary for the development of myocarditis.

3. Myocarditis TCRs recognize α-myosin

接着,作者想要去鉴定clonal mouse TCRs的亲和抗原。
Fig3a:作者分析了scRNA–TCR-seq 数据中的5种TCR(TCR-A和TCR1–TCR4,5种TCR是根据丰度选出来的),这些TCR主要来自来自cluster 0效应CD8T和cluster 3增殖T细胞 (结合前面fig 1d)。此外作者还包含了两种额外的TCRs (TCR-B 和 TCR-C)。TCRB是在donor和3个recipients中丰度最高的β CDR3: CASSLR- RGEQYF,TCRC是在recipient 2中丰度最高的β CDR3: CASSLGGTVQDTQYF。
Table 1展示了CDR3氨基酸序列,V基因和J基因。

These TCRs were reconstructed using Stitchr, cloned and retrovirally transduced into Jurkat nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) cells expressing GFP as the reporter. Syngeneic bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) were used as antigen-presenting cells (APCs).

Fig3b:随后作者使用candidate autoantigen approach 进行 TCR screening。作者首先通过和其他组织相比,得到了仅在心脏中高丰度表达的cardiac-enriched genes。随后作者分析了公开的人胸腺APCs RNAseq测序数据集,发现4个cardiac-enriched genes:MYH6, NPPA, NPPBSBK2在心脏表达,但在胸腺不表达的。胸腺中的表达缺失提示它们可以激活self-reactive T cells 并逃避阴性选择,这是self-tolerance的重要机制
Fig3c:随后作者使用了一个包含172个overlapping peptides的库,其中囊括了所有的α-myosin (encoded by Myh6), ANP (encoded by Nppa), BNP (encoded by Nppb) 和 SBK2 (encoded by Sbk2)。(见下Extended Data Table 1)。结果显示3中TCR细胞line,包括both expanded TCRs (B 和 C),在α-myosin peptides刺激时存在NFAT activity,另外三种心脏蛋白刺激T细胞则都没有出现NFAT activity。

MYH6 (α-myosin) is not expressed in the thymus in mice or humans and is a major histocompatibility class II (MHC-II)-restricted autoantigen in mouse models.

此外,值得注意的是,5个single-cell-derived TCR cell lines中有4个没有对任何心脏肽段起反应,这提示着两个重要的可能性:(1) the presence of ‘bystander’ T cells that are attracted to the site of inflammation but are not specific for disease-causing antigens or (2) the possibility that these TCRs recognize other cardiac antigens that are important in disease pathogenesis.

Fig3d:由于TCR-A 和TCR-B被相同的α-myosin peptide (MYH6181–200)激活了NFAT,而TCR-C则对α-myosin peptide (MYH6406–425)起反应,作者随后使用了TepiTool预测了the most probable immunogenic epitopes,并使用reporter TCR lines进行了筛选。结果显示TCR-A 和 TCR-B 识别 MYH6191–198 (VIQYFASI), 而 TCR-C 识别 MYH6418–425 (VQQVYYSI)。
Fig3e:预测结果显示VIQYFASI 和VQQVYYSI 都和H2-Kb有一个强结合(Extended Data Table 2),与此一致,阻断H2-Kb而不是H2-Db的抗体可以在所有三种细胞系中阻断NFAT reporter 活性。
Fig3f, g:Next we compared an empty H2-Kb tetramer loaded with either VIQYFASI or VQQVYYSI with a tetramer loaded with an irrelevant peptide (SIINFEKL). We found that 6–30% of the cardiac-infiltrating CD8+ T cells were specific for one of the two α-myosin peptides in nine additional Pdcd1–/–Ctla4+/– mice with myocarditis.

This result demonstrates the ubiquity of α-myosin-reactive T cells in this mouse model. Notably, high levels of α-myosin tetramer-positive CD8+ T cells were confined to the hearts (Extended Data Fig. 5c). These data strongly suggest that α-myosin is an important MHC-I-restricted autoantigen in mouse immune checkpoint deficiency myocarditis.

4. α-myosin TCRs are found in patients with ICI-MC

随后作者想要去α-myosin是否也是ICI-MC患者的潜在抗原。作者分析了3例HC和3例ICI-MC患者的样本(Table 2)。
Fig4a:首先,作者检测了是否可以从外周血PBMC扩增α-myosin-specific T细胞。作者使用了α-myosin peptide和其他control 巨细胞病毒、EB病毒和流感peptide刺激healthy donor PBMC 14天以得到扩增PBMCs (exPBMCs)。随后作者进行了TCR β链测序以评估扩增情况。Shannon diversity decreased from pre-expansion PBMCs to α-myosin exPBMCs for healthy donors and for patients with ICI-MC, 提示存在着α-myosin-specific T cells的克隆扩增。值得注意的是,其他control peptide刺激下,Shannon diversity 和 baseline 相比并没有变化,提示 α-myosin 是 clonal T cell expansion的强刺激剂。
Fig4b:为了评估α-myosin-expanded TCR clones是否参与心脏和骨骼肌毒性,作者将心脏和受累肌肉的TCR β chain repertoires与在α-myosin exPBMCs 中高表达(与unexpanded PBMCs相比)的TCR β chain做了比较。作者对心肌活检组织(患者1和3)和autopsy组织(患者1和2)进行了bulk TCR β chain 测序。结果显示(4a)ICI-MC患者心脏和骨骼肌的Shannon diversity和ICI-相关结肠炎或克罗恩病中受累结肠相比更低。This result indicates the high clonality of TCR repertoires seen in ICI-MC compared with another immunotherapy-related toxicity associated with high infiltration of T cells.
Fig4c:α-myosin expansion程度分析(count in α-myosin exPBMCs minus the count in pre-expansion PBMCs) 显示三个患者的受累心脏中都存在α-myosin-expanded TCRs,which suggested that α-myosin may be a relevant disease antigen for ICI-MC and myositis.
Fig4d-f:随后作者对分选的CD3+ exPBMCs (患者1) 进行了scRNA–TCR-seq,发现不同T细胞聚成不同的群。且心脏中Clonal的比例非常高,而且这些clonal cells高表达CD8A和活化marker如NKG7, GZMB 和 GNLY。
Fig4g-i:随后作者验证了α-myosin expansion generates clonal TCRs specific for α-myosin。

Thus, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells specific for α-myosin are present in the blood and diseased hearts of patients with fulminant ICI-MC and may be present in healthy individuals.

5. Tumour-specific MYH6 expression

一些肿瘤也表达MYH6,但这些病人治疗后没有出现ICI-MC。these data are insufficient to determine whether tumour-specific MYH6 expression may be a risk factor for ICI-MC. HLA type may be an important modifying factor. 但肿瘤MYH6的表达具有普遍性,在TCGA的黑色素瘤队列中,250 out of 363 tumours检测到了MYH6的表达。


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