

each other 互相;彼此

be all ears 全神贯注地听;洗耳恭听

turn a deaf ear 不愿听

on earth  究竟;到底

it (is) easy (for sb) to do sth (某人)做某事很容易

take it easy  别紧张;放松;不急

eat out  外出就餐

eat up 吃完;耗尽

educate sb to do sth 教育某人做某事

physical education (P.E.) 体育

either ... or ... 或者……或者……;要么……要么……

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

at the end of  在……的末梢;在……的尽头

by the end of  到……末为止

come to an end 告终;结束;完结

in the end  最后;终于

end in 以……结尾;以……告终

end up 最终处于;最终成为

enjoy doing sth 享受做某事

enjoy oneself 过得开心;玩得愉快

enough to do sth 足够做某事

enter ... into ... 把……输入到……

even if / though 即使;虽然

even so 尽管如此;即使那样

in the evening 在晚上

ever since 自从;从……以后

every day 每天

be / mean everything (to sb) (对某人来说) 是最重要的 / 意味着一切

take an exam 参加考试

pass an exam 通过考试

for example 例如

except for 除了……外;除去

be excited about / at / by sth 对某事感到兴奋

be excited to do sth 做某事很兴奋

excuse sb for (doing) sth 原谅某人(做)某事

excuse me  劳驾;对不起;抱歉

do / take exercise  锻炼;做运动

do exercises  做体操;做练习

expect (...) to do sth 期望……做某事

explain (sth) to sb 向某人解释(某事)

express oneself 表达自己的感情 / 思想

in sb’s eyes  在某人看来

keep an eye on 照看;注意
