注意点: 1:Activity中使用getContentResolver()获取ContentResolver, 其实就是Context实现类ContextImpl中getContentResolver()所返回该类中的静态内不类ApplicationContentResolver ApplicationContentResolver继承ContentResolver拥有它的能力 2:IContentProvider AIDL的实现类为抽象类ContentProviderNative ContentProvider的内部类 Transport继承ContentProviderNative 3:ContentResolver中的getContentService()获取的IContentService IContentService AIDL的实现类为ContentService 4:ContentService中ObserverCollector 就是收集外部注册到该服务中的观察者,方便同意分发或通知内容变化 5:IContentObserver AIDL的实现类为 ContentObserver中的Transport
protected IContentProvider acquireUnstableProvider(Context c, String auth) {
return mMainThread.acquireProvider(c,
resolveUserIdFromAuthority(auth), false);
public final IContentProvider acquireProvider(
Context c, String auth, int userId, boolean stable) {
* 判断是否ContentProvider是否初始化
* 如果没有初始化初始化installProvider方法
* 注意:
* 应用自己内部的ContentProvider会在ActivityThread的main方法会去初始化
* 如果是调用外部的ContentProvider可能卫初始化
final IContentProvider provider = acquireExistingProvider(c, auth, userId, stable);
if (provider != null) {
return provider;
// Install provider will increment the reference count for us, and break
// any ties in the race.
holder = installProvider(c, holder, holder.info,
true /*noisy*/, holder.noReleaseNeeded, stable);
return holder.provider;
== insert源码流程========================================================================================
getContentResolver().insert(TestContentProvider.URI_USER, contentValues);
public final @Nullable Uri insert(@RequiresPermission.Write @NonNull Uri url,
@Nullable ContentValues values, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
Objects.requireNonNull(url, "url");
try {
if (mWrapped != null) return mWrapped.insert(url, values, extras);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return null;
* 获取IContentProvider的实现Transpor
* Transpor在ContentProvider中且继承ContentProviderNative
* ContentProviderNative 继承 Binder 实现 IContentProvider
IContentProvider provider = acquireProvider(url);
if (provider == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URL " + url);
try {
long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
* 执行ContentProvider中实现类Transpor的insert方法
Uri createdRow = provider.insert(mContext.getAttributionSource(), url, values, extras);
long durationMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime;
maybeLogUpdateToEventLog(durationMillis, url, "insert", null /* where */);
return createdRow;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Arbitrary and not worth documenting, as Activity
// Manager will kill this process shortly anyway.
return null;
} finally {
public Uri insert(@NonNull AttributionSource attributionSource, Uri uri,
ContentValues initialValues, Bundle extras) {
uri = validateIncomingUri(uri);
int userId = getUserIdFromUri(uri);
uri = maybeGetUriWithoutUserId(uri);
if (enforceWritePermission(attributionSource, uri)
!= PermissionChecker.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
final AttributionSource original = setCallingAttributionSource(
try {
return rejectInsert(uri, initialValues);
} finally {
traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_DATABASE, "insert: ", uri.getAuthority());
final AttributionSource original = setCallingAttributionSource(
try {
* 执行的是ContentProvider实现的接口ContentInterface中insert方法
* 最后执行ContentProvider中抽象方法insert
return maybeAddUserId(mInterface.insert(uri, initialValues, extras), userId);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
} finally {
== query源码流程 ========================================================================================
public final @Nullable Cursor query(final @RequiresPermission.Read @NonNull Uri uri,
@Nullable String[] projection, @Nullable Bundle queryArgs,
@Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "uri");
try {
if (mWrapped != null) {
return mWrapped.query(uri, projection, queryArgs, cancellationSignal);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return null;
* 获取IContentProvider的实现Transpor
* Transpor在ContentProvider中且继承ContentProviderNative
* ContentProviderNative 继承 Binder 实现 IContentProvider
IContentProvider unstableProvider = acquireUnstableProvider(uri);
if (unstableProvider == null) {
return null;
IContentProvider stableProvider = null;
Cursor qCursor = null;
try {
long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
ICancellationSignal remoteCancellationSignal = null;
if (cancellationSignal != null) {
remoteCancellationSignal = unstableProvider.createCancellationSignal();
try {
* 执行ContentProvider中实现类Transpor的insert方法
qCursor = unstableProvider.query(mContext.getAttributionSource(), uri, projection,
queryArgs, remoteCancellationSignal);
} catch (DeadObjectException e) {
// The remote process has died... but we only hold an unstable
// reference though, so we might recover!!! Let's try!!!!
// This is exciting!!1!!1!!!!1
stableProvider = acquireProvider(uri);
if (stableProvider == null) {
return null;
qCursor = stableProvider.query(mContext.getAttributionSource(), uri, projection,
queryArgs, remoteCancellationSignal);
if (qCursor == null) {
return null;
// Force query execution. Might fail and throw a runtime exception here.
long durationMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime;
maybeLogQueryToEventLog(durationMillis, uri, projection, queryArgs);
// Wrap the cursor object into CursorWrapperInner object.
final IContentProvider provider = (stableProvider != null) ? stableProvider
: acquireProvider(uri);
final CursorWrapperInner wrapper = new CursorWrapperInner(qCursor, provider);
stableProvider = null;
qCursor = null;
return wrapper;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Arbitrary and not worth documenting, as Activity
// Manager will kill this process shortly anyway.
return null;
} finally {
if (qCursor != null) {
if (cancellationSignal != null) {
if (unstableProvider != null) {
if (stableProvider != null) {
public Cursor query(@NonNull AttributionSource attributionSource, Uri uri,
@Nullable String[] projection, @Nullable Bundle queryArgs,
@Nullable ICancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
uri = validateIncomingUri(uri);
uri = maybeGetUriWithoutUserId(uri);
if (enforceReadPermission(attributionSource, uri)
!= PermissionChecker.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
Cursor cursor;
final AttributionSource original = setCallingAttributionSource(
try {
* 执行的是ContentProvider实现的接口ContentInterface中query方法
* 最后执行ContentProvider中抽象方法query
cursor = mInterface.query(
uri, projection, queryArgs,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
} finally {
if (cursor == null) {
return null;
// Return an empty cursor for all columns.
return new MatrixCursor(cursor.getColumnNames(), 0);
traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_DATABASE, "query: ", uri.getAuthority());
final AttributionSource original = setCallingAttributionSource(
try {
return mInterface.query(
uri, projection, queryArgs,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
} finally {
== registerContentObserver注册内容观察者以及通知内容变化分发 ===================================
// 注册的观察者不能为null
getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(TestContentProvider.URI_USER, false, new ContentObserver(new Handler()) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
Log.i(TAG, "onChange");
public final void registerContentObserver(Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendents,
ContentObserver observer, @UserIdInt int userHandle) {
try {
* 把当前ContentObserver中AIDL接口IContentObserver的实现类Transport注册到该服务中
* (Transport继承IContentObserver.Stub)
* 方便后期ContentService通过该接口实现发送通知消息
getContentService().registerContentObserver(uri, notifyForDescendents,
observer.getContentObserver(), userHandle, mTargetSdkVersion);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
public static IContentService getContentService() {
if (sContentService != null) {
return sContentService;
* 获取IContentService的实现类ContentService
IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME);
sContentService = IContentService.Stub.asInterface(b);
return sContentService;
public void registerContentObserver(Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendants,
IContentObserver observer, int userHandle, int targetSdkVersion) {
* observer为刚才注册的ContentObserver.Transport
* 添加到到该观察者的节点上
* ArrayList mObservers = new ArrayList()
* 中
synchronized (mRootNode) {
mRootNode.addObserverLocked(uri, observer, notifyForDescendants, mRootNode,
uid, pid, userHandle);
if (false) Log.v(TAG, "Registered observer " + observer + " at " + uri +
" with notifyForDescendants " + notifyForDescendants);
== notifyChange通知内容变化分发 ===================================
* 数据有 增删该查 都可以通过该方法通知已经注册的观察者
getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(TestContentProvider.URI_USER, null);
public void notifyChange(@NonNull Uri[] uris, ContentObserver observer, @NotifyFlags int flags,
@UserIdInt int userHandle) {
try {
uris, observer == null ? null : observer.getContentObserver(),
observer != null && observer.deliverSelfNotifications(), flags,
userHandle, mTargetSdkVersion, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
public static IContentService getContentService() {
if (sContentService != null) {
return sContentService;
* 获取IContentService的实现类ContentService
IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME);
sContentService = IContentService.Stub.asInterface(b);
return sContentService;
public void notifyChange(Uri[] uris, IContentObserver observer,
boolean observerWantsSelfNotifications, int flags, int userId,
int targetSdkVersion, String callingPackage) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Notifying update of " + Arrays.toString(uris) + " for user " + userId
+ ", observer " + observer + ", flags " + Integer.toHexString(flags));
final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
* 先初始化一个观察者收集器 方便存放观察者
// Set of notification events that we need to dispatch
final ObserverCollector collector = new ObserverCollector();
// Set of content provider authorities that we've validated the caller
// has access to, mapped to the package name hosting that provider
final ArrayMap, String> validatedProviders = new ArrayMap<>();
for (Uri uri : uris) {
// Validate that calling app has access to this provider
final int resolvedUserId = handleIncomingUser(uri, callingPid, callingUid,
final Pair provider = Pair.create(uri.getAuthority(), resolvedUserId);
if (!validatedProviders.containsKey(provider)) {
final String msg = LocalServices.getService(ActivityManagerInternal.class)
.checkContentProviderAccess(uri.getAuthority(), resolvedUserId);
if (msg != null) {
if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
throw new SecurityException(msg);
} else {
if (msg.startsWith("Failed to find provider")) {
// Sigh, we need to quietly let apps targeting older API
// levels notify on non-existent providers.
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring notify for " + uri + " from "
+ callingUid + ": " + msg);
// Remember that we've validated this access
final String packageName = getProviderPackageName(uri, resolvedUserId);
validatedProviders.put(provider, packageName);
* 把ObserverNode节点保存的ContentObserver.Transport复制到观察者收集器中
* 最后执行ObserverCollector的collect方法
// No concerns raised above, so caller has access; let's collect the
// notifications that should be dispatched
synchronized (mRootNode) {
final int segmentCount = ObserverNode.countUriSegments(uri);
mRootNode.collectObserversLocked(uri, segmentCount, 0, observer,
observerWantsSelfNotifications, flags, resolvedUserId, collector);
final long token = clearCallingIdentity();
try {
* 开启数据变化的分发
// Actually dispatch all the notifications we collected
for (int i = 0; i < validatedProviders.size(); i++) {
final String authority = validatedProviders.keyAt(i).first;
final int resolvedUserId = validatedProviders.keyAt(i).second;
final String packageName = validatedProviders.valueAt(i);
// Kick off sync adapters for any authorities we touched
if ((flags & ContentResolver.NOTIFY_SYNC_TO_NETWORK) != 0) {
SyncManager syncManager = getSyncManager();
if (syncManager != null) {
syncManager.scheduleLocalSync(null /* all accounts */, callingUserId,
authority, getSyncExemptionForCaller(callingUid),
callingUid, callingPid, callingPackage);
// Invalidate caches for any authorities we touched
synchronized (mCache) {
for (Uri uri : uris) {
if (Objects.equals(uri.getAuthority(), authority)) {
invalidateCacheLocked(resolvedUserId, packageName, uri);
} finally {
public void dispatch() {
for (int i = 0; i < collected.size(); i++) {
final Key key = collected.keyAt(i);
final List value = collected.valueAt(i);
final Runnable task = () -> {
try {
value.toArray(new Uri[value.size()]), key.flags, key.userId);
} catch (RemoteException ignored) {
// Immediately dispatch notifications to foreground apps that
// are important to the user; all other background observers are
// delayed to avoid stampeding
final boolean noDelay = (key.flags & ContentResolver.NOTIFY_NO_DELAY) != 0;
final int procState = LocalServices.getService(ActivityManagerInternal.class)
if (procState <= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND || noDelay) {
} else {
BackgroundThread.getHandler().postDelayed(task, BACKGROUND_OBSERVER_DELAY);
public void onChangeEtc(boolean selfChange, Uri[] uris, int flags, int userId) {
ContentObserver contentObserver = mContentObserver;
if (contentObserver != null) {
contentObserver.dispatchChange(selfChange, Arrays.asList(uris), flags, userId);
public final void dispatchChange(boolean selfChange, @NonNull Collection uris,
@NotifyFlags int flags, @UserIdInt int userId) {
if (mHandler == null) {
onChange(selfChange, uris, flags, userId);
} else {
mHandler.post(() -> {
onChange(selfChange, uris, flags, userId);