5,乱用try catch
这个也很恶心,它的代码突然try catch包装一下,咦,这个家伙得不错,还对某些异常进行特殊打标记录,我仔细看了一下代码,这是什么鬼啊,catch中怎么把异常信息吃了,吃了就吃了,你为啥也不打印异常信息,也不throws异常,就这样凶猛的将异常吃了,明明有问题,它不报,通过它来引发一个新的异常来雪藏真正的问题。
最后我想说,程序员何苦难为程序员,代码留一线, 日后好相见啥。你也不想自己给自己挖坑后,解决不了,然后来一句"大哥,你忙吗,我这有个小问题,帮忙看下呗(嗑瓜子)"。
写业务代码的时候,我们经常要做条件判断,有的时候条件判断的或判断长达20多个。reg.equals("1") || reg.equals("2") || reg.equals("3")||.....是不是很奔溃
/** * @author:YangLiu * @date:2018年3月22日 上午10:06:25 * @describe: */ public class ifMap { public static MapISJACARD = new HashMap (20) { { put("1", ""); put("2", ""); put("3", ""); put("4", ""); put("5", ""); put("6", ""); put("7", ""); put("8", ""); put("9", ""); put("11", ""); put("12", ""); put("13", ""); put("14", ""); put("15", ""); put("16", ""); put("17", ""); put("18", ""); put("19", ""); put("21", ""); put("22", ""); put("23", ""); put("24", ""); put("25", ""); put("26", ""); put("27", ""); put("28", ""); put("29", ""); } }; public static void main(String[] args) { String reg = "13"; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) { if (reg.equals("1") || reg.equals("2") || reg.equals("3") || reg.equals("4") || reg.equals("5") || reg.equals("6") || reg.equals("7") || reg.equals("8") || reg.equals("9") || reg.equals("19") || reg.equals("18") || reg.equals("17") || reg.equals("16") || reg.equals("15") || reg.equals("14") || reg.equals("13") || reg.equals("12") || reg.equals("11")) { } } System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) { if (ISJACARD.containsKey(reg)) { } } System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } } core Session的测试使用心得中Session是以中间件的形式注册使用的。不比asp.net中的使用,直接使用Session就行。
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddMvc(); services.AddDistributedMemoryCache(); services.AddSession(options => { options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 * 60); }); }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { app.UseSession(); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseBrowserLink(); } else { app.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error"); } app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); }); }
public class HomeController : Controller { string ss = "dasdas"; public IActionResult Index() { if (HttpContext.Session.GetString(ss) == null) { HttpContext.Session.SetString(ss, "Added into Redis"); ViewData["ewq"] = "Empty"; } else { string s = HttpContext.Session.GetString(ss); ViewData["ewq"] = s; } return View(); } public IActionResult About() { ViewData["Message"] = "Your application description page."; string s = HttpContext.Session.GetString(ss); ViewData["das"] = s; return View(); } }
代码demo地址: 链接: 密码:gxe4
1. DataBase.EFModel就是EntityFramework进行ORM放置edmx系列文件的地方。
2. Common用于放置一些基本的操作函数。
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration;
public class ServiceLocator : IServiceProvider { private readonly IUnityContainer mobjContainer = null; private static readonly ServiceLocator instance = new ServiceLocator(); private ServiceLocator() { UnityConfigurationSection section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("unity") as UnityConfigurationSection; mobjContainer = new UnityContainer(); section.Configure(mobjContainer, "Default"); } public static ServiceLocator Instance { get { return instance; } } public IUnityContainer GetContainer() { return mobjContainer; } public object GetService(Type serviceType) { if (IsRegistered(serviceType)) { return mobjContainer.Resolve(serviceType); } else { ServerLogger.Warn(string.Format("Service type {0} is not registered", serviceType.ToString())); return null; } } public object GetService(Type serviceType, string name) { if (IsRegistered(serviceType, name)) { return mobjContainer.Resolve(serviceType, name); } else { ServerLogger.Warn(string.Format("Service type {0} is not registered with name {1}", serviceType.ToString(), name)); return null; } } public T GetService() { if (IsRegistered ()) { return mobjContainer.Resolve (); } else { Type type = typeof(T); ServerLogger.Warn(string.Format("Service type {0} is not registered", type.ToString())); return default(T); } } public T GetService (string name) { if (IsRegistered (name)) { return mobjContainer.Resolve (name); } else { Type type = typeof(T); ServerLogger.Warn(string.Format("Service type {0} is not registered with name {1}", type.ToString(), name)); return default(T); } } public IEnumerable GetServices () { return mobjContainer.ResolveAll (); } private bool IsRegistered(Type serviceType, string name="") { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return mobjContainer.IsRegistered(serviceType); } else { return mobjContainer.IsRegistered(serviceType, name); } } private bool IsRegistered (string name = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return mobjContainer.IsRegistered (); } else { return mobjContainer.IsRegistered (name); } } }
using log4net;
using log4net.Appender;
using log4net.Core;
using log4net.Layout;
using log4net.Repository.Hierarchy;
public class ServerLogger { private static ILog Log { get; set; } static ServerLogger() { try { string logFolder = CommonDefine.GetLogPath(); if (!Directory.Exists(logFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logFolder); } Hierarchy hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository(); PatternLayout patternLayout = new PatternLayout(); patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} %level %message%newline"; patternLayout.ActivateOptions(); RollingFileAppender roller = new RollingFileAppender(); roller.AppendToFile = true; roller.File = logFolder + @"\server.log"; roller.Layout = patternLayout; roller.MaxSizeRollBackups = 100; roller.RollingStyle = RollingFileAppender.RollingMode.Date; roller.StaticLogFileName = true; roller.ActivateOptions(); hierarchy.Configured = true; Logger logger = hierarchy.GetLogger("IMLogger") as Logger;//Log as Logger; logger.Additivity = false; logger.Level = Level.All; logger.AddAppender(roller); Log = LogManager.GetLogger("IMLogger"); } catch (Exception) { } } public static void Debug(string message) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.DEBUG)) { Log.Debug(message); } } public static void Info(string message) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.INFO)) { Log.Info(message); } } public static void Warn(string message) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.WARN)) { Log.Warn(message); } } public static void Perfomance(Stopwatch watch, string actionName) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.PERFORMANCE)) { if (watch.IsRunning) watch.Stop(); string message = string.Format(actionName + " consumes time {0}", watch.Elapsed.ToString()); Log.Info(message); } } public static void Error(string message) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.ERROR)) { Log.Error(message); } } /* Obsolete public static void Fatal(string message) { Log.Fatal(message); } */ public static void Error(string message, Exception ex) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.ERROR)) { Log.Error(message, ex); } } public static void SQL(string sqlScriptMesage) { if (CanLog(LogLevel.SQL)) { Log.Info(sqlScriptMesage); } } private static bool CanLog(LogLevel level) { LogLevel levelConfig = GetLogLevel(); return levelConfig >= level; } private static LogLevel GetLogLevel() { LogLevel level = LogLevel.ERROR; try { string logLevel = CommonDefine.GetLogLevel(); level = (LogLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogLevel), logLevel.ToUpper()); } catch(Exception ex) { // Cannot use Error method to avoid stack overflow, use log tool directly Log.Error("Failed to parse log level setting", ex); } return level; } } public enum LogLevel { ERROR = 1, WARN, INFO, SQL, PERFORMANCE, DEBUG }
3. Infrastructure与Module是一对,Infrastructure用于定义相关接口,而Module用于实现Infrastructure的接口。这也是本文重点介绍的。
1. DatabaseContext主要定义与EF相关的操作接口:
public interface ITransactionProcessor { void BeginTransaction(); void Commit(); void Rollback(); }
public interface IRepositoryContext : ITransactionProcessor, IDisposable { void Initialize(); void Add(T entity) where T : class; void Update (T entity) where T : class; void Delete (T entity) where T : class; void Save(); }
public interface IEFRepositoryContext : IRepositoryContext { DbContext Context { get; } }
2. DataContracts主要定义一些业务内需要的数据结构,注意其不引用EF中的ORM对象
3. Repositories主要定义EF中ORM对象集合接口
public interface IRepositorywhere TEntity : class { /// /// Return IQueryable without actually query DB /// /// /// ///IQueryable Query(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath); /// /// Find the first object which mataches the expression /// /// ///TEntity FirstOrDefault(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath); /// /// Finds an entity with the given primary key values. /// The ordering of composite key values is as defined in the EDM /// /// ///TEntity FindByKeyValues(params object[] keyValues); /// /// 根据指定条件表达式得到数据查询列表 /// if no expression, resurn all /// IListFindList(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath); IList FindDistinctList(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath); IList FindListByOrder (Expression > expression = null, Expression > orderBy = null, bool ascending = true, params string[] includePath); /// /// Add entity into DB context /// /// void Add(TEntity entity); ////// Add a collection of entities /// /// void Add(IEnumerableentities); /// /// 修改实体 /// /// 实体 void Update(TEntity entity); ////// Update a collection of entities /// /// void Update(IEnumerableentities); /// /// Remove entity by key or keys /// /// void DeleteByKey(params object[] keyValues); ////// Remove entity /// /// void Delete(TEntity entity); ////// Remove a collection of entities /// /// void Delete(IEnumerableentities); /// /// 分页获取全部集合 /// /// 返回的记录总数 /// 页码 /// 每页大小 ///集合 IListLoadPageList (out long count, int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression > expression = null, Expression > orderBy = null, bool ascending = true, params string[] includePath); IList SqlQueryList(string sqlQueryScript, params object[] parameters); }
public interface IEntityRepository
4. Service主要定义业务逻辑服务接口
public class ApplicationService { private static object mobjLock = new object(); private static ApplicationService mobjInstance = new ApplicationService(); public bool IsInitialized { get; set; } public static ApplicationService Instance { get { return mobjInstance; } } private ApplicationService() { } public void Initialize() { lock (mobjLock) { if (IsInitialized) return; // Register all interfaces first IUnityContainer container = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetContainer(); IResourceManagerUtils resourceManager = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(); resourceManager.InitializeResource("Resource", "SharedResources", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "TestResource"); Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) { // fix bug that GetTypes() of some assembly may throw exception // only allow customized assebmly start with Platform. string assebmlyName = assembly.GetName().Name.ToLower(); try { IEnumerable definedTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass && !t.IsInterface && !t.IsAbstract); RegisterRepositories(definedTypes); } catch (Exception ex) { ServerLogger.Error(string.Format("Failed to load dll {0}", assebmlyName), ex); } } IsInitialized = true; } } private void RegisterRepositories(IEnumerable definedTypes) { IUnityContainer container = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetContainer(); Type repositoryInterface = typeof(IRepository<>); Type entityRepositoryInterface = typeof(IEntityRepository); foreach (Type type in definedTypes) { Type[] parentIntefaces = type.GetInterfaces(); // Is IRepository if (IsGenericTypeOf(type, repositoryInterface)) { Type parentInterface = GetParentGenericInterface(repositoryInterface, parentIntefaces); if (parentInterface != null) { ServerLogger.Debug(string.Format("Regsiter type {0} to interface {1}", type.FullName, parentInterface.FullName)); container.RegisterType(parentInterface, type); } } Attribute[] customAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, false); if (customAttributes != null) { EntityRepositoryAttribute entityRepositoryAtt = customAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is EntityRepositoryAttribute) as EntityRepositoryAttribute; if (entityRepositoryAtt != null) { string name = entityRepositoryAtt.EntityClassName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityRepositoryAtt.EntityClassName)) { // Is IEntityRepository if (parentIntefaces.Any(t => t == entityRepositoryInterface)) { ServerLogger.Debug(string.Format("Regsiter type {0} to interface {1}", type.FullName, entityRepositoryInterface.FullName)); container.RegisterType(entityRepositoryInterface, type, name); } } } } } } private Type GetParentGenericInterface(Type repositoryInterface, Type[] interfaces) { if (null == interfaces || 0 == interfaces.Count()) { return null; } foreach (var type in interfaces) { if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == repositoryInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition()) { continue; } if (IsGenericTypeOf(type, repositoryInterface)) { return type; } } return null; } private Type GetParentInterface(Type repositoryInterface, Type[] interfaces) { if (null == interfaces || 0 == interfaces.Count()) { return null; } foreach (var type in interfaces) { if (IsTypeOf(type, repositoryInterface)) { return type; } } return null; } private bool IsGenericTypeOf(Type type, Type genericDefinition) { Type[] parameters = null; return IsGenericTypeOf(type, genericDefinition, out parameters); } private bool IsGenericTypeOf(Type type, Type genericDefinition, out Type[] genericParameters) { genericParameters = new Type[] { }; if (!genericDefinition.IsGenericType) { return false; } var isMatch = type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericDefinition.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (!isMatch && type.BaseType != null) { isMatch = IsGenericTypeOf(type.BaseType, genericDefinition, out genericParameters); } if (!isMatch && genericDefinition.IsInterface && type.GetInterfaces().Any()) { foreach (var i in type.GetInterfaces()) { if (IsGenericTypeOf(i, genericDefinition, out genericParameters)) { isMatch = true; break; } } } if (isMatch && !genericParameters.Any()) { genericParameters = type.GetGenericArguments(); } return isMatch; } private bool IsTypeOf(Type type, Type interfaceDefinition) { bool isMatch = false; if (type.BaseType != null) { isMatch = IsTypeOf(type.BaseType, interfaceDefinition); } if (!isMatch && interfaceDefinition.IsInterface && type.GetInterfaces().Any()) { foreach (var i in type.GetInterfaces()) { if (IsTypeOf(i, interfaceDefinition)) { isMatch = true; break; } } } return isMatch; } }
public abstract class EFRepository: IEntityRepository, IRepository where TEntity : class { private IEFRepositoryContext mobjContext = null; public IRepositoryContext Context { get { return mobjContext; } } public EFRepository(string contextName = "Default") { IRepositoryContext context = ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService (contextName) ; if (context is IEFRepositoryContext) { mobjContext = context as IEFRepositoryContext; } else { // throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public void Add(TEntity entity) { mobjContext.Add (entity); } public void Add(IEnumerable entities) { foreach (TEntity entity in entities) { Add(entity); } } public void Update(TEntity entity) { mobjContext.Update (entity); } public void Update(IEnumerable entities) { foreach (TEntity entity in entities) { Update(entity); } } public void DeleteByKey(params object[] keyValues) { TEntity defaultEntity = this.FindByKeyValues(keyValues); if (defaultEntity != null) mobjContext.Delete (defaultEntity); } public void Delete(TEntity entity) { mobjContext.Delete (entity); } public void Delete(IEnumerable entities) { foreach (TEntity entity in entities) { Delete(entity); } } /// /// /// /// /// to get related data at one time, EF use latency loading as default ///public IQueryable Query(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = mobjContext.Context.Set (); if (includePath != null) { foreach (string path in includePath) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { defaultQuery = defaultQuery.Include(path); } } } if (expression != null) defaultQuery = defaultQuery.Where(expression); return defaultQuery; } public TEntity FirstOrDefault(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = Query(expression, includePath); return defaultQuery.FirstOrDefault(); } public TEntity FindByKeyValues(params object[] keyValues) { return mobjContext.Context.Set ().Find(keyValues); } public IList FindList(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = Query(expression, includePath); return defaultQuery.ToList(); } public IList FindDistinctList(Expression > expression = null, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = Query(expression, includePath); return defaultQuery.Distinct().ToList(); } public IList FindListByOrder (Expression > expression = null, Expression > orderBy = null, bool ascending = true, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = Query(expression, includePath); if (orderBy != null) { if (ascending) defaultQuery = defaultQuery.OrderBy(orderBy); else defaultQuery = defaultQuery.OrderByDescending(orderBy); } return defaultQuery.ToList(); } public IList LoadPageList (out long count, int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression > expression = null, Expression > orderBy = null, bool ascending = true, params string[] includePath) { IQueryable defaultQuery = Query(expression, includePath); if (orderBy != null) { if (ascending) defaultQuery = defaultQuery.OrderBy(orderBy); else defaultQuery = defaultQuery.OrderByDescending(orderBy); } count = defaultQuery.Count(); defaultQuery = defaultQuery.Skip(pageIndex).Take(pageSize); return defaultQuery.ToList(); } public IList SqlQueryList(string sqlQueryScript, params object[] parameters) { return mobjContext.Context.Set ().SqlQuery(sqlQueryScript, parameters).ToList(); } public IEnumerable
public abstract class EFRepositoryContext : IEFRepositoryContext { protected abstract System.Data.Entity.DbContext GetContext(); public System.Data.Entity.DbContext Context { get { return GetContext(); } } public virtual void Initialize() { GetContext(); } public virtual void Add(T entity) where T : class { if (Context != null) { Context.Set ().Add(entity); } else { ServerLogger.Warn("Missing DB Context"); } } public virtual void Update (T entity) where T : class { if (Context != null) { Context.Set ().Attach(entity); Context.Entry (entity).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } else { ServerLogger.Warn("Missing DB Context"); } } public virtual void Delete (T entity) where T : class { if (Context != null) { Context.Set ().Remove(entity); } else { ServerLogger.Warn("Missing DB Context"); } } public virtual void Save() { if (Context != null) { Context.SaveChanges(); } else { ServerLogger.Warn("Missing DB Context"); } } public virtual void BeginTransaction() { if (Context != null && Context.Database.CurrentTransaction == null) { ServerLogger.Info("Begin Transaction"); Context.Database.BeginTransaction(); ServerLogger.Info("Transaction started"); } } public virtual void Commit() { if (Context != null && Context.Database.CurrentTransaction != null) { ServerLogger.Info("Start to Commit"); Context.Database.CurrentTransaction.Commit(); ServerLogger.Info("Committed"); } } public virtual void Rollback() { if (Context != null && Context.Database.CurrentTransaction != null) { ServerLogger.Info("Start to rollback"); Context.Database.CurrentTransaction.Rollback(); ServerLogger.Info("Rollback"); } } public virtual void Dispose() { try { if (Context != null) { if (Context.Database.CurrentTransaction != null) { Context.Database.CurrentTransaction.Dispose(); } if (Context.Database.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { Context.Database.Connection.Close(); } Context.Dispose(); } } catch(Exception ex) { ServerLogger.Error("Faile to dispose DB context", ex); } } }
public interface IModuleOneRepository : IRepository{
//ModuleOneItem为EF的ORM对象! }
public interface IModuleOneService { void functionOne(); void functionTwo(); }
public class ModuleOneRepository : EFRepository, IModuleOneRepository { public ModuleOneRepository(): base() { } }
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
public class ModuleOneService:BaseModuleService, IModuleOneService { [Dependency] public IModuleOneRepository moduleOneRepository { get; set; } public void functionOne(){} public void functionTwo(){} }
本篇主要叙述Web项目所需要引用的CoreService相关项目,有了业务核心底层dlls,剩下的就可以在Web项目中进行使用了。Web项目主要使用.Net MVC模式,在我进入项目组时,MVC框架层进行过多次修改。当我有一次拆分完一个模块的js代码时,我和另一位Tech Leader以及我们的总架构师都意识到需要进一步优化我们的MVC框架。下篇将带来Web项目的MVC架构方案以及我们是如何引用本篇的CoreService相关项目!
int totalCount = 0; Listalist = new List { 5001536, 2, 3 }; List userInfoList = UserCenterBus.Select_WebSiteBase (1, 10, User_info._USER_INFO_, User_info._ID_ + " DESC", out totalCount, m => alist.Contains(m.ID)); base.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ConvertJsonToStr(userInfoList));
////// 自定义SQL分页查询_WebSite库_LINQ用于自定义分页SQL和非INT类型变量值传输(防止非INT类型值SQL注入) /// ///返回类型 /// 页码 /// 页大小 /// select * from {0} where {1} order by {2}:填写{0} /// select * from {0} where {1} order by {2}:填写{2} /// 总条数 /// 关于T的linq语句==>生成可DbParameter[]防SQL注入参数数组 ///public static List Select_WebSiteBase (int pageIndex, int pageSize, string fromTableSql, string orderByTableFieldSql, out int totalCount, Expression > whereLinq) { DB.MySql.WebSite.Entity.WherePart wherePart = DB.MySql.WebSite.Entity.WhereBuilder.Instance_MySql.ToSql (whereLinq); List dbParameterList = new List (0); if (wherePart.Parameters != null && wherePart.Parameters.Count > 0) { foreach (var paramter in wherePart.Parameters) { dbParameterList.Add(new MySqlParameter(paramter.Key, paramter.Value)); } } string pageSql = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} ORDER BY {2} LIMIT {3},{4};", fromTableSql, wherePart.Sql, orderByTableFieldSql, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize); string totalCountSql = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE {1};", fromTableSql, wherePart.Sql); List tList = DB.MySql.WebSite.BLL.BLLGeneric.Select (CommandType.Text, pageSql + totalCountSql, out totalCount, dbParameterList.ToArray()); dbParameterList.Clear(); dbParameterList = null; return tList; }
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; namespace a { ////// Generating SQL from expression trees, Part 2 /// /// public class WhereBuilder { private readonly char _columnBeginChar = '['; private readonly char _columnEndChar = ']'; private System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollectionexpressParameterNameColl; public static WhereBuilder Instance_MySql = new WhereBuilder('`'); public WhereBuilder(char columnChar = '`') { this._columnBeginChar = this._columnEndChar = columnChar; } public WhereBuilder(char columnBeginChar = '[', char columnEndChar = ']') { this._columnBeginChar = columnBeginChar; this._columnEndChar = columnEndChar; } public WherePart ToSql (Expression > expression) { var i = 1; if (expression.Parameters.Count > 0) { this.expressParameterNameColl = expression.Parameters; } return Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true); } private WherePart Recurse(ref int i, Expression expression, bool isUnary = false, string prefix = null, string postfix = null) { if (expression is UnaryExpression) { var unary = (UnaryExpression)expression; return WherePart.Concat(NodeTypeToString(unary.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, unary.Operand, true)); } if (expression is BinaryExpression) { var body = (BinaryExpression)expression; return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, body.Left), NodeTypeToString(body.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, body.Right)); } if (expression is ConstantExpression) { var constant = (ConstantExpression)expression; var value = constant.Value; if (value is int) { return WherePart.IsSql(value.ToString()); } if (value is string) { value = prefix + (string)value + postfix; } if (value is bool && isUnary) { return WherePart.Concat(WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value), "=", WherePart.IsSql("1")); } return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value); } if (expression is MemberExpression) { var member = (MemberExpression)expression; var memberExpress = member.Expression; if (member.Member is PropertyInfo && this.IsContainsParameterExpress(member)) { var property = (PropertyInfo)member.Member; //var colName = _tableDef.GetColumnNameFor(property.Name); var colName = property.Name; if (isUnary && member.Type == typeof(bool)) { return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, expression), "=", WherePart.IsParameter(i++, true)); } return WherePart.IsSql(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", this._columnBeginChar, colName, this._columnEndChar)); } if (member.Member is FieldInfo || !this.IsContainsParameterExpress(member)) { var value = GetValue(member); if (value is string) { value = prefix + (string)value + postfix; } return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value); } throw new Exception($"Expression does not refer to a property or field: {expression}"); } if (expression is MethodCallExpression) { var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)expression; //方法表达式需要验证调用对象是否是属性表达式&&属性表达式中的参数表达式是否是表达式参数集合中的实例(或者表达式中包含的其他表达式中的参数表达式) if (methodCall.Object is MemberExpression && this.IsContainsParameterExpress(methodCall)) { // LIKE queries: if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) })) { return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "%", postfix: "%")); } if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) })) { return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], postfix: "%")); } if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new[] { typeof(string) })) { return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "%")); } // IN queries: if (methodCall.Method.Name == "Contains") { Expression collection; Expression property; if (methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 2) { collection = methodCall.Arguments[0]; property = methodCall.Arguments[1]; } else if (!methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 1) { collection = methodCall.Object; property = methodCall.Arguments[0]; } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name); } var values = (IEnumerable)GetValue(collection); return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, property), "IN", WherePart.IsCollection(ref i, values)); } } else { var value = GetValue(expression); if (value is string) { value = prefix + (string)value + postfix; } return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value); } throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name); } if (expression is NewExpression) { var member = (NewExpression)expression; var value = GetValue(member); if (value is string) { value = prefix + (string)value + postfix; } return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value); } throw new Exception("Unsupported expression: " + expression.GetType().Name); } private bool IsContainsParameterExpress(Expression expression) { bool result = false; if (this.expressParameterNameColl != null && this.expressParameterNameColl.Count > 0 && expression != null) { if (expression is MemberExpression) { if (this.expressParameterNameColl.Contains(((MemberExpression)expression).Expression)) { result = true; } } else if (expression is MethodCallExpression) { MethodCallExpression methodCallExpression = (MethodCallExpression)expression; if (methodCallExpression.Object != null && methodCallExpression.Object is MemberExpression) { MemberExpression MemberExpression = (MemberExpression)methodCallExpression.Object; if (MemberExpression.Expression != null && this.expressParameterNameColl.Contains(MemberExpression.Expression)) { result = true; } } if (methodCallExpression.Arguments != null && methodCallExpression.Arguments.Count > 0 && methodCallExpression.Arguments[0] is MemberExpression) { MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)methodCallExpression.Arguments[0]; if (memberExpression.Expression != null && this.expressParameterNameColl.Contains(memberExpression.Expression)) { result = true; } } } } return result; } private static object GetValue(Expression member) { // source: var objectMember = Expression.Convert(member, typeof(object)); var getterLambda = Expression.Lambda >(objectMember); var getter = getterLambda.Compile(); return getter(); } private static string NodeTypeToString(ExpressionType nodeType) { switch (nodeType) { case ExpressionType.Add: return "+"; case ExpressionType.And: return "&"; case ExpressionType.AndAlso: return "AND"; case ExpressionType.Divide: return "/"; case ExpressionType.Equal: return "="; case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr: return "^"; case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: return ">"; case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: return ">="; case ExpressionType.LessThan: return "<"; case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: return "<="; case ExpressionType.Modulo: return "%"; case ExpressionType.Multiply: return "*"; case ExpressionType.Negate: return "-"; case ExpressionType.Not: return "NOT"; case ExpressionType.NotEqual: return "<>"; case ExpressionType.Or: return "|"; case ExpressionType.OrElse: return "OR"; case ExpressionType.Subtract: return "-"; } throw new Exception($"Unsupported node type: {nodeType}"); } } public class WherePart { public string Sql { get; set; } public Dictionary Parameters { get; set; } = new Dictionary (); public static WherePart IsSql(string sql) { return new WherePart() { Parameters = new Dictionary (), Sql = sql }; } public static WherePart IsParameter(int count, object value) { return new WherePart() { Parameters = { { count.ToString(), value } }, Sql = $"@{count}" }; } public static WherePart IsCollection(ref int countStart, IEnumerable values) { var parameters = new Dictionary (); var sql = new StringBuilder("("); foreach (var value in values) { parameters.Add((countStart).ToString(), value); sql.Append($"@{countStart},"); countStart++; } if (sql.Length == 1) { sql.Append("null,"); } sql[sql.Length - 1] = ')'; return new WherePart() { Parameters = parameters, Sql = sql.ToString() }; } public static WherePart Concat(string @operator, WherePart operand) { return new WherePart() { Parameters = operand.Parameters, Sql = $"({@operator} {operand.Sql})" }; } public static WherePart Concat(WherePart left, string @operator, WherePart right) { return new WherePart() { Parameters = left.Parameters.Union(right.Parameters).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value), Sql = $"({left.Sql} {@operator} {right.Sql})" }; } } }
$.cookie('名', '值', { expires: 过期时间(DateTime), path: "/", domain: window.DomainName });
$.cookie('名', '值', { expires: 过期天数(Int), path: "/", domain: window.DomainName });
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Google Chrome: new Date() 得到的是GMT时间(北京标准时间GMT+0800)
IE:new Date() 得到的是UTC时间(北京标准时间UTC+0800)