2021-03-04 词缀记忆系列6_pro-

前缀pro-的含义是forward, forth或out


1.prosecute  [(pro( =before) +secut(=follow)事先追踪行迹]

vt. start legal proceedings against; continue a business,a task,etc.起诉,告发;从事,经营

prosecution 起诉,告发;从事;(the~堪防(原告),检察当局

prosecutor 检察官;起诉人

ex)  The DA decided not to prosecute the young man, as it was his first offense.


2.procure  [( pro ( =before) +cur ( =take care)事先注意、小心]

vt. obtain with care or effort; bring about; obtain women for the purpose of prostitution 得到,获得;引起,招致;介绍妓女

procurement 获得,采办  procurer 拉皮条者  procuress 老鸨  procurator 代诉人  procurable 可获得的;可实现的

ex) My fiance procured a string quarter to play when he proposed.


3.proficient  [(pro(=before) +fic( =make, do)首先制作]

adj. skilled 娴熟的,熟练的

n. a person who has skill in some special thing 能手,大师,名家

proficiency n. 娴熟,熟练

ex)I wouldn't say l'm a great saxophone player-l'm just barely proticlent


4.prolong  [(pro( =forth) +long( =long)使向前变长]

vt. make longer 延长,拉长;拖长音节等的发音

prolongation 延长,延期  prolonged 持续很久的

ex) We didn't want to prolong our dog's suffering, so we put him to


5.prominent  [(pro( =fotlh) +min( =project)向前突出]

adj. easily seen; eminent, distinguished; standing out 显眼的,显著的;卓越的,著名的;突出的,突起的

prominence 突出,显著;卓越,著名

ex)  My uncle is a prominent member of the city council.


6.prudent  [(pr

adj.  acting only after careful thought or planning, careful, wise, sensible 慎重的,小心的;明智的,精明的

prudence 慎重  prudential 慎重的,小心的;深谋远虑的

ex)  It would be prudent to wait until you've saved more money to buy the car.


7.proclaim  [(pro(=forth) +claim( =cry)向前喊]

vt. make known publicly or officially; reveal; show 宣布,公布,声明;显露;显示

proclamation 宣布,公布,发布;宣言

ex) The mayor proclaimed this as"Be Nice To Your Secretary Week".


8.prodigal  [(prod

adj. wasteful; too free in giving or spending; abundant 浪费的;慷慨的,挥霍的;丰富的

prodigality 挥霍,浪费  prodigally 浪费地,挥霍地

ex) My father's prodigal spending left him bankrupt after a few years.


9.prodigious  [prod

adj. enormous,surprisingly great; beyond what is ordinary; wonderful 巨大的;非凡的;惊人的

prodigy  奇迹,奇事;非凡的人,天才

ex)A prodigious thunderstorm rolled in and buckets of rain dropped.


10.promontory  [pro( =forth)  +mont

n. high point of land standing out from the coastline; headland  海角;岬

ex)  Comet Point is a small promontory of land jutting into the Pacific.



前缀pro-来自拉丁介副词pro,意为“forward,forth(向前)或out(出)”,还有“in favour of,in place of"等含义。作为原生词缀pro- 只与拉丁词根相结合,其读音为/prə/或/prɔ/。pro- 后来也被英语同化为派生词缀,能与名词相结合,表示in favour of (亲,赞成)或in place of (代副)的意思。对名词起修饰作用,这时pro- 读音为/prəu/。


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