RT-Thread线程间同步(信号量, 互斥量, 事件集)--01API函数使用


RTThread提供的方式有信号量, 互斥量以及事件集



每个信号量对象都有一个信号量值和一个线程等待队列,信号量的值对应了信号量对象的实例数目、资源数目,假如信号量值为 5,则表示共有 5 个信号量实例(资源)可以被使用,当信号量实例数目为零时,再申请该信号量的线程就会被挂起在该信号量的等待队列上,等待可用的信号量实例

struct rt_semaphore
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;  /**< inherit from ipc_object  继承自ipc_object类*/

    rt_uint16_t          value;       /**< value of semaphore. */
    rt_uint16_t          reserved;    /**< reserved field 预留*/ 
typedef struct rt_semaphore *rt_sem_t;

RT-Thread线程间同步(信号量, 互斥量, 事件集)--01API函数使用_第1张图片



 * This function will create a semaphore from system resource
 * @param name the name of semaphore
 * @param value the initial value of semaphore
 * @param flag the flag of semaphore
 * @return the created semaphore, RT_NULL on error happen
 * @see rt_sem_init
rt_sem_t rt_sem_create(const char *name, rt_uint32_t value, rt_uint8_t flag)
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO                0x00            /**< FIFOed IPC. @ref IPC. 按照先进先出的方式获取 */
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO                0x01            /**< PRIOed IPC. @ref IPC. 按照线程优先级 */
 * This function will initialize a semaphore and put it under control of
 * resource management.
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @param name the name of semaphore
 * @param value the initial value of semaphore
 * @param flag the flag of semaphore
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_sem_init(rt_sem_t    sem,
                     const char *name,
                     rt_uint32_t value,
                     rt_uint8_t  flag)


 * This function will delete a semaphore object and release the memory
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @return the error code
 * @see rt_sem_detach
rt_err_t rt_sem_delete(rt_sem_t sem)


 * This function will detach a semaphore from resource management
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
 * @see rt_sem_delete
rt_err_t rt_sem_detach(rt_sem_t sem)


 * This function will take a semaphore, if the semaphore is unavailable, the
 * thread shall wait for a specified time.
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @param time the waiting time
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_sem_take(rt_sem_t sem, rt_int32_t time)
 * This function will try to take a semaphore and immediately return
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_sem_trytake(rt_sem_t sem)
    return rt_sem_take(sem, 0);


 * This function will release a semaphore, if there are threads suspended on
 * semaphore, it will be waked up.
 * @param sem the semaphore object
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_sem_release(rt_sem_t sem)





**注: **不可在中断里面使用

RT-Thread线程间同步(信号量, 互斥量, 事件集)--01API函数使用_第2张图片


 * This function will create a mutex from system resource
 * @param name the name of mutex
 * @param flag the flag of mutex
 * @return the created mutex, RT_NULL on error happen
 * @see rt_mutex_init
rt_mutex_t rt_mutex_create(const char *name, rt_uint8_t flag)
 * This function will initialize a mutex and put it under control of resource
 * management.
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @param name the name of mutex
 * @param flag the flag of mutex
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_mutex_init(rt_mutex_t mutex, const char *name, rt_uint8_t flag)


#define RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO                0x00            /**< FIFOed IPC. @ref IPC. 按照先进先出的方式获取 */
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO                0x01            /**< PRIOed IPC. @ref IPC. 按照线程优先级 */


 * This function will delete a mutex object and release the memory
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @return the error code
 * @see rt_mutex_detach
rt_err_t rt_mutex_delete(rt_mutex_t mutex)
 * This function will detach a mutex from resource management
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
 * @see rt_mutex_delete
rt_err_t rt_mutex_detach(rt_mutex_t mutex)



 * This function will take a mutex, if the mutex is unavailable, the
 * thread shall wait for a specified time.
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @param time the waiting time
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_mutex_take(rt_mutex_t mutex, rt_int32_t time)


 * This function will release a mutex, if there are threads suspended on mutex,
 * it will be waked up.
 * @param mutex the mutex object
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_mutex_release(rt_mutex_t mutex)



其中任意一个事件唤醒 线程,或几个事件都到达后唤醒线程,多个事件集合可以用一个32bit无符号整型变量来表示

  • 事件只与线程相关,事件间相互独立
  • 事件仅用于同步,不提供数据传输功能
  • 事件无排队性,即多次向线程发送同一事件(如果线程还未来得及读走),其效果等同于只发送一次

RT-Thread线程间同步(信号量, 互斥量, 事件集)--01API函数使用_第3张图片

 * event structure
struct rt_event
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;      /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    rt_uint32_t          set;         /**< event set */



 * This function will create an event object from system resource
 * @param name the name of event
 * @param flag the flag of event RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO
 * @return the created event, RT_NULL on error happen
rt_event_t rt_event_create(const char *name, rt_uint8_t flag)
 * This function will delete an event object and release the memory
 * @param event the event object
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_event_delete(rt_event_t event)
 * This function will initialize an event and put it under control of resource
 * management.
 * @param event the event object
 * @param name the name of event
 * @param flag the flag of event
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_event_init(rt_event_t event, const char *name, rt_uint8_t flag)
 * This function will detach an event object from resource management
 * @param event the event object
 * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on successful
rt_err_t rt_event_detach(rt_event_t event)


 * This function will send an event to the event object, if there are threads
 * suspended on event object, it will be waked up.
 * @param event the event object
 * @param set the event set
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_event_send(rt_event_t event, rt_uint32_t set)


 * This function will receive an event from event object, if the event is
 * unavailable, the thread shall wait for a specified time.
 * @param event the fast event object
 * @param set the interested event set
 * @param option the receive option, either RT_EVENT_FLAG_AND or
 *        RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR should be set. RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR 
 * @param timeout the waiting time  RT_WAITING_FOREVER RT_WAITING_NO
 * @param recved the received event, if you don't care, RT_NULL can be set.
 * @return the error code
rt_err_t rt_event_recv(rt_event_t   event,
                       rt_uint32_t  set,
                       rt_uint8_t   option,
                       rt_int32_t   timeout,
                       rt_uint32_t *recved)
