PIR Write Solution

Private Information Writing in Composite Databases: A Tutorial


In the realm of data security and privacy, the ability to write information to a database without exposing sensitive details is paramount. This tutorial delves into an innovative approach for achieving such privacy through the use of composite databases. Composite databases, unlike traditional databases, do not store information directly. Instead, they represent data as the result of combining bits from multiple constituent databases using the exclusive-or (XOR) operation. This method offers a unique blend of security and efficiency, making it a compelling choice for applications where privacy cannot be compromised.

The principle of private information writing in composite databases hinges on the clever use of XOR operations to ensure that the actual data is distributed across several databases. By doing so, the method safeguards the information, making it difficult to retrieve the original data without access to all constituent parts. This approach is not only innovative but also enhances data security in distributed systems, cloud storage, and other scenarios where data privacy is a concern.

Throughout this tutorial, we will explore the theoretical underpinnings of this method, including the role of XOR operations and how data is split and stored across different databases. We will then walk through a step-by-step implementation guide, providing practical Python code examples to demonstrate how to securely write and toggle bits in a composite database. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to apply this technique in your projects or research, ensuring data remains private and secure.

Whether you’re a data security enthusiast, a student of computer science, or a professional looking for advanced data protection methods, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and skills to implement private information writing in composite databases. So, let’s embark on this journey to unlock the potential of XOR operations in safeguarding data privacy.

Background and Theory

Understanding private information writing in composite databases requires a grasp of several key concepts, including the structure of composite and constituent databases, the exclusive-or (XOR) operation, and the process of private bit toggling. This section introduces these concepts to provide a solid theoretical foundation for the practical implementations that follow.

Composite vs. Constituent Databases

In the context of data storage and privacy, a composite database is a virtual representation of data derived from combining bits across multiple constituent databases. Unlike traditional databases that store information directly, a composite database ensures data privacy by distributing data bits among several databases.

  • Composite Database: A logical entity that does not directly store data. Instead, it represents data through the XOR combination of bits from its constituent databases.
  • Constituent Databases (D_{st}): The physical databases that store parts of the data. Each database is identified by indices (s) and (t), with (s, t \in {0,1}), resulting in four unique databases: (D_{00}), (D_{01}), (D_{10}), and (D_{11}).

Exclusive-Or (XOR) Operation

The XOR operation is a fundamental binary operation used extensively in computer science and cryptography. It operates on two bits and follows these rules:

  • If the bits are the same (both 0 or both 1), the result is 0.
  • If the bits are different (one is 0, the other is 1), the result is 1.

In the realm of composite databases, the XOR operation is instrumental in combining and retrieving data from constituent databases. It ensures that the original data can be reconstructed only when all parts are combined, thereby enhancing privacy.

The Principle of Private Bit Toggling

Private bit toggling is a technique used to change the value of a specific bit in the composite database without revealing the bit’s position or value to any single constituent database. This method relies on distributing the toggle operation across the constituent databases in such a way that only the combined operation reveals the change.

  • Objective: To toggle a specific bit’s value (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) in the composite database privately and securely.
  • Method: The operation involves generating two random bit-vectors, (v) and (w), and modifying these vectors into (v’) and (w’) for each constituent database according to specific rules. These modified vectors dictate which bits are toggled in each constituent database, ultimately resulting in the desired toggle in the composite database.

By employing these concepts, private information writing in composite databases achieves a high level of data privacy and security, making it an attractive option for applications requiring confidential data handling.


After grasping the theoretical underpinnings of private information writing in composite databases, it’s time to put theory into practice. This section will guide you through setting up your Python environment, initializing your databases, generating and modifying bit-vectors, and finally, toggling bits in the database securely. Each step is accompanied by Python code snippets to help you implement the concepts discussed.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Before diving into the code, ensure your Python environment is set up correctly. This tutorial assumes you have Python installed on your machine. You will also need the NumPy library for array manipulation, which can be installed using pip if you haven’t already:

pip install numpy

Step 2: Initializing Databases

First, we initialize the four constituent databases. Each database will store bits of data, represented as arrays for simplicity. Here, we simulate the databases with random bits for demonstration purposes:

import numpy as np

n = 16  # Total number of bits in the composite database
D_00, D_01, D_10, D_11 = [np.random.randint(0, 2, n) for _ in range(4)]

Step 3: Generating and Modifying Bit-Vectors

To toggle a specific bit in the composite database, we start by generating two random bit-vectors, (v) and (w), and then modify them into (v’) and (w’) for each database according to the specified rules:

d = int(np.sqrt(n))  # Calculate d as the square root of n, rounded to the nearest integer
i = 4  # Example index of the bit to toggle
j, k = i // d, i % d

# Generate random bit-vectors v and w of size d
v, w = np.random.randint(0, 2, d), np.random.randint(0, 2, d)

Modification of (v) and (w) is based on the indices (j) and (k), and the specific database being targeted ((s, t) values):

# Example modification for D_00 (s=0, t=0)
v_prime, w_prime = np.copy(v), np.copy(w)
v_prime[j] = v_prime[j] ^ 0  # XOR operation with s
w_prime[k] = w_prime[k] ^ 0  # XOR operation with t

Step 4: Toggling Bits in the Database

With the modified bit-vectors, we can now toggle the desired bit in each constituent database:

def toggle_bits_in_database(D, v_prime, w_prime, d):
    for l in range(d):
        for m in range(d):
            if v_prime[l] == 1 and w_prime[m] == 1:
                address = l*d + m
                D[address] = D[address] ^ 1  # Toggle the bit
    return D

# Example toggling in D_00
D_00 = toggle_bits_in_database(D_00, v_prime, w_prime, d)

Repeat the modification and toggling process for each database ((D_{01}, D_{10}, D_{11})) with the appropriate (s, t) values.

Step 5: Verifying Changes

To ensure our toggling operation was successful, we can compare the state of the databases before and after the operation:

def find_differences(a, b):
    return np.where(a != b)

# Example verification for D_00
differences = find_differences(original_D_00, D_00)
print("Differences found at indices:", differences)


This step-by-step guide demonstrates how to implement private information writing in composite databases using Python. By following these instructions, you can secure data in distributed systems, ensuring privacy and integrity.

You’re right; providing a complete implementation for modifying the bit-vectors (v) and (w) for each of the four databases will offer a more comprehensive understanding. Let’s expand the previous example to include the modifications for all databases (D_{00}), (D_{01}), (D_{10}), and (D_{11}) based on their respective (s, t) values.

Full Implementation for Modifying Bit-Vectors

After generating the random bit-vectors (v) and (w), we modify these vectors into (v’) and (w’) for each constituent database. The modification depends on the database’s specific (s, t) values and the indices (j) and (k), determined by the target bit position you wish to toggle.

Python Code Snippet:

# Initialize the modifications for each database
modifications = {
    'D_00': {'s': 0, 't': 0},
    'D_01': {'s': 0, 't': 1},
    'D_10': {'s': 1, 't': 0},
    'D_11': {'s': 1, 't': 1}

# Dictionary to hold the modified vectors for each database
v_primes = {}
w_primes = {}

# Perform modifications for each database
for key, values in modifications.items():
    s, t = values['s'], values['t']
    # Copy original vectors to prevent modifying the original v and w
    v_prime, w_prime = np.copy(v), np.copy(w)
    # Apply XOR with s to v[j] and with t to w[k]
    v_prime[j] = v_prime[j] ^ s
    w_prime[k] = w_prime[k] ^ t
    # Store the modified vectors
    v_primes[key] = v_prime
    w_primes[key] = w_prime

# Example: Print modified vectors for D_00
print("Modified v' for D_00:", v_primes['D_00'])
print("Modified w' for D_00:", w_primes['D_00'])


  • Initialization: We start by defining the (s, t) values for each database in a dictionary called modifications. This helps us systematically apply the modifications based on the database.
  • Modification Loop: For each database, we copy (v) and (w) to new variables ((v’) and (w’)) to avoid altering the original bit-vectors. We then apply the XOR operation with (s) to the (j)-th element of (v’) and with (t) to the (k)-th element of (w’), according to the database’s (s, t) values.
  • Storing Modified Vectors: The modified vectors (v’) and (w’) for each database are stored in dictionaries (v_primes and w_primes), keyed by the database name.

This complete implementation ensures that you can modify the bit-vectors according to each database’s unique (s, t) values, laying the groundwork for the subsequent step of toggling bits in the database. It illustrates the versatility of the method in accommodating various databases within a composite system, each contributing to the privacy and security of the stored data.

To conclude your tutorial and provide references for further reading, here’s how you could structure the final sections:


This tutorial has introduced a novel approach to ensuring privacy in data storage and manipulation through the use of composite databases. By leveraging the exclusive-or (XOR) operation across multiple constituent databases, we have demonstrated a method for privately toggling a bit within a composite database. This technique not only enhances data privacy but also adds a layer of security by distributing the data across several databases, making it challenging to reconstruct the original information without proper authorization.

Throughout this tutorial, we have covered the theoretical foundations of composite databases and the XOR operation, followed by a step-by-step guide on implementing the private information writing method in Python. The practical examples provided aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to apply these concepts in real-world applications, ensuring data remains secure and private.

As data privacy continues to be a paramount concern in our increasingly digital world, techniques like the one discussed in this tutorial offer promising solutions to protect sensitive information. By understanding and implementing such methods, developers and data scientists can contribute to creating more secure and privacy-conscious data storage and processing systems.


For further reading and a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed in this tutorial, the following reference provides valuable insights:

  • Rafail Ostrovsky, Victor Shoupt”. “Private Information Storage.” ACM, .

This seminal paper discusses the foundations of digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems, touching upon the cryptographic principles that underpin secure data operations similar to those explored in our tutorial.
