Part1 Q&A
1.Why "we are wrong about everything"?
Growth is an endless iterative procee. We are always in the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection. So we shouldn't seek to find the ultimate "right" answer for ourselves, but rather, we should seek to chip away at the ways that we're wrong today so that we can be alittle less wrong tomoroow.
2. What caused "false memory syndrome"?
Our imagination and uncouscious belief caused "false memory syndrom". In an effort to achieve coherence, our mind will sometimes, in cases like that, invent false memories.
3. Tell us a story where you had adamantly thought you were right, but later you found you were wrong.
4. How to be a little certain of yourself? Please include a personal example.
Part2 Expressions
1. sour
But when the relationship sours, we'll often come to see those eaxct same memories differently, reinventing them in such a way as to explain our presennt-day anger toward her.
sour, turn out badly.
dic: Their relationship soon went sour.
my: After that, everything became sour for me.
2. slow down
This would slow her down but not stop her.
slow down, become less active.
dic: You will need to slow down for a while.
my: The news made me slow down.
3. budged
Her mind never changed; her beliefs never budged.
budge, refuse to change mind or to come to an agreement.
dic: Both sides say they will not budge.
my: China would never budge on the matters of terorrist.
4. strip away
We must intellectually strip them away, see their faults and biases, see how they don't fit in with much of the rest of the world, to stare our own ignorance in the face and concede, because our won ignorance is greater than us all.
strip away, reveal.
dic: Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.
Part3 Thoughts
It's the backwards law again: the more you try to be certain about something, the more uncertain and insecurity you will feel.
But the converse is true as well, the more you embrace being uncertain and not knowing, the more comfortable you will feel in knowing what you don't know.
很喜欢这两句话,就像有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫,人们总是有无止境的欲望,想要的太多,什么都舍不得丢弃,可拿那么多,你拿的过来吗?人们总是习惯性的建立一种无所不知的自信,特别是大男子主义的男生,习惯于在大家面前表现出一种无所不知的样子,享受着大家的崇拜,那种感觉确实很美好,可是时间久了,就会忘记自己原本的样子,也就不会成长了。书中还说到"Uncertainty is the root of all progress and all growth. As the old adage goes, the man who believes he knows everything learns nothing. We connot learn anything without first knowing something. The more we admit we do not know, the more opportunities we gain to learn."如果总是自欺欺人的自我感觉良好,那久而久之,就成了习惯,不会去想自己有什么不知道,不确定的。