Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim w
Me.MultiPage_多页框架.Value = 0
Me.MultiPage_多页框架.Style = fmTabStyleNone
Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value = VBA.Date
Me.TextBox_出库单号.MaxLength = 3
Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = VBA.Format(1, "000")
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
PriceListTree '生成价格表
w = Me.ListView_出库清单.Width
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 1, "C1", "销售日期", w / 8 - 1
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 2, "C2", "出库单号", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 3, "C3", "商品代码", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 4, "C4", "商品名称", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 5, "C5", "型号", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 6, "C6", "销售数量", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 7, "C7", "销售单价", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Add 8, "C8", "销售金额", w / 8 - 1, lvwColumnCenter
Me.ListView_出库清单.FullRowSelect = True
Me.ListView_出库清单.Gridlines = True
Me.ListView_出库清单.View = lvwReport
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton_打印_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet, i As Integer, r As Integer
Set sh = Sheets("出库单")
r = sh.Range("B2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
If r < 6 Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库清单为空,不能打印", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
Exit Sub
End If
sh.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton_商品代码_Click()
Me.MultiPage_多页框架.Value = 1
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton_生成_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet, iItem As Object
Dim r As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Set sh = Sheets("出库")
r = sh.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i = 1 To Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Count Step 1
Set iItem = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i)
sh.Cells(r + i, 1) = iItem.Text
For j = 1 To Me.ListView_出库清单.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1 Step 1
sh.Cells(r + i, j + 1) = iItem.SubItems(j)
Next j
Next i
bl = 生成出库单
If bl Then
MsgBox "出库单已生成"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton_添加_Click()
Dim st, ans
Dim iItem As Object
st = Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text
If st = "" Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号不能为空,出库单号应为1~999", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
Call ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
Exit Sub
End If
If ODONumberIsExist Then
ans = MsgBox(prompt:="出库单号" & st & "已存在,建议更改为系统推荐单号,是否接受?", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title:="询问")
If ans = vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Count > 0 Then
If VBA.Format(Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(1).Text, "yyyymmdd") <> VBA.Format(Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value, "yyyymmdd") Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库日期不一致!", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Title:="警告"
Exit Sub
End If
If VBA.Right(Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(1).SubItems(1), 3) * 1 <> Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text * 1 Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号不一致!", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Title:="警告"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = "" Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库信息不完整!", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Title:="警告"
Exit Sub
End If
Set iItem = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Add()
iItem.Text = VBA.Format(Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")
iItem.SubItems(1) = VBA.Format(Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value, "yyyymmdd") & VBA.Format(Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text, "000")
iItem.SubItems(2) = Me.TextBox_商品代码.Text
iItem.SubItems(3) = Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text
iItem.SubItems(4) = Me.TextBox_型号.Text
iItem.SubItems(5) = Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text
iItem.SubItems(6) = Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text
iItem.SubItems(7) = Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text
End Sub
Private Sub DTPicker_出库日期_Change()
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
End Sub
Private Sub Label_使用说明_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ListView_出库清单_DblClick() '双击清空所有记录
Dim ans
ans = MsgBox(prompt:="确定要清空所有记录吗?", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title:="询问")
If ans = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ListView_出库清单_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As stdole.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, ByVal y As stdole.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS)
If Button = 2 Then '按下鼠标右键
ans = MsgBox(prompt:="确定要删除此条记录吗?", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Title:="询问")
If ans = vbYes Then
Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Remove Me.ListView_出库清单.SelectedItem.Index
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton_出库单号_SpinDown()
Dim iODONumber As Integer
iODONumber = Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text * 1 - 1
If iODONumber < 1 Then
iODONumber = 1
End If
Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = VBA.Format(iODONumber, "000")
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton_出库单号_SpinUp()
Dim iODONumber As Integer
iODONumber = Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text * 1 + 1
If iODONumber > 999 Then
iODONumber = 999
End If
Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = VBA.Format(iODONumber, "000")
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_出库单号_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim iODONumber As Integer
If Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = "" Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号不能为空,出库单号应为1~999", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
Exit Sub
End If
If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text) And Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text <> "" Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号格式不正确,出库单号应为1~999", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
Exit Sub
End If
iODONumber = VBA.Int(Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text)
If iODONumber <> Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text * 1 Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号应为整数,出库单号应为1~999", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
Exit Sub
End If
If iODONumber < 1 Or iODONumber > 999 Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库单号超出范围,出库单号应为1~999", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
ODONumberUpdate '更新出库单号
Exit Sub
End If
Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = VBA.Format(iODONumber, "000")
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_商品代码_Change()
Dim f As Integer, iID
Dim iNode As Node
iID = Me.TextBox_商品代码.Text
f = 0
For Each iNode In Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes
If VBA.Len(iID) > 1 And iID = iNode.Key Then
f = 1
Exit For
End If
Next iNode
If f = 1 Then
If VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "A" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "电视"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "寸"
ElseIf VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "B" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "洗衣机"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "升"
ElseIf VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "C" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "空调"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "匹"
End If
Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text = VBA.Split(iNode.Text, ":")(1)
If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.TextBox_销售数量) Then
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = VBA.Format(Me.TextBox_销售数量 * Me.TextBox_销售单价, "¥#,##0")
Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text = ""
End If
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_商品代码_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Me.MultiPage_多页框架.Value = 1
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_商品代码_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim iID, f As Integer
Dim iNode As Node
iID = Me.TextBox_商品代码.Text
f = 0
For Each iNode In Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes
If VBA.Len(iID) > 1 And iID = iNode.Key Then
f = 1
Exit For
End If
Next iNode
If f = 1 Then
If VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "A" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "电视"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "寸"
ElseIf VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "B" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "洗衣机"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "升"
ElseIf VBA.Left(iNode.Key, 1) = "C" Then
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = "空调"
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(iNode.Key, 3) * 1 & "匹"
End If
Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text = VBA.Split(iNode.Text, ":")(1)
If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.TextBox_销售数量) Then
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = VBA.Format(Me.TextBox_销售数量 * Me.TextBox_销售单价, "¥#,##0")
Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text = ""
End If
If VBA.Len(iID) > 0 Then
MsgBox prompt:="此商品代码不存在", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
End If
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text = ""
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = ""
End If
Set iNode = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox_销售数量_Change()
If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text) Then
If Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text <> "" Then
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = VBA.Format(Me.TextBox_销售数量 * Me.TextBox_销售单价, "¥#,##0")
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = ""
End If
If VBA.Len(Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text) > 0 Then
MsgBox prompt:="销售数量格式不正确", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
End If
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TreeView_价格表_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
If VBA.Len(Node.Key) > 1 Then
Me.TextBox_商品代码.Text = Node.Key
Me.TextBox_商品名称.Text = Node.Parent.Text
If Node.Parent.Key = "A" Then
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(Node.Key, 3) * 1 & "寸"
ElseIf Node.Parent.Key = "B" Then
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(Node.Key, 3) * 1 & "升"
ElseIf Node.Parent.Key = "C" Then
Me.TextBox_型号.Text = VBA.Right(Node.Key, 3) * 1 & "匹"
End If
Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text = VBA.Split(Node.Text, ":")(1)
If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text) Then
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = VBA.Format(Me.TextBox_销售数量.Text * Me.TextBox_销售单价.Text, "¥#,##0")
Me.TextBox_销售金额.Text = ""
End If
End If
Me.MultiPage_多页框架.Value = 0
End Sub
'***************************更新出库单号 start *****************************
Sub ODONumberUpdate() '更新出库单号
Dim iDateODONumberArr
Dim imyDate, i As Integer
imyDate = VBA.Format(Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value, "yyyymmdd")
iDateODONumberArr = DateODONumberArr(imyDate)
If VBA.IsArray(iDateODONumberArr) Then
i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(iDateODONumberArr) + 1
i = 1
End If
Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text = VBA.Format(i, "000")
End Sub
Function DateODONumberArr(ByVal myDate) '某日已出库单号数组
Dim iODONumberArr, iDateODONumberArr
Dim sh As Worksheet, r As Integer
Dim i As Integer, ar
Set sh = Sheets("出库")
r = sh.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
iODONumberArr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(sh.Range("B1").Resize(r, 1))
i = 0
For Each ar In iODONumberArr
If ar Like myDate & "###" Then
i = i + 1
If i = 1 Then
ReDim iDateODONumberArr(1 To i)
ReDim iDateODONumberArr(1 To i)
End If
iDateODONumberArr(i) = VBA.Val(VBA.Right(ar, 3))
End If
Next ar
DateODONumberArr = iDateODONumberArr
End Function
'***************************更新出库单号 end *****************************
'***************************生成价格表 start *****************************
Sub PriceListTree()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim PriceListArr
Dim iRelative, iRelationShip, iKey, iText, iImage
Dim i As Integer
Dim iNode As Node
Set sh = Sheets("价格表")
PriceListArr = sh.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Me.TreeView_价格表.ImageList = Me.ImageList_图标集
Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes.Add , , "A", "电视", 1
Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes.Add , , "B", "洗衣机", 3
Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes.Add , , "C", "空调", 5
For i = 2 To UBound(PriceListArr, 1) Step 1
iRelative = VBA.Left(PriceListArr(i, 1), 1)
iRelationShip = tvwChild
iKey = PriceListArr(i, 1)
iText = PriceListArr(i, 1) & "(" & PriceListArr(i, 3) & ")" & "价格:" & VBA.Format(PriceListArr(i, 4), "¥#,##0")
If iRelative = "A" Then
iImage = 2
ElseIf iRelative = "B" Then
iImage = 4
ElseIf iRelative = "C" Then
iImage = 6
End If
Set iNode = Me.TreeView_价格表.Nodes.Add(iRelative, iRelationShip, iKey, iText, iImage)
Next i
End Sub
'***************************生成价格表 end *****************************
'***************************出库单号是否已存在 start *****************************
Function ODONumberIsExist() As Boolean
Dim bl As Boolean
Dim iODONumber, iODONumberArr
Dim r As Integer
Dim sh As Worksheet, f
iODONumber = VBA.Val(VBA.Format(Me.DTPicker_出库日期.Value, "yyyymmdd") & Me.TextBox_出库单号.Text)
Set sh = Sheets("出库")
r = sh.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
iODONumberArr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(sh.Range("B1").Resize(r, 1))
On Error Resume Next
f = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(iODONumber, iODONumberArr, 0)
If f = "" Then
bl = False
bl = True
End If
ODONumberIsExist = bl
End Function
'***************************出库单号是否已存在 end *****************************
'***************************生成出库单 strart *****************************
Function 生成出库单() As Boolean
Dim sh As Worksheet, i As Integer, r As Integer
Set sh = Sheets("出库单")
r = sh.Range("B2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
If r > 5 Then
sh.Range("A6").Resize(r - 5, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End If
If Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox prompt:="出库清单为空,不能打印", Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title:="提示"
生成出库单 = False
Exit Function
End If
Set sh = Sheets("出库单")
sh.Range("C4") = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(1).Text
sh.Range("F4") = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(1).SubItems(1)
For i = 1 To Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems.Count Step 1
sh.Cells(5 + i, 2) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(2)
sh.Cells(5 + i, 3) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(3)
sh.Cells(5 + i, 4) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(4)
sh.Cells(5 + i, 5) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(5)
sh.Cells(5 + i, 6) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(6)
sh.Cells(5 + i, 7) = Me.ListView_出库清单.ListItems(i).SubItems(7)
Next i
r = sh.Range("B2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
sh.Range("B6").Resize(r - 5, 6).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous '设置边框
生成出库单 = True
End Function
'***************************生成出库单 end *****************************