chisel tutorial solution examples

chisel tutorial solution examples_第1张图片


// See LICENSE.txt for license details.
package solutions

import chisel3._

// Problem:
// Implement a dual port memory of 256 8-bit words.
// When 'wen' is asserted, write 'wrData' to memory at 'wrAddr'
// When 'ren' is asserted, 'rdData' holds the output
// of reading the memory at 'rdAddr'
class Memo extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val wen     = Input(Bool())
    val wrAddr  = Input(UInt(8.W))
    val wrData  = Input(UInt(8.W))
    val ren     = Input(Bool())
    val rdAddr  = Input(UInt(8.W))
    val rdData  = Output(UInt(8.W))

  val mem = Mem(256, UInt(8.W))

  // write
  when (io.wen) { mem(io.wrAddr) := io.wrData }
  // read
  io.rdData := 0.U
  when ( { io.rdData := mem(io.rdAddr) }

