
1 苏凯特(suqet) 加泰罗尼亚名菜,介于炖菜(stew)和汤菜(soup)之间


12 个蛤蜊

1 汤勺粗盐

1/2 杯橄榄油

2 瓣大蒜, 去皮

8 个焯水杏仁

1 汤勺宽叶欧芹碎

1 汤勺水

1 个黄洋葱,切成细末

1 个番茄横向切成两半,用磨碎器捣碎去皮


6 杯鱼高汤

2 磅鮟鱇鱼柳, 切成小块

1 磅鳕鱼柳,切成小块

1 磅乌贼鱼, 清洗干净,切成细圈

6 尾连头带皮大虾

12 尾去皮小虾

1/2 磅青口贝, 清洗干净

1/2 杯卡瓦酒(西班牙起泡葡萄酒)或起泡白葡萄酒


将青口贝和蛤蜊用冷水清洗干净, 扔掉开口坏贝。将青口贝和蛤蜊放入大碗中,加入粗盐静止半小时至2小时任其吐沙。

同时在一个深口陶瓷炖锅cazuela中加入橄榄油并加热至高温。 加入大蒜均匀翻炒一分钟直至金黄,舀出蒜末放入研钵。冷却炖锅中剩余橄榄油。


将炖锅加热至中温,放入洋葱, 煸炒5分钟直至软烂。加入番茄和番红花,搅拌均匀。继续煮5分钟使其匀味。


Add the monkfish, hake, and large and medium shrimp to the cazuela and mix well with onion and tomato. Stir in 1 cup of the hot stock and cook for 30 minutes, adding the remaining stock 1 cup at a time at 5-minute intervals. At the end of this time, all the fish wil be cooked and the flavors will be blended.

Season to taste with salt. Drain the clams and add them to the cazuela along with the mussels, discarding any that fail to close to the touch, and cava. Add the garlic mixture and cook for 5 minutes longer, or until the clams and mussels open.

