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1. Coaching(教练式辅导):
原文说明:Receiving real-time feedback on co-teaching practices helps partners translate workshop information into daily instruction.
External coaches bring an outside perspective and are often able to identify areas for growth based on regional or national practices. Many districts use an external coach for two or three visits during the first and second years of implementation. Internal coaches can provide more frequent feedback and support while also connecting partners with others in the school or district that have similar needs or creative solutions.



2. Flipped Lessons(翻转课程):
说明:Just like with students, a flipped lesson allows learners to participate in their own time and place. Create a slideshow or video about co-teaching, using a video tool such as eduCanon, and embed questions in the middle and at the end.


3. Self-Guided Video Viewing(自学视频观看):
说明:Dozens of co-teaching videos exist on the internet. Preview each before adding them to a list, as everyone interprets “good co-teaching” differently.

中文大意:互联网上有很多联合教学的视频。在把它们添加到列表中之前,先预览每一个视频,因为每个人对 "好的联合教学 "的理解是不同的。

4. Visits(参访/参观):
说明:Observing other co-teachers (in the building or in another district) is a fantastic way to reflect on what works and what doesn't. Guided visits, with focused observation questions, usually work best for those that are new to co-teaching.


5. Book Study(阅读学习/读书会):
说明:Reading at your own pace, or with a group, can provide much fodder for reflection and discussion. Ask participants to each take on responsibility for facilitating discussion about a chapter. Joint ownership will increase the commitment to the study process.


6. Web Quest(网络探索):
原文说明Create a list of co-teaching websites for teachers to explore. Infuse some fun by setting up teams to do a competitive scavenger hunt with a web tool such as GooseChase at www.goosechase.com

中文大意:创建一个联合教学网站的清单,供教师探索。通过建立团队,利用网络工具如 GooseChase 进行竞争性的寻宝活动,注入一些乐趣。

7. Virtual Interviews(虚拟访谈/会谈):
说明:Talk with an expert for a few minutes using a virtual conferencing tool such as Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime. Microlearning, a short burst of learning time, is an attractive option for busy professionals. Plus, experts are often willing to give a few minutes of their time for free to support inclusive practices.


8. Twitter Chat(推特聊天):(说明:国内常采用“WeChat”组群做语音研讨,也能选择IM+音视频软件平台来组件,可以让群组成员固定,聚会讨论时也能根据个人网络和设备条件选择音频或音视频接入讨论,如ClassIn)
说明:On the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month a group of educators gather for #coteachat. This well-organized discussion forum provides an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and resources, and connect with others who are committed to more effective co-teaching.


9. Idea of the Month(月度分享):
说明:Once a month, send an email to co-teaching partnerships with a creative new idea for engaging students. This can be as easy as linking to a blog or vlog, an article, or a Pinterest board. Boost the power of this strategy by sending out a photo and idea from one of your very own co-taught classrooms.


内容整理自 Beninghof, Anne M. Co-Teaching That Works. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (2nd Edition). Wiley Professional Development (P&T), 2020.
