Android14 InputManager-InputWindow的更新过程

InputDispatcher分发时间需要知道所有的窗口的信息, 而这些信息是由WMS更新到InputManager中的, 下面我们分析窗口信息更新的过程

InputWindow类描述了窗口的布局信息, 包括创建口的位置窗口的大小, 是否有焦点等,是窗口存在在输入系统中的形式

每个WindowState中都有一个InputWindowHandleWrapper 类
616      final InputWindowHandleWrapper mInputWindowHandle;

而InputWindowHandleWrapper又有一个InputWindowHandle 对象, 除此之外,它还有一个变量为mChanged ,记录了InputWindowHandle是否发生了改变

39  class InputWindowHandleWrapper {
41      /** The wrapped handle should not be directly exposed to avoid untracked changes. */
42      private final @NonNull InputWindowHandle mHandle;
private boolean mChanged = true;


由于一个窗口有一个InputWindowHandleWrapper, 因此在WindowState初始化时就生成了一个InputWindowHandleWrapper的对象, 并且初始化了InputWindowHandleWrapper和InputWindowHandle的成员变量

1083      WindowState(WindowManagerService service, Session s, IWindow c, WindowToken token,
1084              WindowState parentWindow, int appOp, WindowManager.LayoutParams a, int viewVisibility,
1085              int ownerId, int showUserId, boolean ownerCanAddInternalSystemWindow,
1086              PowerManagerWrapper powerManagerWrapper) {
1087          super(service);

1106          mInputWindowHandle = new InputWindowHandleWrapper(new InputWindowHandle(
1107                  mActivityRecord != null
1108                          ? mActivityRecord.getInputApplicationHandle(false /* update */) : null,
1109                  getDisplayId()));
1110          mInputWindowHandle.setFocusable(false);
1111          mInputWindowHandle.setOwnerPid(s.mPid);
1112          mInputWindowHandle.setOwnerUid(s.mUid);
1113          mInputWindowHandle.setName(getName());
1114          mInputWindowHandle.setPackageName(mAttrs.packageName);
1115          mInputWindowHandle.setLayoutParamsType(mAttrs.type);
1116          mInputWindowHandle.setTrustedOverlay(shouldWindowHandleBeTrusted(s));
47      InputWindowHandleWrapper(@NonNull InputWindowHandle handle) {
48          mHandle = handle;
49      }



171      public InputWindowHandle(InputApplicationHandle inputApplicationHandle, int displayId) {
172          this.inputApplicationHandle = inputApplicationHandle;
173          this.displayId = displayId;
174      }

2. InputWindows的更新




1431      public int addWindow(Session session, IWindow client, LayoutParams attrs, int viewVisibility,
1432              int displayId, int requestUserId, @InsetsType int requestedVisibleTypes,
1433              InputChannel outInputChannel, InsetsState outInsetsState,
1434              InsetsSourceControl.Array outActiveControls, Rect outAttachedFrame,
1435              float[] outSizeCompatScale) {

1825              if (focusChanged) {
1826                  displayContent.getInputMonitor().setInputFocusLw(displayContent.mCurrentFocus,
1827                          false /*updateInputWindows*/);
1828              }
1829              displayContent.getInputMonitor().updateInputWindowsLw(false /*force*/);
329      void updateInputWindowsLw(boolean force) {
330          if (!force && !mUpdateInputWindowsNeeded) {
331              return;
332          }
333          scheduleUpdateInputWindows();
334      }

336      private void scheduleUpdateInputWindows() {
337          if (mDisplayRemoved) {
338              return;
339          }
341          if (!mUpdateInputWindowsPending) {
342              mUpdateInputWindowsPending = true;
343    ;
344          }
345      }

118      private class UpdateInputWindows implements Runnable {
119          @Override
120          public void run() {
121              synchronized (mService.mGlobalLock) {
122                  mUpdateInputWindowsPending = false;
123                  mUpdateInputWindowsNeeded = false;
125                  if (mDisplayRemoved) {
126                      return;
127                  }
129                  // Populate the input window list with information about all of the windows that
130                  // could potentially receive input.
131                  // As an optimization, we could try to prune the list of windows but this turns
132                  // out to be difficult because only the native code knows for sure which window
133                  // currently has touch focus.
135                  // If there's a drag in flight, provide a pseudo-window to catch drag input
136                  final boolean inDrag = mService.mDragDropController.dragDropActiveLocked();
138                  // Add all windows on the default display.
139                  mUpdateInputForAllWindowsConsumer.updateInputWindows(inDrag);
140              }
141          }
142      }
144      private final UpdateInputWindows mUpdateInputWindows = new UpdateInputWindows();

调用139                  mUpdateInputForAllWindowsConsumer.updateInputWindows(inDrag)更新
565          private void updateInputWindows(boolean inDrag) {
566              Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "updateInputWindows");

596              mDisplayContent.forAllWindows(this, true /* traverseTopToBottom */);
597              updateInputFocusRequest(mRecentsAnimationInputConsumer);
599              if (!mUpdateInputWindowsImmediately) {
600                  mDisplayContent.getPendingTransaction().merge(mInputTransaction);
601                  mDisplayContent.scheduleAnimation();
602              }
604              Trace.traceEnd(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER);
605          }

遍历每个窗口执行accept函数, 如果窗口hasSurface

拿到窗口的InputWindowHandleWrapper, 调用setInputWindowInfoIfNeeded

607          @Override
608          public void accept(WindowState w) {
609              final InputWindowHandleWrapper inputWindowHandle = w.mInputWindowHandle;
610              if (w.mInputChannelToken == null || w.mRemoved || !w.canReceiveTouchInput()) {
611                  if (w.mWinAnimator.hasSurface()) {
612                      // Make sure the input info can't receive input event. It may be omitted from
613                      // occlusion detection depending on the type or if it's a trusted overlay.
614                      populateOverlayInputInfo(inputWindowHandle, w);
615                      setInputWindowInfoIfNeeded(mInputTransaction,
616                              w.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController.mSurfaceControl, inputWindowHandle);
617                      return;
618                  }
619                  // Skip this window because it cannot possibly receive input.
620                  return;
621              }

677              if (w.mWinAnimator.hasSurface()) {
678                  populateInputWindowHandle(inputWindowHandle, w);
679                  setInputWindowInfoIfNeeded(mInputTransaction,
680                          w.mWinAnimator.mSurfaceController.mSurfaceControl, inputWindowHandle);
681              }
682          }
683      }
685      @VisibleForTesting
686      static void setInputWindowInfoIfNeeded(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, SurfaceControl sc,
687              InputWindowHandleWrapper inputWindowHandle) {
688          if (DEBUG_INPUT) {
689              Slog.d(TAG_WM, "Update InputWindowHandle: " + inputWindowHandle);
690          }
691          if (inputWindowHandle.isChanged()) {
692              inputWindowHandle.applyChangesToSurface(t, sc);
693          }
694      }

63      void applyChangesToSurface(@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction t, @NonNull SurfaceControl sc) {
64          t.setInputWindowInfo(sc, mHandle);
65          mChanged = false;
66      }


3016          /**
3017           * @hide
3018           */
3019          public Transaction setInputWindowInfo(SurfaceControl sc, InputWindowHandle handle) {
3020              checkPreconditions(sc);
3021              nativeSetInputWindowInfo(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, handle);
3022              return this;
3023          }

804  static void nativeSetInputWindowInfo(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong transactionObj,
805          jlong nativeObject, jobject inputWindow) {
806      auto transaction = reinterpret_cast(transactionObj);
808      sp handle = android_view_InputWindowHandle_getHandle(
809              env, inputWindow);
810      handle->updateInfo();
812      auto ctrl = reinterpret_cast(nativeObject);
813      transaction->setInputWindowInfo(ctrl, *handle->getInfo());
814  }






109  bool NativeInputWindowHandle::updateInfo() {
110      JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
111      jobject obj = env->NewLocalRef(mObjWeak);
112      if (!obj) {
113          releaseChannel();
114          return false;
115      }
117      mInfo.touchableRegion.clear();
119      jobject tokenObj = env->GetObjectField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.token);
120      if (tokenObj) {
121          mInfo.token = ibinderForJavaObject(env, tokenObj);
122          env->DeleteLocalRef(tokenObj);
123      } else {
124          mInfo.token.clear();
125      }
127 = getStringField(env, obj,, "");
129      mInfo.dispatchingTimeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(
130              env->GetLongField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.dispatchingTimeoutMillis));
131      mInfo.frameLeft = env->GetIntField(obj,
132              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.frameLeft);
133      mInfo.frameTop = env->GetIntField(obj,
134              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.frameTop);
135      mInfo.frameRight = env->GetIntField(obj,
136              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.frameRight);
137      mInfo.frameBottom = env->GetIntField(obj,
138              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.frameBottom);
139      mInfo.surfaceInset = env->GetIntField(obj,
140              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.surfaceInset);
141      mInfo.globalScaleFactor = env->GetFloatField(obj,
142              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.scaleFactor);
144      jobject regionObj = env->GetObjectField(obj,
145              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.touchableRegion);
146      if (regionObj) {
147          for (graphics::RegionIterator it(env, regionObj); !it.isDone(); {
148              ARect rect = it.getRect();
149              mInfo.addTouchableRegion(Rect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom));
150          }
151          env->DeleteLocalRef(regionObj);
152      }
154      const auto flags = ftl::Flags(
155              env->GetIntField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.layoutParamsFlags));
156      const auto type = static_cast(
157              env->GetIntField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.layoutParamsType));
158      mInfo.layoutParamsFlags = flags;
159      mInfo.layoutParamsType = type;
161      mInfo.inputConfig = static_cast(
162              env->GetIntField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.inputConfig));
164      mInfo.touchOcclusionMode = static_cast(
165              env->GetIntField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.touchOcclusionMode));
166      mInfo.ownerPid = env->GetIntField(obj,
167              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.ownerPid);
168      mInfo.ownerUid = env->GetIntField(obj,
169              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.ownerUid);
170      mInfo.packageName = getStringField(env, obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.packageName, "");
171      mInfo.displayId = env->GetIntField(obj,
172              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.displayId);
174      jobject inputApplicationHandleObj = env->GetObjectField(obj,
175              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.inputApplicationHandle);
176      if (inputApplicationHandleObj) {
177          std::shared_ptr inputApplicationHandle =
178                  android_view_InputApplicationHandle_getHandle(env, inputApplicationHandleObj);
179          if (inputApplicationHandle != nullptr) {
180              inputApplicationHandle->updateInfo();
181              mInfo.applicationInfo = *(inputApplicationHandle->getInfo());
182          }
183          env->DeleteLocalRef(inputApplicationHandleObj);
184      }
186      mInfo.replaceTouchableRegionWithCrop = env->GetBooleanField(obj,
187              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.replaceTouchableRegionWithCrop);
189      jobject weakSurfaceCtrl = env->GetObjectField(obj,
190              gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.touchableRegionSurfaceControl.ctrl);
191      bool touchableRegionCropHandleSet = false;
192      if (weakSurfaceCtrl) {
193          // Promote java weak reference.
194          jobject strongSurfaceCtrl = env->CallObjectMethod(weakSurfaceCtrl,
195                  gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.touchableRegionSurfaceControl.get);
196          if (strongSurfaceCtrl) {
197              jlong mNativeObject = env->GetLongField(strongSurfaceCtrl,
198                      gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.touchableRegionSurfaceControl.mNativeObject);
199              if (mNativeObject) {
200                  auto ctrl = reinterpret_cast(mNativeObject);
201                  mInfo.touchableRegionCropHandle = ctrl->getHandle();
202                  touchableRegionCropHandleSet = true;
203              }
204              env->DeleteLocalRef(strongSurfaceCtrl);
205          }
206          env->DeleteLocalRef(weakSurfaceCtrl);
207      }
208      if (!touchableRegionCropHandleSet) {
209          mInfo.touchableRegionCropHandle.clear();
210      }
212      jobject windowTokenObj = env->GetObjectField(obj, gInputWindowHandleClassInfo.windowToken);
213      if (windowTokenObj) {
214          mInfo.windowToken = ibinderForJavaObject(env, windowTokenObj);
215          env->DeleteLocalRef(windowTokenObj);
216      } else {
217          mInfo.windowToken.clear();
218      }
220      ScopedLocalRef
221              focusTransferTargetObj(env,
222                                     env->GetObjectField(obj,
223                                                         gInputWindowHandleClassInfo
224                                                                 .focusTransferTarget));
225      if (focusTransferTargetObj.get()) {
226          mInfo.focusTransferTarget = ibinderForJavaObject(env, focusTransferTargetObj.get());
227      } else {
228          mInfo.focusTransferTarget.clear();
229      }
231      env->DeleteLocalRef(obj);
232      return true;
233  }

1941  SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction& SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction::setInputWindowInfo(
1942          const sp& sc, const WindowInfo& info) {
1943      layer_state_t* s = getLayerState(sc);
1944      if (!s) {
1945          mStatus = BAD_INDEX;
1946          return *this;
1947      }
1948      s->windowInfoHandle = new WindowInfoHandle(info);
1949      s->what |= layer_state_t::eInputInfoChanged;
1950      return *this;
1951  }


2752          public void apply() {
2753              apply(false);
2754          }

2784          public void apply(boolean sync) {
2785              applyResizedSurfaces();
2786              notifyReparentedSurfaces();
2787              nativeApplyTransaction(mNativeObject, sync);
2788          }

464  static void nativeApplyTransaction(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong transactionObj, jboolean sync) {
465      auto transaction = reinterpret_cast(transactionObj);
466      transaction->apply(sync);
467  }

1151  status_t SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction::apply(bool synchronous, bool oneWay) {
1225      sp sf(ComposerService::getComposerService());
1226      sf->setTransactionState(mFrameTimelineInfo, composerStates, displayStates, flags, applyToken,
1227                              mInputWindowCommands, mDesiredPresentTime, mIsAutoTimestamp,
1228                              mUncacheBuffers, hasListenerCallbacks, listenerCallbacks, mId,
1229                              mMergedTransactionIds);
1230      mId = generateId();
1232      // Clear the current states and flags
1233      clear();
1235      if (synchronous) {
1236          syncCallback->wait();
1237      }
1239      mStatus = NO_ERROR;
1240      return NO_ERROR;
1241  }

通过调用ComposerService::getComposerService() 获取SurfaceFlinger服务


96  bool ComposerService::connectLocked() {
97      const String16 name("SurfaceFlinger");
98      mComposerService = waitForService(name);
99      if (mComposerService == nullptr) {
100          return false; // fatal error or permission problem
101      }
103      // Create the death listener.
104      class DeathObserver : public IBinder::DeathRecipient {
105          ComposerService& mComposerService;
106          virtual void binderDied(const wp& who) {
107              ALOGW("ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [%p]",
108                    who.unsafe_get());
109              mComposerService.composerServiceDied();
110          }
111       public:
112          explicit DeathObserver(ComposerService& mgr) : mComposerService(mgr) { }
113      };
115      mDeathObserver = new DeathObserver(*const_cast(this));
116      IInterface::asBinder(mComposerService)->linkToDeath(mDeathObserver);
117      return true;
118  }


会向SurfaceFlinger提交一个事务并放入mTransactionQueue;  mTransactionHandler.queueTransaction(std::move(state));

4503  status_t SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionState(
4504          const FrameTimelineInfo& frameTimelineInfo, Vector& states,
4505          const Vector& displays, uint32_t flags, const sp& applyToken,
4506          InputWindowCommands inputWindowCommands, int64_t desiredPresentTime, bool isAutoTimestamp,
4507          const std::vector& uncacheBuffers, bool hasListenerCallbacks,
4508          const std::vector& listenerCallbacks, uint64_t transactionId,
4509          const std::vector& mergedTransactionIds) {

4605      const auto schedule = [](uint32_t flags) {
4606          if (flags & eEarlyWakeupEnd) return TransactionSchedule::EarlyEnd;
4607          if (flags & eEarlyWakeupStart) return TransactionSchedule::EarlyStart;
4608          return TransactionSchedule::Late;
4609      }(state.flags);
4611      const auto frameHint = state.isFrameActive() ? FrameHint::kActive : FrameHint::kNone;
4612      mTransactionHandler.queueTransaction(std::move(state));
4613      setTransactionFlags(eTransactionFlushNeeded, schedule, applyToken, frameHint);
4614      return NO_ERROR;
4615  }

30  void TransactionHandler::queueTransaction(TransactionState&& state) {
31      mLocklessTransactionQueue.push(std::move(state));
32      mPendingTransactionCount.fetch_add(1);
33      ATRACE_INT("TransactionQueue", static_cast(mPendingTransactionCount.load()));
34  }

4258  void SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionFlags(uint32_t mask, TransactionSchedule schedule,
4259                                           const sp& applyToken, FrameHint frameHint) {
4260      mScheduler->modulateVsync({}, &VsyncModulator::setTransactionSchedule, schedule, applyToken);
4261      uint32_t transactionFlags = mTransactionFlags.fetch_or(mask);
4262      ATRACE_INT("mTransactionFlags", transactionFlags);
4264      if (const bool scheduled = transactionFlags & mask; !scheduled) {
4265          scheduleCommit(frameHint);
4266      } else if (frameHint == FrameHint::kActive) {
4267          // Even if the next frame is already scheduled, we should reset the idle timer
4268          // as a new activity just happened.
4269          mScheduler->resetIdleTimer();
4270      }
4271  }
2049  void SurfaceFlinger::scheduleComposite(FrameHint hint) {
2050      mMustComposite = true;
2051      scheduleCommit(hint);
2052  }

2041  void SurfaceFlinger::scheduleCommit(FrameHint hint) {
2042      if (hint == FrameHint::kActive) {
2043          mScheduler->resetIdleTimer();
2044      }
2045      mPowerAdvisor->notifyDisplayUpdateImminentAndCpuReset();
2046      mScheduler->scheduleFrame();
2047  }


4404  // For tests only
4405  bool SurfaceFlinger::flushTransactionQueues(VsyncId vsyncId) {
4406      std::vector transactions = mTransactionHandler.flushTransactions();
4407      return applyTransactions(transactions, vsyncId);
4408  }

4410  bool SurfaceFlinger::applyTransactions(std::vector& transactions,
4411                                         VsyncId vsyncId) {
4412      Mutex::Autolock lock(mStateLock);
4413      return applyTransactionsLocked(transactions, vsyncId);
4414  }
4416  bool SurfaceFlinger::applyTransactionsLocked(std::vector& transactions,
4417                                               VsyncId vsyncId) {
4418      bool needsTraversal = false;
4419      // Now apply all transactions.
4420      for (auto& transaction : transactions) {
4421          needsTraversal |=
4422                  applyTransactionState(transaction.frameTimelineInfo, transaction.states,
4423                                        transaction.displays, transaction.flags,
4424                                        transaction.inputWindowCommands,
4425                                        transaction.desiredPresentTime, transaction.isAutoTimestamp,
4426                                        std::move(transaction.uncacheBufferIds), transaction.postTime,
4427                                        transaction.hasListenerCallbacks,
4428                                        transaction.listenerCallbacks, transaction.originPid,
4429                                        transaction.originUid,;
4430      }
4431      return needsTraversal;
4432  }

4617  bool SurfaceFlinger::applyTransactionState(const FrameTimelineInfo& frameTimelineInfo,
4618                                             std::vector& states,
4619                                             Vector& displays, uint32_t flags,
4620                                             const InputWindowCommands& inputWindowCommands,
4621                                             const int64_t desiredPresentTime, bool isAutoTimestamp,
4622                                             const std::vector& uncacheBufferIds,
4623                                             const int64_t postTime, bool hasListenerCallbacks,
4624                                             const std::vector& listenerCallbacks,
4625                                             int originPid, int originUid, uint64_t transactionId) {
4626      uint32_t transactionFlags = 0;
4627      if (!mLayerLifecycleManagerEnabled) {

4641      for (auto& resolvedState : states) {
4642          if (mLegacyFrontEndEnabled) {
4643              clientStateFlags |=
4644                      setClientStateLocked(frameTimelineInfo, resolvedState, desiredPresentTime,
4645                                           isAutoTimestamp, postTime, transactionId);
4799  uint32_t SurfaceFlinger::setClientStateLocked(const FrameTimelineInfo& frameTimelineInfo,
4800                                                ResolvedComposerState& composerState,
4801                                                int64_t desiredPresentTime, bool isAutoTimestamp,
4802                                                int64_t postTime, uint64_t transactionId) {


首先填充windowInfos, 通过调用buildWindowInfos填充

然后调用windowInfosChanged, 将信息通知inputDispatcher

然后调用inputFlinger->setFocusedWindow(focusReques 跟心焦点信息

2374  bool SurfaceFlinger::commit(TimePoint frameTime, VsyncId vsyncId, TimePoint expectedVsyncTime)
2375          FTL_FAKE_GUARD(kMainThreadContext) {
 updateInputFlinger(vsyncId, frameTime);

3746  void SurfaceFlinger::updateInputFlinger(VsyncId vsyncId, TimePoint frameTime) {
3747      if (!mInputFlinger || (!mUpdateInputInfo && mInputWindowCommands.empty())) {
3748          return;
3749      }
3750      ATRACE_CALL();
3752      std::vector windowInfos;
3753      std::vector displayInfos;
3754      bool updateWindowInfo = false;
3755      if (mUpdateInputInfo) {
3756          mUpdateInputInfo = false;
3757          updateWindowInfo = true;
3758          buildWindowInfos(windowInfos, displayInfos);
3759      }

3773      BackgroundExecutor::getInstance().sendCallbacks({[updateWindowInfo,
3774                                                        windowInfos = std::move(windowInfos),
3775                                                        displayInfos = std::move(displayInfos),
3776                                                        inputWindowCommands =
3777                                                                std::move(mInputWindowCommands),
3778                                                        inputFlinger = mInputFlinger, this,
3779                                                        visibleWindowsChanged, vsyncId, frameTime]() {
3780          ATRACE_NAME("BackgroundExecutor::updateInputFlinger");
3781          if (updateWindowInfo) {
3782              mWindowInfosListenerInvoker
3783                      ->windowInfosChanged(gui::WindowInfosUpdate{std::move(windowInfos),
3784                                                                  std::move(displayInfos),
3785                                                                  vsyncId.value, frameTime.ns()},
3786                                           std::move(
3787                                                   inputWindowCommands.windowInfosReportedListeners),
3788                                           /* forceImmediateCall= */ visibleWindowsChanged ||
3789                                                   !inputWindowCommands.focusRequests.empty());
3790          } else {
3791              // If there are listeners but no changes to input windows, call the listeners
3792              // immediately.
3793              for (const auto& listener : inputWindowCommands.windowInfosReportedListeners) {
3794                  if (IInterface::asBinder(listener)->isBinderAlive()) {
3795                      listener->onWindowInfosReported();
3796                  }
3797              }
3798          }
3799          for (const auto& focusRequest : inputWindowCommands.focusRequests) {
3800              inputFlinger->setFocusedWindow(focusRequest);
3801          }
3802      }});
3804      mInputWindowCommands.clear();
3805  }



3836  void SurfaceFlinger::buildWindowInfos(std::vector& outWindowInfos,
3837                                        std::vector& outDisplayInfos) {
3838      static size_t sNumWindowInfos = 0;
3839      outWindowInfos.reserve(sNumWindowInfos);
3840      sNumWindowInfos = 0;
3842      if (mLayerLifecycleManagerEnabled) {
3843          mLayerSnapshotBuilder.forEachInputSnapshot(
3844                  [&outWindowInfos](const frontend::LayerSnapshot& snapshot) {
3845                      outWindowInfos.push_back(snapshot.inputInfo);
3846                  });
3847      } else {
3848          mDrawingState.traverseInReverseZOrder([&](Layer* layer) {
3849              if (!layer->needsInputInfo()) return;
3850              const auto opt =
3851                      mFrontEndDisplayInfos.get(layer->getLayerStack())
3852                              .transform([](const frontend::DisplayInfo& info) {
3853                                  return Layer::InputDisplayArgs{&info.transform, info.isSecure};
3854                              });
3856              outWindowInfos.push_back(layer->fillInputInfo(opt.value_or(Layer::InputDisplayArgs{})));
3857          });
3858      }
3860      sNumWindowInfos = outWindowInfos.size();
3862      outDisplayInfos.reserve(mFrontEndDisplayInfos.size());
3863      for (const auto& [_, info] : mFrontEndDisplayInfos) {
3864          outDisplayInfos.push_back(;
3865      }
3866  }



84  void WindowInfosListenerInvoker::windowInfosChanged(
85          gui::WindowInfosUpdate update, WindowInfosReportedListenerSet reportedListeners,
86          bool forceImmediateCall) {
87      if (!mDelayInfo) {
88          mDelayInfo = DelayInfo{
89                  .vsyncId = update.vsyncId,
90                  .frameTime = update.timestamp,
91          };
92      }
94      // If there are unacked messages and this isn't a forced call, then return immediately.
95      // If a forced window infos change doesn't happen first, the update will be sent after
96      // the WindowInfosReportedListeners are called. If a forced window infos change happens or
97      // if there are subsequent delayed messages before this update is sent, then this message
98      // will be dropped and the listeners will only be called with the latest info. This is done
99      // to reduce the amount of binder memory used.

116      reportedListeners.merge(mReportedListeners);
117      mReportedListeners.clear();
119      // Update mUnackedState to include the message we're about to send
120      auto [it, _] = mUnackedState.try_emplace(update.vsyncId,
121                                               UnackedState{.reportedListeners =
122                                                                    std::move(reportedListeners)});
123      auto& unackedState = it->second;
124      for (auto& pair : mWindowInfosListeners) {
125          int64_t listenerId = pair.second.first;
126          unackedState.unackedListenerIds.push_back(listenerId);
127      }
129      mDelayInfo.reset();
130      updateMaxSendDelay();
132      // Call the listeners
133      for (auto& pair : mWindowInfosListeners) {
134          auto& [listenerId, listener] = pair.second;
135          auto status = listener->onWindowInfosChanged(update);
136          if (!status.isOk()) {
137              ackWindowInfosReceived(update.vsyncId, listenerId);
138          }
139      }
140  }



91  binder::Status WindowInfosListenerReporter::onWindowInfosChanged(
92          const gui::WindowInfosUpdate& update) {
93      std::unordered_set, gui::SpHash>
94              windowInfosListeners;
96      {
97          std::scoped_lock lock(mListenersMutex);
98          for (auto listener : mWindowInfosListeners) {
99              windowInfosListeners.insert(listener);
100          }
102          mLastWindowInfos = update.windowInfos;
103          mLastDisplayInfos = update.displayInfos;
104      }
106      for (auto listener : windowInfosListeners) {
107          listener->onWindowInfosChanged(update);
108      }
110      mWindowInfosPublisher->ackWindowInfosReceived(update.vsyncId, mListenerId);
112      return binder::Status::ok();
113  }





    当窗口信息变化时,Surfaceflinger会回调前面所注册listener的onWindowInfosChanged方法并最终通知到InputDispatcher,相关代码流程如下:SurfaceFlinger.updateInputFlinger-> WindowInfosListenerInvoker.windowInfosChanged


6739  void InputDispatcher::DispatcherWindowListener::onWindowInfosChanged(
6740          const gui::WindowInfosUpdate& update) {
6741      mDispatcher.onWindowInfosChanged(update);
6742  }
6685  void InputDispatcher::onWindowInfosChanged(const gui::WindowInfosUpdate& update) {
6686      // The listener sends the windows as a flattened array. Separate the windows by display for
6687      // more convenient parsing.
6688      std::unordered_map>> handlesPerDisplay;
6689      for (const auto& info : update.windowInfos) {
6690          handlesPerDisplay.emplace(info.displayId, std::vector>());
6691          handlesPerDisplay[info.displayId].push_back(sp::make(info));
6692      }
6694      { // acquire lock
6695          std::scoped_lock _l(mLock);
6697          // Ensure that we have an entry created for all existing displays so that if a displayId has
6698          // no windows, we can tell that the windows were removed from the display.
6699          for (const auto& [displayId, _] : mWindowHandlesByDisplay) {
6700              handlesPerDisplay[displayId];
6701          }
6703          mDisplayInfos.clear();
6704          for (const auto& displayInfo : update.displayInfos) {
6705              mDisplayInfos.emplace(displayInfo.displayId, displayInfo);
6706          }
6708          for (const auto& [displayId, handles] : handlesPerDisplay) {
6709              setInputWindowsLocked(handles, displayId);
6710          }
6712          if (update.vsyncId < mWindowInfosVsyncId) {
6713              ALOGE("Received out of order window infos update. Last update vsync id: %" PRId64
6714                    ", current update vsync id: %" PRId64,
6715                    mWindowInfosVsyncId, update.vsyncId);
6716          }
6717          mWindowInfosVsyncId = update.vsyncId;
6718      }
6719      // Wake up poll loop since it may need to make new input dispatching choices.
6720      mLooper->wake();
6721  }

到此为止, inputwindow的信息设置到了InputManagerService中了 
