while(++x < image.cols && image.at(y, x) == 255) {
红色是 G0,绿色是加工部分 G1。
编译器要求最低 C++23
#pragma once
struct G0 {
std::optional x, y;
std::optional s;
std::string toString() {
std::string command = "G0";
if(x.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
if(y.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
if(s.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
return command;
explicit operator std::string() const {
std::string command = "G0";
if(x.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
if(y.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
if(s.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
return command;
struct G1 {
std::optional x, y;
std::optional s;
std::string toString() {
std::string command = "G1";
if(x.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
if(y.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
if(s.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
return command;
explicit operator std::string() const {
std::string command = "G1";
if(x.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
if(y.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
if(s.has_value()) {
command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
return command;
class ImageToGCode
// 激光模式
enum class LaserMode {
Cutting, // 切割 M3 Constant Power
Engraving, // 雕刻 M4 Dynamic Power
// 扫描方式
enum class ScanMode {
Unidirection, // 单向
Bidirection, // 双向
struct kEnumToStringLaserMode {
constexpr std::string_view operator[](const LaserMode mode) const noexcept {
switch(mode) {
case LaserMode::Cutting: return "M3";
case LaserMode::Engraving: return "M4";
return {};
constexpr LaserMode operator[](const std::string_view mode) const noexcept {
if(mode.compare("M3")) {
return LaserMode::Cutting;
if(mode.compare("M4")) {
return LaserMode::Engraving;
return {};
ImageToGCode() = default;
~ImageToGCode() = default;
auto &setInputImage(const cv::Mat &mat) {
this->mat = mat;
return *this;
auto &setOutputTragetSize(double width, double height, double resolution = 10.0 /* lin/mm */) {
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
this->resolution = resolution;
return *this;
auto &builder() {
try {
} catch(cv::Exception &e) {
std::println("cv Exception {}", e.what());
std::vector header;
header.emplace_back("G17G21G90G54"); // XY平面;单位毫米;绝对坐标模式;选择G54坐标系
header.emplace_back(std::format("F{:d}", 30000)); // 移动速度 毫米/每分钟
header.emplace_back(std::format("G0 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}", 0.f, 0.f)); // 设置工作起点及偏移
header.emplace_back(std::format("{} S0", kEnumToStringLaserMode()[laserMode])); // 激光模式
if(airPump.has_value()) {
header.emplace_back(std::format("M16 S{:d}", 300)); // 打开气泵
std::vector footer;
if(airPump.has_value()) {
footer.emplace_back("M9"); // 关闭气泵,保持 S300 功率
command.insert_range(command.begin(), header);
return *this;
bool exportGCode(const std::string &fileName) {
std::fstream file;
file.open(fileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
if(!file.is_open()) {
return false;
for(auto &&v: command | std::views::transform([](auto item) { return item += "\n"; })) {
file.write(v.c_str(), v.length());
return true;
auto setLaserMode(LaserMode mode) {
laserMode = mode;
return *this;
auto setScanMode(ScanMode mode) {
scanMode = mode;
return *this;
void matToGCode() {
assert(mat.channels() == 1);
assert(std::isgreaterequal(resolution, 1e-5f));
assert(!((width * resolution < 1.0) || (height * resolution < 1.0)));
void internal(cv::Mat &image, auto x /*width*/, auto y /*height*/) {
auto pixel = image.at(y, x);
if(pixel == 255) {
command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));
} else {
auto power = static_cast((1.0 - static_cast(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);
command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, y / resolution, power));
// 单向扫描
// 未做任何优化处理,像素和G0、G1一一映射对应。
void unidirectionStrategy() {
cv::Mat image;
cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast(width * resolution), static_cast(height * resolution)));
for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {
command.emplace_back(G0(0, y / resolution, std::nullopt).toString());
for(int x = 0; x < image.cols; ++x) {
auto pixel = image.at(y, x);
if(pixel == 255) {
command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));
} else {
auto power = static_cast((1.0 - static_cast(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);
command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, std::nullopt, power));
// 单向扫描优化版本V1
// 删除多余空行程,这里空行程指连续的无用的G0。
void unidirectionOptStrategy() {
cv::Mat image;
cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast(width * resolution), static_cast(height * resolution)));
int offset = 0; // The frist consecutive G0
int length = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {
command.emplace_back(G0(offset / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt).toString());
for(int x = 0; x < image.cols; ++x) {
auto pixel = image.at(y, x);
length = 0;
if(pixel == 255) {
while(++x < image.cols && image.at(y, x) == 255) {
// Whether continuous GO exists
if(length) {
if(x - length == 0) { // skip The frist consecutive G0
offset = length;
command.emplace_back(G0((x) / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));
if(x == image.cols - 1) { // skip The last consecutive G0
command.emplace_back(G0((x - length) / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));
// Continuous GO
command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));
} else {
// Independent GO
command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));
} else {
auto power = static_cast((1.0 - static_cast(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);
command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, std::nullopt, power));
// Define additional strategy functions here
cv::Mat mat; // 灰度图像
double width {0}; // 工作范围 x 轴
double height {0}; // 工作范围 y 轴
double resolution {0}; // 精度 lin/mm
ScanMode scanMode {ScanMode::Bidirection}; // 默认双向
LaserMode laserMode {LaserMode::Engraving}; // 默认雕刻模式
std::optional airPump; // 自定义指令 气泵 用于吹走加工产生的灰尘 范围 [0,1000]
// add more custom cmd
std::vector command; // G 代码
int main() {
// 读取以灰度的形式读取一个图像
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(R"(ImageToGCode\image\tigger.jpg)", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::flip(mat, mat, 0);
// 实例化一个对象
ImageToGCode handle;
// 设置相关参数
// setInputImage 输入图像
// setOutputTragetSize 输出物理尺寸大小 以 mm 为单位,这里输出 50x50 mm 大小
// builder 开始执行图像转GCode操作
// exportGCode 导出 gcode 文件