

古儒吉大师:要在你的职涯中表现出色,要平衡你的生命。每天静心、睡个好觉,早晨做调息法 (pranayam) 和静心,然后以崭新的心智去上班。

不要看太多电影,每天不要看电视超过一小时。一周看一部电影就够了。 这是因为当我们的心智被如此多的印象轰炸时,会失去它的创造力,变得没有创意。与人共度一小时,花些时间与你不认识的人在一起。

Q: Guruji, What should a person do to become the best in his profession?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : To excel in your profession balance your life. Meditate every day, sleep well, and in the morning do pranayam and meditation and go to work with a fresh mind. Don’t watch too many movies and not more than one hour of television per day. A movie a week should be enough. This is because when our mind is bombarded with so many impressions, it loses its creative abilities and becomes uncreative. Spend one hour with people. Spend time with somebody whom you do not know.
