Visiting the Confucius Temple 夜游夫子庙

Albert and Alice are hanging out at the popular Confucius Temple in Nanjing. Now they are standing on a bridge and enjoying the beauty of Qinhuai RIver.


Alice & Albert

Alice: Albert的好友,英语系毕业,在培训机构工作


Alice: What a beautiful view! The Qinhuai River lit by colorful lights is amazing.

艾丽斯: 多美的景色啊! 秦淮河在彩灯的照耀下,令人惊叹。

Albert: Totally. I just recommended this place to a Canadian girl days ago.

艾尔伯特: 完全同意。几天前我刚向一个加拿大女孩推荐了这个地方。

Alice: A Canadian girl? How did you meet?

艾丽斯: 加拿大女孩?你们是怎么认识的?

Albert: Oh,we met at the Linggu Temple and I took a pciture for her. She came here as an exchange student to Nanjing University.

艾尔伯特: 哦,我们在灵谷寺见过面,我给她拍了一张照片。她作为交换生来到南京大学。

Alice: What a coincidence!

艾丽斯: 太巧了!

Albert: Yeah,so I gave her my number and also some suggestions about tourist destinations and restaurants. She told me she traveled to the States by herself one year ago.

艾尔伯特: 是的,所以我给了她我的电话号码,还有一些关于旅游目的地和餐馆的建议。她告诉我她一年前独自一人去了美国。

Alice: She's quite an independent girl,isn't she?

艾丽斯: 她是个很独立的女孩,不是吗?

Albert: Yeah...Look! Is this the bubble tea shop you keep talking about?

艾尔伯特: 是的……看! 这就是你一直说的奶茶店吗?

Alice: Ah. My favorite store! I've been craving it since last week. You have to give it a try. It's very tasty. Trust me. I'm an expert on bubble tea.

艾丽斯: 啊。我最喜欢的商店! 我从上星期就一直想喝。你得试一试。它很好喝。相信我。我是奶茶专家。

Albert: Well,which flavor do you suggest?

艾尔伯特: 嗯,你建议要哪种口味的?

Alice: I'd like to say that everything on the manu is great. But you could try their oolong bubble tea.

艾丽斯: 我想说手工上的每样东西都很棒。但你可以试试他们的乌龙茶。

Albert: OK. I'll have that.

艾尔伯特: 好的。我要这个。

Alice: You won't be disappointed. You have my word.

艾丽斯: 你不会失望的。我向你保证。

Albert: Haha! I never doubted your taste in bubble tea.

艾尔伯特: 哈哈! 我从没怀疑过你对奶茶的品味。

Alice: Oh,I'm flattered.

艾丽斯: 哦, 过奖了。


lit:v. 点亮,照亮;点燃,点火;偶然发现,获得(light 的过去式和过去分词)

bubble tea shop:奶茶店

craving:v. 渴望;恳求(crave的ing形式)

flavor :n. 情味,风味;香料;滋味 vt. 加味于

oolong:n. 乌龙茶(中国名茶之一)

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