
英文 中文
For over a century, I have lived in secret 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
until now. 直到现在
I know the risk but I have to know her. 我知道很冒险但我必须要认识她
Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长的一模一样
What're you? 你是什么东西
I'm a vampire. 吸血鬼
I've been 17 years old since 1864. 1864年以来我就一直是17岁了
I promise I will keep your secret. 我保证替你保密
But I can't be with you, Stefan. 但我不能和你在一起了斯特凡
5 dead bodies are all drained of blood. 5具尸体的血都被吸干了
They've come back. 他们回来了
Hello brother. 你好啊弟弟
Damon. 达蒙
She's in the transition. 她在转化
Into what? 转化成什么
A vampire. 吸血鬼
Vicki. What the hell? 薇姬你怎么了
Why is everybody having to die on me? 为什么我眼见身边的人一个个死去
Can you make him forget? 你能让他忘记一切吗
I'll do it 我来吧
What do you want him to know. 你想要他记得什么
Vicki left town. 薇姬离开了
He's gonna miss her. But he knows it's for the best. 他会想念他但他明白这样对大家都好
Damon? 达蒙
Lexi? 莱希
- Hi. - What are you doing here? -你好啊-你到这来干什么
How could you even ask that? 你还好意思问
I missed you. 我想你了
Happy birthday. 生日快乐
I don't know, ok. 我不知道好吧
Some freak shot at me with wooden bullets, 某个疯子用木子弹击中我
I'd bail in under 60. 我会迅速逃离
And why is a news reporter hunting vampires? 为何一个新闻记者要猎杀吸血鬼
I don't know. I don't know who knows about us. 不知道我不知道有谁知道我们的存在
I mean, that guy did. 那个人肯定知道
There could be others. Hey, do me a favor. 可能还有其他人嘿别给我惹麻烦
While you're here, please be careful. 你在这儿要小心照顾好自己
Why stay? 为何留在这儿
I'm headed to New York for the weekend. 我周末去纽约
Bon Jovi in the garden. 邦·乔威乐队的公园表演
"Wanted Dead Or Alive." 《亡命天涯》
That's our theme song. 我们的主题歌哦
It'll be a blast. 会很劲爆的
Hey, do you think that he would actually remember us? 你觉得他真的记得我们吗
That was a pretty crazy weekend, huh? 当年那个周末太疯狂了
We can make him remember us. 我们可以唤醒他的记忆
Come on! 来吧
Let's go. 我们走
I mean, what's keeping you here? 你为什么要留在这里
I told you. 我告诉过你
Her name is Elena. 她叫埃琳娜
Well, let's hope she's better 希望她比上一个
Than the last girl you got all sprung over. 让你迷恋的女孩好
You didn't even know Katherine. 你又不认识凯瑟琳
'Cause if I did, 如果认识的话
I'd kick her ass. Little bitch. 我会狠狠教训她小贱人
Speaking of... Where's Damon? 说到这个...达蒙人呢
Inflicting misery somewhere. 又在外面为祸人间吧
Hey, um, you gonna be ok here alone? 你一个人在这没事吧
I got some things I gotta take care of. 我有点事要做
Well, it's not exactly like I can go anywhere. 我还能到哪去
And you and Damon are the only ones 只有你和达蒙
With these nifty little daylight rings. 拥有神奇的抵抗日光的戒指
I have a mood ring from '75. Trade ya? 我有一枚1875年的心情戒指要换吗
Doesn't work that way, and you know it. 换是不可能的你知道的
Yeah. 是啊
Hey, Lex... 莱希
I'm really glad that you came here. 我很高兴你能来
Ok, what are we doing for your birthday? 好吧我们要怎样为你庆生
It's not every day a guy turns 162 years old. 活到162岁的人可不多见
Really? 真要吗
Oh, yeah. 当然了
Where did Vicki say she was going? 薇姬说她要去哪儿
She didn't. 她没说
Did she tell her brother where she was going? 她告诉她哥哥她要去哪儿了吗
No. She didn't say anything to me. 没有她什么也没跟我说
She told Jeremy to tell me she was leaving town. 她让杰里米转告我说她要离开小镇
Well, is there anyone I can talk to 那么有没有谁能够告诉我
That may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town? 在她离开小镇之前到底发生了什么
Stefan Salvatore may know. 斯特凡·塞尔瓦托可能知道
He came by the house to see her, 他到我们家来看薇姬
But she wouldn't talk to him. 但薇姬不想跟他说话
What was he doing there? 他去那儿是要干什么
I was trying to help her. 我是为了帮她
I knew that Elena was worried about her brother. 我知道埃琳娜很担心她的弟弟
He was dating Vicki, and she had a drug problem, 他在和薇姬谈恋爱而薇姬是个瘾君子
So I tried to help. 所以我想帮忙
So you got involved because Elena asked you to? 你卷入这件事中都是因为埃琳娜的请求吗
I asked Stefan to help. 我请求斯特凡帮忙
I thought that by helping Vicki, 我觉得他如果能帮到薇姬
He was helping my brother. 就等于是在帮助我弟弟
What was her behavior like those last few days before she left? 她离开之前的情绪表现是怎样的
Up and down. 情绪波动很大
Very sketchy, 躁动亢奋
Like she was coming down from some major party. 像是刚从狂欢派对上疯野归来
Any signs of aggression or violence? 有没有什么暴力倾向
Not that I remember. 我不记得有
- No. - No. -没有-没有
So you believe Vicki really has left town? 所有你相信薇姬是真的已经离开小镇了吗
Yes. 是的
Yes. 是的
Yes. 是的
I'll miss her, but... 我很想念她但是
I think it's for the best. 她的离开对我们大家都好
I was tryin' to help her, Matt. 我当时是想帮她的马特
That's all. 仅此而已
I'll meet you guys at the car. 我待会儿去车上找你们
Ok. 好的
You ok? 你没事吧
I don't think the sheriff suspected anything. 那个警长似乎没起什么疑心
Jeremy had no memory at all. 杰里米根本什么都想不起来
All he knew was what Damon made him know. 他所知道的仅仅是达蒙强迫他记住的东西
Thank you. 谢谢
I can't do this, Stefan. 我坚持不下去了斯特凡
Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, 每次我看到马特或杰里米的时候
All I think is that Vicki is never gonna come back, 我就会想到薇姬再也不可能回来了
And they'll never know why. 而他们却永远不知道原因
Around you, people get hurt, and people die, 在你身边人们受伤或是死掉
And I just--I-- It's just too much. I-- 而我我实在太难以承受了我
Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it? 我们找个地方好好谈谈吧
No. 不要
Stefan, you have to stay away from me. 斯特凡你必须跟我保持距离
Hello, Lexi. 你好莱西
What an unexpected surprise. 多么意外的惊喜
Unexpected surprise? 意外的惊喜
I think the wrong brother went back to high school. 我看你才该回高中重新接受下教育
How long you here for? 你准备待多久
Just for Stefan's b-day. 给斯特凡庆完生就走
Aww. You mean you didn't come all this way to see me? 如此说来你不是专程见我来的
Heh. That's it, Damon. 好了达蒙
After a century, I finally realized 过了一个世纪后我终于发现
Death means nothing without you. 没有了你"死亡"毫无意义
Do me. 来上我吧
Aw, why are you so mean to me? 为什么你对我如此刻薄
Uh, have you met you? 你还不了解自己吗
You're not a nice person. 你不是一个好人
Well, because I'm a vampire. 对因为我是吸血鬼
But you're only the bad parts. 但你只是邪恶的吸血鬼
Teach me to be good. 教我怎样变善良
I'm older, and that means stronger. 我比你年长意味着我更强
- Sorry. - Don't ruin my time with Stefan, -抱歉-不要破坏我和斯特凡的好时光
'Cause I'll hurt you. 因为我会对付你
And you know I can do it. 你知道我做得到
You leavin'? 你要走了吗
Dad doesn't like it when I stay here too much. 我在这里待太久爸爸会不高兴的
Because he misses you, or because he doesn't trust me? 因为他想念你还是因为他不相信我
Your father's problem is he lacks imagination. 你父亲的问题就是思想僵硬
He thinks I fill your head with all my witchy juju. 他认为我会向你灌输那些女巫法术
He's right. 他说得对
He's always right. That's his other problem. 他一向都对那是他另一个问题了
You need to be wearin' that. 你要戴着那个项链
I gotta get it back to Caroline. It doesn't belong to me. 我要把它还给卡罗琳那不是我的
Yes, it does. It was your ancestor's, 不就是你的它是你先人的
And now it's yours. 现在就是你的了
Emily was your ancestor, too. Why don't you wear it? 艾米莉也是你的祖先为什么你不戴着
It didn't find me. It found you, 它没找到我找到了你
Protected you. 保护了你
A witch's talisman is a powerful tool. 女巫的法宝都是强大的道具
Don't be givin' that back to anybody. 不要再给任何人
I just wish it was prettier. 如果能更好看点就好了
You're wallowing. 你在烦恼
So are you. 你也是
My wallow is legitimate. 我的烦恼是合理的
I was dumped. 我被甩了
Yeah. Well, Logan's a jerk. 对罗根是个混蛋
You didi't get a brushoff e-mail 又不是你收到那封分手邮件
Saying, "I'm leaving town. See ya." 上面就一句"我要离开了再见"
Wanna keep it down over there? 你们能不能小声点
Why? What are you doing? 干嘛你在做什么
Homework. 作业
Since when do you do homework? 你什么时候开始做作业了
I gotta finish this. I'm way behind, 我要完成这个我落后了很多
And I have a quiz tomorrow, so... 我明天有考试所以
What do you think? 你怎么看
Alien? 外星人?
Some sort of replicant. 或者是克隆人
He can hear you. 他能听到你们
Yeah? 什么事
Send him in. 让他进来
Mr. Salvatore, come on in. 塞尔瓦托先生进来
- Uh, could you get the door for me? - Sure. -你能关上门吗-当然
I understand from Mrs. Lockwood 我从洛克伍德镇长那里了解到
That your uncle's out of town. 你叔叔离开这个镇了
Yes, he is. 对没错
Um, but I spoke with Zach. 不过我跟扎克谈过了
He filled me in and asked if I could bring this to you. 他告诉我要我把这个东西给你
Vervain. 马鞭草
That's all we have at the moment. 眼下就剩这么多了
I hope it's enough. 希望够用
It's a small circle-- 只需要给一部分人用
Founding families, a few city officials. 创始人家族一些官员
And your deputies, of course, right? 当然还有你的副手们对吧
Are we any closer? 案子有进展吗
I think our facts are wrong. 我想我们犯了一个错误
We've always believed that vampires can only come out in the dark. 我们一直以为吸血鬼只会在晚上出没
What if that's changed? 如果情况变了怎么办
Is--is that even possible? 有可能吗
We've exhausted every other option. 我们排除了其他所有的可能
We have to consider 我们必须考虑到
the vampire may be walking around during the day 吸血鬼也有可能光天化日之下
right in front of us. 在我们面前晃悠
So what's the next step? 那么接下来怎么办呢
We're now looking at anyone new to town since the deaths began. 现在正调查从死亡事件开始镇上新来的人
Should turn up a suspect or two. 可能会找出一两个嫌犯
And I of course will do anything I can to help. 我肯定会竭尽全力帮助你的
You up? 起床了吗
No. 没有
No. 不要
Why haven't you called me back? 为什么不回我电话
I'm sorry. 对不起
Are you gonna stay in there forever? 你要在床上待一辈子吗
Yep. 是的
Move over. 挪过去点
I'm officially worried. 我真的很担心你
What's going on? 怎么回事
I'm tired of thinking, of talking. 我厌倦了思考谈论
Can I get a one-line version 能不能一句话总结
So I can at least pretend be helpful? 好让我至少能假装给点安慰
Stefan and I broke up. 我跟斯特凡分手了
I'm so sorry. 真遗憾
Are you ok? 你还好吧
Right. Stupid question. 好吧我问了个蠢问题
I know I've been kind of M.I.A. When you need me the most. 我知道当你最需要我的时候我却无影无踪
I suck. 我太不够朋友了
You wanna make it up to me? 想补偿我吗
Get my mind off of it. 解开我的心结吧
Just remember you asked for it. 记得是你要求我的哦
Uh, be patient. 耐心点
OK 好吧
I need to swear you to secrecy. 我要你发誓保密
It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff. 一星期来我都受够秘密什么的了
Swear, 'cause I'm not supposed to be showing you this. 要发誓因为本来我不该给你演示这个的
Ok. I swear. 好吧我发誓
Ok, there's no windows open, right? 窗户都关了没有风对吧
Right. 是的
There's no fan, no air conditioning. 这里没有风扇没有空调
None. What are you doing? 确实没有你要干嘛
Grams just showed me this. 外婆刚教会了我新魔法
You're gonna love it. 你会喜欢的
You ready? 准备好了吗
Bonnie, what's going on? 邦妮怎么回事啊
It's true, Elena, 是真的埃琳娜
Everything my grams told me. 外婆告诉我的所有事情
It's impossible 虽然很荒谬
But it's true. 但却是真的
I'm a witch. 我是女巫
I believe you. 我相信
Look, dungeon boy 听好了地牢小子
I'm done being your little slave girl. 我早不是你那乖乖听话的傀儡了

