from __future__ import print_function
#from __future__ import print_function只在Python 2中有意义。在Python 3中,print已经是一个函数,所以这个导入语句没有任何效果。如果你尝试在Python 3中运行它,Python会简单地忽略这个导入,因为它已经是默认行为。导入该模块是为了更好地保持python2和3之间地兼容性
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from collections import defaultdict
#在Python的collections模块中,defaultdict是一个特殊的字典子类,它覆盖了标准的字典行为以提供一个默认的工厂函数。这意味着,当你尝试访问一个不存在的键时,defaultdict会自动为该键创建一个默认值,而不是像标准字典那样引发KeyError异常。通过使用defaultdict,我们可以避免手动检查键是否存在,以及使用dict.get(key, default)方法来获取默认值。这使得代码更加简洁和高效。
import cPickle
#cPickle 是 Python 的一个库,用于序列化和反序列化 Python 对象结构。cPickle 提供了高效的、二进制格式的数据存储方式,通常用于在 Python 进程之间或者在不同的时间点存储和加载 Python 对象。cPickle 是 pickle 模块的一个 C 语言实现的版本,通常比纯 Python 实现的 pickle 更快。
import os
#os 模块提供了与操作系统交互的接口,让你可以在 Python 程序中执行各种与操作系统相关的操作,如文件和目录的创建、删除、重命名,环境变量的获取和设置,进程管理,等等。
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from collections import defaultdict
import cPickle
import os
class DataHelper:#定义一个类
def __init__(self,#在Python中,__init__是一个特殊的方法,被称为类的构造函数或初始化方法。当你创建一个类的新实例时,这个方法会自动被调用。它的主要目的是初始化新创建的对象的状态。__init__方法允许你为类的实例设置初始值或执行某些设置步骤。你可以通过该方法为对象的属性赋值,或者执行任何必要的设置。这些变量在调用函数时如果没有被定义,将使用下面这些给定地默认参数。
Class to load and organize alignment data.这个类是用来加载和组织多重序列比对数据的。
This function also helps makes predictions about mutations.
dataset: preloaded dataset names
We have found it easiest to organize datasets in this
way and use the self.configure_datasets() func
alignment_file: Name of the alignment file located in the "datasets"
folder. Not needed if dataset pre-entered
focus_seq_name: Name of the sequence in the alignment
Defaults to the first sequence in the alignment
calc_weights: (bool) Calculate sequence weights
Default True, but not necessary if just loading weights
and doing mutation effect prediction
working_dir: location of "params", "logs", "embeddings", and "datasets"
theta: Sequence weighting hyperparameter
Generally: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic families = 0.2
Viruses = 0.01
alphabet_type: Alphabet type of associated dataset.
Options are DNA, RNA, protein, allelic
self.dataset = dataset
self.alignment_file = alignment_file
self.focus_seq_name = focus_seq_name
self.working_dir = working_dir
self.calc_weights = calc_weights
self.alphabet_type = alphabet_type
# Initalize the elbo of the wt to None
# will be useful if eventually doing mutation effect prediction
self.wt_elbo = None
# Alignment processing parameters
self.theta = theta
# If I am running tests with the model, I don't need all the
# sequences loaded
self.load_all_sequences = load_all_sequences
# Load necessary information for preloaded datasets
if self.dataset != "":
# Load up the alphabet type to use, whether that be DNA, RNA, or protein
if self.alphabet_type == "protein":
self.reorder_alphabet = "DEKRHNQSTPGAVILMCFYW"
elif self.alphabet_type == "RNA":
self.alphabet = "ACGU"
self.reorder_alphabet = "ACGU"
elif self.alphabet_type == "DNA":
self.alphabet = "ACGT"
self.reorder_alphabet = "ACGT"
elif self.alphabet_type == "allelic":
self.alphabet = "012"
self.reorder_alphabet = "012"
#then generate the experimental data
if self.load_all_sequences:
def configure_datasets(self):
if self.dataset == "BLAT_ECOLX":
self.alignment_file = self.working_dir+"/datasets/BLAT_ECOLX_hmmerbit_plmc_n5_m30_f50_t0.2_r24-286_id100_b105.a2m"
self.theta = 0.2
elif self.dataset == "PABP_YEAST":
self.alignment_file = self.working_dir+"/datasets/PABP_YEAST_hmmerbit_plmc_n5_m30_f50_t0.2_r115-210_id100_b48.a2m"
self.theta = 0.2
elif self.dataset == "DLG4_RAT":
self.alignment_file = self.working_dir+"/datasets/DLG4_RAT_hmmerbit_plmc_n5_m30_f50_t0.2_r300-400_id100_b50.a2m"
self.theta = 0.2
elif self.dataset == "trna":
self.alignment_file = self.working_dir+"/datasets/RF00005_CCU.fasta"
self.alphabet_type = "RNA"
self.theta = 0.2
def one_hot_3D(self, s):
""" Transform sequence string into one-hot aa vector"""
# One-hot encode as row vector
x = np.zeros((len(s), len(self.alphabet)))
for i, letter in enumerate(s):
if letter in self.aa_dict:
x[i , self.aa_dict[letter]] = 1
return x
def gen_basic_alignment(self):
""" Read training alignment and store basics in class instance """
# Make a dictionary that goes from aa to a number for one-hot
self.aa_dict = {}
for i,aa in enumerate(self.alphabet):
self.aa_dict[aa] = i
# Do the inverse as well
self.num_to_aa = {i:aa for aa,i in self.aa_dict.items()}
ix = np.array([self.alphabet.find(s) for s in self.reorder_alphabet])
# Read alignment
self.seq_name_to_sequence = defaultdict(str)
self.seq_names = []
name = ""
INPUT = open(self.alignment_file, "r")
for i, line in enumerate(INPUT):
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith(">"):
name = line
self.seq_name_to_sequence[name] += line
# If we don"t have a focus sequence, pick the one that
# we used to generate the alignment
if self.focus_seq_name == "":
self.focus_seq_name = self.seq_names[0]
# Select focus columns
# These columns are the uppercase residues of the .a2m file
self.focus_seq = self.seq_name_to_sequence[self.focus_seq_name]
self.focus_cols = [ix for ix, s in enumerate(self.focus_seq) if s == s.upper()]
self.focus_seq_trimmed = [self.focus_seq[ix] for ix in self.focus_cols]
self.seq_len = len(self.focus_cols)
self.alphabet_size = len(self.alphabet)
# We also expect the focus sequence to be formatted as:
# >[NAME]/[start]-[end]
focus_loc = self.focus_seq_name.split("/")[-1]
start,stop = focus_loc.split("-")
self.focus_start_loc = int(start)
self.focus_stop_loc = int(stop)
self.uniprot_focus_cols_list \
= [idx_col+int(start) for idx_col in self.focus_cols]
self.uniprot_focus_col_to_wt_aa_dict \
= {idx_col+int(start):self.focus_seq[idx_col] for idx_col in self.focus_cols}
self.uniprot_focus_col_to_focus_idx \
= {idx_col+int(start):idx_col for idx_col in self.focus_cols}
def gen_full_alignment(self):
# Get only the focus columns
for seq_name,sequence in self.seq_name_to_sequence.items():
# Replace periods with dashes (the uppercase equivalent)
sequence = sequence.replace(".","-")
#then get only the focus columns
self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name] = [sequence[ix].upper() for ix in self.focus_cols]
# Remove sequences that have bad characters
alphabet_set = set(list(self.alphabet))
seq_names_to_remove = []
for seq_name,sequence in self.seq_name_to_sequence.items():
for letter in sequence:
if letter not in alphabet_set and letter != "-":
seq_names_to_remove = list(set(seq_names_to_remove))
for seq_name in seq_names_to_remove:
del self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name]
# Encode the sequences
print ("Encoding sequences")
self.x_train = np.zeros((len(self.seq_name_to_sequence.keys()),len(self.focus_cols),len(self.alphabet)))
self.x_train_name_list = []
for i,seq_name in enumerate(self.seq_name_to_sequence.keys()):
sequence = self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name]
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence):
if letter in self.aa_dict:
k = self.aa_dict[letter]
self.x_train[i,j,k] = 1.0
# Fast sequence weights with Theano
if self.calc_weights:
print ("Computing sequence weights")
# Numpy version
# import scipy
# from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
# self.weights = scale / np.sum(squareform(pdist(seq_index_array, metric="hamming")) < theta, axis=0)
# Theano weights
X = T.tensor3("x")
cutoff = T.scalar("theta")
X_flat = X.reshape((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]*X.shape[2]))
N_list, updates = theano.map(lambda x: 1.0 / T.sum(T.dot(X_flat, x) / T.dot(x, x) > 1 - cutoff), X_flat)
weightfun = theano.function(inputs=[X, cutoff], outputs=[N_list],allow_input_downcast=True)
self.weights = weightfun(self.x_train, self.theta)[0]
# If not using weights, use an isotropic weight matrix
self.weights = np.ones(self.x_train.shape[0])
self.Neff = np.sum(self.weights)
print ("Neff =",str(self.Neff))
print ("Data Shape =",self.x_train.shape)
def delta_elbo(self, model, mutant_tuple_list, N_pred_iterations=10):
for pos,wt_aa,mut_aa in mutant_tuple_list:
if pos not in self.uniprot_focus_col_to_wt_aa_dict \
or self.uniprot_focus_col_to_wt_aa_dict[pos] != wt_aa:
print ("Not a valid mutant!",pos,wt_aa,mut_aa)
return None
mut_seq = self.focus_seq_trimmed[:]
for pos,wt_aa,mut_aa in mutant_tuple_list:
mut_seq[self.uniprot_focus_col_to_focus_idx[pos]] = mut_aa
if self.wt_elbo == None:
mutant_sequences = [self.focus_seq_trimmed, mut_seq]
mutant_sequences = [mut_seq]
# Then make the one hot sequence
mutant_sequences_one_hot = np.zeros(\
for i,sequence in enumerate(mutant_sequences):
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence):
k = self.aa_dict[letter]
mutant_sequences_one_hot[i,j,k] = 1.0
prediction_matrix = np.zeros((mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0],N_pred_iterations))
idx_batch = np.arange(mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0])
for i in range(N_pred_iterations):
batch_preds, _, _ = model.all_likelihood_components(mutant_sequences_one_hot)
prediction_matrix[:,i] = batch_preds
# Then take the mean of all my elbo samples
mean_elbos = np.mean(prediction_matrix, axis=1).flatten().tolist()
if self.wt_elbo == None:
self.wt_elbo = mean_elbos.pop(0)
return mean_elbos[0] - self.wt_elbo
def single_mutant_matrix(self, model, N_pred_iterations=10, \
minibatch_size=2000, filename_prefix=""):
""" Predict the delta elbo for all single mutants """
# Get the start and end index from the sequence name
start_idx, end_idx = self.focus_seq_name.split("/")[-1].split("-")
start_idx = int(start_idx)
wt_pos_focus_idx_tuple_list = []
focus_seq_index = 0
focus_seq_list = []
for i,letter in enumerate(self.focus_seq):
if letter == letter.upper():
focus_seq_index += 1
self.mutant_sequences = ["".join(self.focus_seq_trimmed)]
self.mutant_sequences_descriptor = ["wt"]
for wt,pos,idx_focus in wt_pos_focus_idx_tuple_list:
for mut in self.alphabet:
if wt != mut:
# Make a descriptor
descriptor = wt+str(pos)+mut
# Hard copy the sequence
focus_seq_copy = list(self.focus_seq_trimmed)[:]
# Mutate
focus_seq_copy[idx_focus] = mut
# Add to the list
# Then make the one hot sequence
self.mutant_sequences_one_hot = np.zeros(\
for i,sequence in enumerate(self.mutant_sequences):
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence):
k = self.aa_dict[letter]
self.mutant_sequences_one_hot[i,j,k] = 1.0
self.prediction_matrix = np.zeros((self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0],N_pred_iterations))
batch_order = np.arange(self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0])
for i in range(N_pred_iterations):
for j in range(0,self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0],minibatch_size):
batch_index = batch_order[j:j+minibatch_size]
batch_preds, _, _ = model.all_likelihood_components(self.mutant_sequences_one_hot[batch_index])
for k,idx_batch in enumerate(batch_index.tolist()):
self.prediction_matrix[idx_batch][i]= batch_preds[k]
# Then take the mean of all my elbo samples
self.mean_elbos = np.mean(self.prediction_matrix, axis=1).flatten().tolist()
self.wt_elbo = self.mean_elbos.pop(0)
self.delta_elbos = np.asarray(self.mean_elbos) - self.wt_elbo
if filename_prefix == "":
return self.mutant_sequences_descriptor, self.delta_elbos
OUTPUT = open(filename_prefix+"_samples-"+str(N_pred_iterations)\
+"_elbo_predictions.csv", "w")
for i,descriptor in enumerate(self.mutant_sequences_descriptor):
def custom_mutant_matrix(self, input_filename, model, N_pred_iterations=10, \
minibatch_size=2000, filename_prefix="", offset=0):
""" Predict the delta elbo for a custom mutation filename
# Get the start and end index from the sequence name
start_idx, end_idx = self.focus_seq_name.split("/")[-1].split("-")
start_idx = int(start_idx)
wt_pos_focus_idx_tuple_list = []
focus_seq_index = 0
focus_seq_list = []
mutant_to_letter_pos_idx_focus_list = {}
# find all possible valid mutations that can be run with this alignment
for i,letter in enumerate(self.focus_seq):
if letter == letter.upper():
for mut in self.alphabet:
pos = start_idx+i
if letter != mut:
mutant = letter+str(pos)+mut
mutant_to_letter_pos_idx_focus_list[mutant] = [letter,start_idx+i,focus_seq_index]
focus_seq_index += 1
self.mutant_sequences = ["".join(self.focus_seq_trimmed)]
self.mutant_sequences_descriptor = ["wt"]
# run through the input file
INPUT = open(self.working_dir+"/"+input_filename, "r")
for i,line in enumerate(INPUT):
line = line.rstrip()
if i >= 1:
line_list = line.split(",")
# generate the list of mutants
mutant_list = line_list[0].split(":")
valid_mutant = True
# if any of the mutants in this list aren"t in the focus sequence,
# I cannot make a prediction
for mutant in mutant_list:
if mutant not in mutant_to_letter_pos_idx_focus_list:
valid_mutant = False
# If it is a valid mutant, add it to my list to make preditions
if valid_mutant:
focus_seq_copy = list(self.focus_seq_trimmed)[:]
for mutant in mutant_list:
wt_aa,pos,idx_focus = mutant_to_letter_pos_idx_focus_list[mutant]
mut_aa = mutant[-1]
focus_seq_copy[idx_focus] = mut_aa
# Then make the one hot sequence
self.mutant_sequences_one_hot = np.zeros(\
for i,sequence in enumerate(self.mutant_sequences):
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence):
k = self.aa_dict[letter]
self.mutant_sequences_one_hot[i,j,k] = 1.0
self.prediction_matrix = np.zeros((self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0],N_pred_iterations))
batch_order = np.arange(self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0])
for i in range(N_pred_iterations):
for j in range(0,self.mutant_sequences_one_hot.shape[0],minibatch_size):
batch_index = batch_order[j:j+minibatch_size]
batch_preds, _, _ = model.all_likelihood_components(self.mutant_sequences_one_hot[batch_index])
for k,idx_batch in enumerate(batch_index.tolist()):
self.prediction_matrix[idx_batch][i]= batch_preds[k]
# Then take the mean of all my elbo samples
self.mean_elbos = np.mean(self.prediction_matrix, axis=1).flatten().tolist()
self.wt_elbo = self.mean_elbos.pop(0)
self.delta_elbos = np.asarray(self.mean_elbos) - self.wt_elbo
if filename_prefix == "":
return self.mutant_sequences_descriptor, self.delta_elbos
OUTPUT = open(filename_prefix+"_samples-"+str(N_pred_iterations)\
+"_elbo_predictions.csv", "w")
for i,descriptor in enumerate(self.mutant_sequences_descriptor):
def get_pattern_activations(self, model, update_num, filename_prefix="",
verbose=False, minibatch_size=2000):
activations_filename = self.working_dir+"/embeddings/"+filename_prefix+"_pattern_activations.csv"
OUTPUT = open(activations_filename, "w")
batch_order = np.arange(len(self.x_train_name_list))
for i in range(0,len(self.x_train_name_list),minibatch_size):
batch_index = batch_order[i:i+minibatch_size]
one_hot_seqs = self.x_train[batch_index]
batch_activation = model.get_pattern_activations(one_hot_seqs)
for j,idx in enumerate(batch_index.tolist()):
sample_activation = [str(val) for val in batch_activation[j].tolist()]
sample_name = self.x_train_name_list[idx]
out_line = [str(update_num),sample_name]+sample_activation
if verbose:
print ("\t".join(out_line))
def get_embeddings(self, model, update_num, filename_prefix="",
verbose=False, minibatch_size=2000):
""" Save the latent variables from all the sequences in the alignment """
embedding_filename = self.working_dir+"/embeddings/"+filename_prefix+"_seq_embeddings.csv"
# Append embeddings to file if it has already been created
# This is useful if you want to see the embeddings evolve over time
if os.path.isfile(embedding_filename):
OUTPUT = open(embedding_filename, "a")
OUTPUT = open(embedding_filename, "w")
mu_header_list = ["mu_"+str(i+1) for i in range(model.n_latent)]
log_sigma_header_list = ["log_sigma_"+str(i+1) for i in range(model.n_latent)]
header_list = mu_header_list + log_sigma_header_list
batch_order = np.arange(len(self.x_train_name_list))
for i in range(0,len(self.x_train_name_list),minibatch_size):
batch_index = batch_order[i:i+minibatch_size]
one_hot_seqs = self.x_train[batch_index]
batch_mu, batch_log_sigma = model.recognize(one_hot_seqs)
for j,idx in enumerate(batch_index.tolist()):
sample_mu = [str(val) for val in batch_mu[j].tolist()]
sample_log_sigma = [str(val) for val in batch_log_sigma[j].tolist()]
sample_name = self.x_train_name_list[idx]
out_line = [str(update_num),sample_name]+sample_mu+sample_log_sigma
if verbose:
print ("\t".join(out_line))
def get_elbo_samples(self, model, N_pred_iterations=100, minibatch_size=2000):
self.prediction_matrix = np.zeros((self.one_hot_mut_array_with_wt.shape[0],N_pred_iterations))
batch_order = np.arange(self.one_hot_mut_array_with_wt.shape[0])
for i in range(N_pred_iterations):
for j in range(0,self.one_hot_mut_array_with_wt.shape[0],minibatch_size):
batch_index = batch_order[j:j+minibatch_size]
batch_preds, _, _ = model.all_likelihood_components(self.one_hot_mut_array_with_wt[batch_index])
for k,idx_batch in enumerate(batch_index.tolist()):
self.prediction_matrix[idx_batch][i]= batch_preds[k]
def gen_job_string(data_params, model_params):
Generates a unique job string given data and model parameters.
This is used later as an identifier for the
saved model weights and figures
data_params: dictionary of parameters for the data class
model_params: dictionary of parameters for the model class
job string denoting parameters of run
written_out_vals = ["n_latent"]
layer_num_list = ["zero","one","two","three","four"]
encoder_architecture = []
decoder_architecture = []
for layer_num in layer_num_list:
if "encode_dim_"+layer_num in model_params:
if "decode_dim_"+layer_num in model_params:
written_out_vals += ["encode_dim_"+layer_num, "decode_dim_"+layer_num]
n_latent = model_params["n_latent"]
encoder_architecture_str = "-".join([str(size) for size in encoder_architecture])
decoder_architecture_str = "-".join([str(size) for size in decoder_architecture])
job_str = "vae_output_encoder-"+encoder_architecture_str+"_Nlatent-"+str(n_latent)\
job_id_list = []
for data_id,data_val in sorted(data_params.items()):
if data_id not in written_out_vals:
if str(type(data_val)) == "" :
job_id_list.append(data_id+"-"+"-".join([str(val) for val in data_val]))
for model_id,model_val in sorted(model_params.items()):
if model_id not in written_out_vals:
if str(type(model_val)) == "" :
job_id_list.append(model_id+"-"+"-".join([str(val) for val in model_val]))
return job_str+"_"+"_".join(job_id_list)