My favourite sport is badminton.
A few friends and I quite often play together. Almost every weekend, we book a badminton court in a sports centre and play for a couple of hours.
Badminton is very easy to learn and play, and it’s a popular sport in China. For me, it is an effective way to improve my physical fitness, and more importantly, a great occasion to see my friends.
By contrast, I am not so interested in individual sports like jogging or swimming. Although they are also great physical training, I feel easily bored and exhausted when I practise alone.
I think everyone needs to have one or two favourite sports and practise regularly. Exercise is a very important part of our life.
body coordination 身体协调性 / concentration 注意力 / perseverance 坚持不懈(的精神)
Individual sports (like swimming, jogging, cycling) can help improve one’s body coordination and concentration. They also cultivate one’s perseverance.
team sports 团队运动 / team spirit 团队精神 / teamwork 团队协作 / face to face communication 面对面交流 / to build up relationships 构建人际关系
Team sports (like football, baseball, rugby) require teamwork and team spirit. Young people today are having less face-to-face communication. Some sports allow us to make friends and build up relationships.
competitive sport 竞技运动 / determination 决心、毅力 / resilience 适应力、坚韧
Some competitive sports (either individual or team sports) build up one’s determination and resilience.
to reduce health risks 降低健康风险 / quality 品质 / to benefit one’s whole life 使人终身受益
Doing sports help reduce health risks (like heart problems, high blood pressure, and obesity), and it also brings important qualities (both physical and psychological) that often benefit one’s whole life.
be not keen on doing sports 并不爱自己从事运动 / to do simple exercise 做简单的练习或运动 / to enjoy watching a good game 喜欢观看精彩的比赛
I’m not keen on doing sports myself, but I usually do some simple exercise (like brisk walking, playing frisbee), and I always enjoy watching a good game on TV.