论文为2023CVPR的Learning a Simple Low-light Image Enhancer from Paired Low-light Instances.论文链接如下:
1.However, collecting high-quality reference maps in real-world scenarios is time-consuming and expensive.
2.To tackle the issues of limited information in a single low-light image and the poor adaptability of handcrafted priors, we propose to leverage paired low-light instances to train the LIE network.
Additionally, twice-exposure images provide useful information for solving the LIE task. As a result, our solution can reduce the demand for handcrafted priors and improve the adaptability of the network.
The core insight of our approach is to sufficiently exploit priors from paired low-light images.
Those low-light image pairs share the same scene content but different illumination. Mathematically, Retinex decomposition with low-light image pairs can be expressed as:
instead of directly imposing the Retinex decomposition on original low-light images, we adopt a simple self-supervised mechanism to remove inappropriate features and implement the Retinex decomposition on the optimized image.
在测试,只需要输入一张低光照图片I,经过P-Net的噪音去除,得到i,然后用L-Net与R-Net分解为照度和反射,然后对照度L进行增强,操作为g(L),把增强结果与反射R进行元素乘法,得到增强后的图片Enhanced Image。
Note that, this paper does not focus on designing modernistic network structures. L-Net and R-Net are very similar and simple,
Apart from L-Net and R-Net, we introduce P-Net to remove inappropriate features from the original image. Specifically, the structure of the P-Net is identical to the R-Net.
L p = ∣ ∣ I 1 − i 1 ∣ ∣ 2 2 L_p = \mid\mid I_1 - i_1 \mid\mid^2_2 Lp=∣∣I1−i1∣∣22
Note that the projection loss needs to cooperate with the other constraints to avoid a trivial solution.i,e.,i1 = I1.
3.Projection Loss:最大程度限制去除不合理特征后的i1和原始低光图片I1的区别。
L c = ∣ ∣ R 1 − R 2 ∣ ∣ 2 2 (1) L_c = \mid\mid R_1 - R_2 \mid\mid^2_2\tag{1} Lc=∣∣R1−R2∣∣22(1)
Since sensor noise hidden in dark regions will be amplified when the contrast is improved.
In our method, the sensor noise can be implicitly removed by Eq. 1.
4.Reflection Loss:通常用传感或摄影设备拍摄低光场景照片会携带一定的设备噪音,这个损失最大限度保证两张图片的反射是相同的,减少传感或摄影设备的影响,这是因为图片场景的内容相同。
L R = ∣ ∣ R ∘ L − i ∣ ∣ 2 2 + ∣ ∣ R − i / s t o p g r a d ( L ) ∣ ∣ 2 2 + ∣ ∣ L − L 0 ∣ ∣ 2 2 + ∣ ∣ ∇ L ∣ ∣ 1 L_R = \mid\mid R \circ L - i \mid\mid^2_2 + \mid\mid R - i / stopgrad(L)\mid\mid^2_2 + \mid\mid L - L_0 \mid\mid^2_2 + \mid\mid \nabla L \mid\mid_1 LR=∣∣R∘L−i∣∣22+∣∣R−i/stopgrad(L)∣∣22+∣∣L−L0∣∣22+∣∣∇L∣∣1
∣ ∣ R ∘ L − i ∣ ∣ 2 2 \mid\mid R \circ L - i \mid\mid^2_2 ∣∣R∘L−i∣∣22 is applied to ensure a reasonable decomposition.
∣ ∣ R − i / s t o p g r a d ( L ) ∣ ∣ 2 2 \mid\mid R - i / stopgrad(L) \mid\mid^2_2 ∣∣R−i/stopgrad(L)∣∣22 is to guide the decomposition.
Specifically, the initialized illumination L0 is calculated via the maximum of the R, G, and B channels: L 0 = m a x c ∈ R , G , B I c ( x ) . L_0 = \underset{c \in{R, G, B}}{max} I^c(x). L0=c∈R,G,BmaxIc(x).
5.Retinex Loss:Retinex损失是为了限制分解组块L-Net和R-Net以满足Retinex的理论要求。