Political drama: “House of Cards” - Espresso Economist

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Political drama: “House of Cards”

  • Political drama 政治大戏
  • House of Cards 纸牌屋
  1. For some viewers the final season of the Netflix show, released yesterday, will be an exercise in wish fulfillment.
  • final season 最后一季
  1. In this fictional Washington is America’s first female president, a Democrat no less, and one with short, carefully coiffed blonde hair and a fondness for power suits.
  • fictional 虚构的
  • Democrat 民主党人
  • coiffed 使戴布帽[白帽]
  1. As she struggles to win over the press and assert her power over lobbyists and lawmakers, the commander-in-chief proclaims that she “won’t be told what to do” and that “the reign of the middle-aged white man is over.”
  • lobbyist 说客;游说者
  1. Indeed, the ascendancy of Claire Underwood (played by Robin Wright) was driven by the firing last year of Kevin Spacey, the show’s lead, following sexual-misconduct allegations.
  • ascendancy 支配力量;权势;统治权
  1. So far, critics say the reshuffling reinvigorates the West Wing drama: not only is Ms Wright a compelling antihero but her prominence gives the screenwriters an opportunity to probe the sexism of politics.
  • reinvigorate 使再振作;使复兴;重振
  • antihero 反英雄;非传统派角色;非英雄主角
  • prominence 突出;重要;卓越;出名
  • probe 探究
  1. The real Oval Office, alas, shows no sign of such a transformation.
  • Oval Office 椭圆形办公室;白宫椭圆形办公室;美国总统办公室
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