New in NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Volume 2!

We have jam-packed the .NET controls in our 2008 Volume 2 release with new features and enhanced functionality. Check out these highlights from each product in the NetAdvantage for .NET suite, and drill into each one for a complete list with more details.

WebSlider™ Gives Users an Intuitive Editor for Range Values

Sleek and stylish, the new WebSlider presents a very simple and easy-to-use UI to end users for selecting values from a range. As part of the Aikido™ Framework, it is fully AJAX enabled and works with emerging ASP.NET technologies like Dynamic Data. Many styles are included in the box enabling you to simulate popular, modern user interfaces like Office® 2007.

Shape Flat Data into Hierarchical Data with Ease

The non-visual WebHierarchicalDataSource™ is another new addition implementing the Data Source pattern. At run-time it is a workhorse that can reshape your flat data sources into hierarchical structure so that data can be displayed as a hierarchical user interface to users. Even more impressive is the Visual Studio®  2005/2008 design-time wizard built in to increase developer productivity. The WebHierarchicalDataSource makes reshaping flat data to meet your needs easy.

Add Tree Maps to Line of Business Applications

WebChart™ adds tree maps (sometimes referred to as a heat map) to its over fifty chart types. You may have seen tree maps used to depict a "Map of the Market" or the relative impact of many data points in an intuitively, nested and with a finely gradated color scale. Now you can use this powerful visualization in your own applications.



Row Edit Templates for WinGrid™ and More!

Would you like to give users more help with tabular data entry? Row edit templates provide a dialog with knowledge of the underlying WinGrid to give your users an easy mechanism for entering or editing row information. Already have too many columns of data in your grid? Flip on the new rotated column headers to improve readability in your most data-intensive tables. Do your users ask if they can take the Office-style business card view of the WinGrid with them? Now they can, with easy support for printing CardView displays.

Cut through Countless Choices with Suggestions

Help users make a choice from the WinCombo™ edit fields in your application with new ways to filter through data in AutoComplete mode. This new mechanism gives users a helpful suggestion to streamline their value-picking thought process, much like that popularized by Google® for Web search.

Never Trust User Data, Verify It First with WinValidator™

The new WinValidator extender control enhances applications with many editable fields by helping you define crisp, clear validation logic to ensure the correctness of user-submitted data.

Visual Studio 2008-style Docking added to WinDockManager™

Control-Tab through your application to get the same rich, live preview in line of business solutions that Visual Studio 2008 IDE developers have become accustomed with this new WinDockManager feature.

A Veritable Forest of Tree Maps

We aren't only bringing tree maps to the Web, use this very intuitive and in-demand chart type within your WinChart™ applications to make an impact.