anchor —— The new job I‘m not familiar with

        It's a article from Vista. It broke some of my old opinions.

        In the past, I thought it was a repetitive work and just for fun, so the anchor hurt less but earn lot. However, just as someone said all the things must become worriable, upset , boring, stressful and not-easy when the things become a job to earn money.Even, I  still insist stress comes from the surrounding and I should neglect them to relieve myself.

        In this article, the anchor must follow several rules about the live broadcast like the goal of live tipping, the days for live streaming.At least for me, it's almost impossible to speak or show for so many hours. 

        Liquidated damages, its amount astonished me heavily. It seemed when you first face the company they are kind and finally you will only find cruel. Be careful for the kind attitude after out of school, only money and potential money they care but not care for you.
