DataForm Webpart Inside (2)

Header ToolBar

there is a xslt template:ListViewToolbar

it contains following sharepoint server controls control the tool bar

<SharePoint:NewMenu runat="server"></SharePoint:NewMenu>
<SharePoint:UploadMenu runat="server" />
<SharePoint:ActionsMenu runat="server"></SharePoint:ActionsMenu>
<SharePoint:SettingsMenu runat="server"></SharePoint:SettingsMenu>
<SharePoint:ViewSelectorMenu MenuAlignment="Right" AlignToParent="true" runat="server" id="ViewSelectorMenu" />

and the complete xslt as following:

View Code
< xsl:template name ="ListViewToolbar" >
< table class ="ms-menutoolbar" cellpadding ="2" cellspacing ="0" border ="0" width ="100%" >
< tr >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" nowrap ="nowrap" >
< SharePoint:NewMenu runat ="server" ></ SharePoint:NewMenu >
</ td >
< xsl:if test ="$IsDocLib" >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" > | </ td >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" nowrap ="nowrap" >
< SharePoint:UploadMenu runat ="server" />
</ td >
</ xsl:if >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" > | </ td >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" nowrap ="nowrap" >
< SharePoint:ActionsMenu runat ="server" ></ SharePoint:ActionsMenu >
</ td >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" > | </ td >
< td class ="ms-toolbar" nowrap ="nowrap" >
< SharePoint:SettingsMenu runat ="server" ></ SharePoint:SettingsMenu >
</ td >
< td width ="99%" class ="ms-toolbar" nowrap ="nowrap" />
< td nowrap ="nowrap" class ="ms-toolbar" >
< table border ="0" cellpadding ="0" cellspacing ="0" style ="margin-right: 4px" >
< tr >
< td class ="ms-listheaderlabel" nowrap ="nowrap" >
< xsl:text disable-output-escaping ="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve ="yes" > &amp; nbsp; </ xsl:text >
</ td >
< td nowrap ="nowrap" class ="ms-viewselector" id ="onetViewSelector" onmouseover ="this.className='ms-viewselectorhover'" onmouseout ="this.className='ms-viewselector'" runat ="server" >
< SharePoint:ViewSelectorMenu MenuAlignment ="Right" AlignToParent ="true" runat ="server" id ="ViewSelectorMenu" />
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ xsl:template >

Add an stylesheet parameter

<xsl:param name="IsDocLib"/>
