双语——花钱去赢(Paying to Win)

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Paying to Win


【专有名词】Win [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

Tom noticed that every morning when he went to school, his mother would give him a letter to drop in the mailbox on the corner.


【单词】noticed 原型:notice 动词过去式 ['noh-tis]['nəʊtɪs] vt. 注意;留心;通知 n. 通知;注意;布告

【单词】morning 名词 ['mawr-ning]['mɔːnɪŋ] n. 早晨;上午;开端

【单词】letter 名词 ['let-er]['letə] n. 信;字母 v. 写下;印刷 n. 租赁人

【单词】drop 动词原形 [drop][drɒp] vt. 落下;跌倒;下降;放弃;漏掉;断绝关系 | n. 滴;微量;减少;滴状物

【单词】mailbox 名词 ['meyl-boks]['meɪlbɒks] n. 邮筒;邮箱

【单词】corner 名词 ['kawr-ner]['kɔːnə] n. 角落;转角;困境 v. 将 ... 逼入困境;转弯;垄断 adj. 位于角落的

【专有名词】Tom 人名/人物 汤姆(男子名)

"Who are you writing to so much?" he asked.


【单词】writing 原型:write 动名词 [rahyt][raɪt] v. 写;书写;填写;作曲 wrote written /

【单词】asked 原型:ask 动词过去式 [ask, ahsk][ɑːsk] v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求;开价;期待

"I'm just trying my luck," Tom's mother told him.


【单词】luck 名词 [luhk][lʌk] n. 运气;幸运;侥幸 v. 侥幸成功;走运

A few weeks after Tom started mailing out the letters, he noticed that his mother was getting a lot more mail.


【短语】a few 少量,一点点;few与a few 的区别是,a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法,表示还是有一些的。例如:There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 few:用于可数名词,否定用法,表示几乎没有。例如:There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果…

【单词】mailing 原型:mail 动名词 [meyl][meɪl] n. 邮件;邮政 vt. 邮寄

【单词】letters 原型:letter 名词复数形式 ['let-er]['letə] n. 信;字母 v. 写下;印刷 n. 租赁人

【单词】mail 名词 [meyl][meɪl] n. 邮件;邮政 vt. 邮寄

Some of the mail advertised on the envelope that she might already be a winner.


【词法】some of (事物中的)一些

【单词】advertised 原型:advertise 动词过去式 ['ad-ver-tahyz, ad-ver-'tahyz]['ædvətaɪz] v. 登广告;宣传;告知

【单词】envelope 名词 ['en-vuh-lohp, 'ahn-]['envələʊp] n. 信封;壳层;封袋

【单词】winner 名词 ['win-er]['wɪnə] n. 获胜者;【网球】制胜球

His mother was also getting many more magazines.


【单词】magazines 原型:magazine 名词复数形式 [mag-uh-'zeen, 'mag-uh-zeen][ˌmæɡə'ziːn] n. 杂志;弹盘;弹药库

Some of the magazines were about things his mother didn't eve care about, like cats.


【单词】eve 名词 [eev][iːv] n. (重大节日的)前夜;前夕 Eve. n. 夏娃(圣经中的第一个女人)

【单词】cats 原型:cat 名词复数形式 [kat][kæt] n. 猫;猫科动物;狠毒的女人;吊锚机;独桅船;九尾鞭 v. 起锚;寻找性伴侣 abbr. 目录(=catalog)

"Mom, why are you getting so many magazines?"


Tom asked her.


She told him that she had been entering contests and that part of the process included subscribing to magazines.


【短语】part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。

【单词】entering 原型:enter 动词现在进行式或动名词 ['en-ter]['entə] v. 进入 【计算机】送入

【单词】contests 原型:contest 名词复数形式 [noun 'kon-test; verb kuhn-'test]['kɒntest] n. 竞赛;比赛 vt. 驳斥;争取 vi. 奋斗

【单词】included 原型:include 动词过去式 [in-'klood][ɪn'kluːd] vt. 包括;包含;列入

【单词】subscribing 原型:subscribe 动词现在进行式或动名词 [suh b-'skrahyb][səb'skraɪb] vt. 订阅;签名;支持;捐赠;同意

"It will increase my chances of winning the jackpot," she told him.


【单词】increase 动词原形 [verb in-'krees; noun 'in-krees][ɪn'kriːs] v. 增加;提高 n. 增加;增强;提高

【单词】chances 原型:chance 名词复数形式 [chans, chahns][tʃɑːns] n. 可能性;机会;偶然性 v. 偶然发生;碰巧;冒 ... (的险)

【单词】winning 原型:win 动词现在进行式或动名词 [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

【单词】jackpot 名词 ['jak-pot]['dʒækpɒt] n. (彩票等)头奖;累积赌注

Soon the family mailbox was filled with more contests announcements, magazines, and bills.


【单词】Soon 原型:soon 副词 [soon][suːn] adv. 不久;很快;早;快

【单词】filled 原型:fill 动词过去分词 [fil][fɪl] vt. 装满;弥漫;填充;担任 n. 足量

【单词】announcements 原型:announcement 名词复数形式 [uh-'nouns-muh nt][ə'naʊnsmənt] n. 通告;宣布;声明

【单词】bills 原型:bill 名词复数形式 [bil][bɪl] n. 帐单;钞票;清单;议案;海报;节目单;锚钩;鸟喙;帽舌 v. 开帐单;把 ... 列成表;用海报宣传;(鸟嘴)接触;爱抚 Bill n. 比尔(男子名)

Tom's mother was surprised.


【单词】surprised 原型:surprise 动词过去分词 [ser-'prahyz, suh-][sə'praɪz] n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然 vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现

She didn't think that checking off the boxes of magazines that looked interesting and affixing stickers to the return forms would cost her.


【单词】checking 原型:check 动名词 [chek][tʃek] v. 检查;阻止;核对;买单 n. 检查;阻碍;支票;账单;方格图案;(国际象棋)将军

【单词】boxes 原型:box 名词复数形式 [boks][bɒks] n. 盒子;箱子;包厢;专席;<口>电视机 n. 一拳;巴掌;耳光 n. 黄杨;黄杨木 vt. 把…装箱;使局限于狭小空间;挡住 v. 拳击;打耳光

【单词】affixing 动词现在进行式或动名词 [verb uh-'fiks; noun 'af-iks][ə'fɪks] v. 使附于;署名;粘贴 n. 附加物;词缀

【单词】stickers 原型:sticker 名词复数形式 ['stik-er]['stɪkə] n. 贴纸;粘附物;固执的人;尖刺

【单词】return 名词 [ri-'turn][rɪ'tɜːn] v. 返回;归还;回报;回应;申报 n. 归还;返回;(收益)回报;申报

She was spending more and more money and hadn't won anything.


【短语】more and more 越来越多的;例句:Now more and more people are streaming into big cities. 现在越来越多的人涌进大城市。

【单词】spending 原型:spend 动词现在进行式或动名词 [spend][spend] n. 预算;花销 v. 花费;浪费;度过;用尽(气力等)

【单词】won 原型:win 动词过去分词 [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

She wanted to be like the people in the commercials she saw on television.


【单词】commercials 原型:commercial 名词复数形式 [kuh-'mur-shuh l][kə'mɜːʃl] adj. 商业的 n. 商业广告

【单词】television 名词 ['tel-uh-vizh-uh n]['telɪvɪʒn] n. 电视机;电视节目;电视行业

People bringing balloons and oversized checks surprised those people who entered the contests.


【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。

【单词】bringing 原型:bring 动词现在进行式或动名词 [bring][brɪŋ] vt. 带来;促使;引起;劝诱 vi. 产生

【单词】balloons 原型:balloon 名词复数形式 [buh-'loon][bə'luːn] n. 气球;球状物 vt. 使膨胀 vi. 乘气球飞行;激增;如气球般膨胀 adj. 气球状的

【单词】oversized 过去分词做形容词 [adjective 'oh-ver-'sahyz; noun 'oh-ver-sahyz]['əʊvəsaɪzd] adj. 特大的;太大的;比普通尺码大的 =oversize.

【单词】checks 原型:check 名词复数形式 [chek][tʃek] v. 检查;阻止;核对;买单 n. 检查;阻碍;支票;账单;方格图案;(国际象棋)将军

【单词】surprised 原型:surprise 动词过去式 [ser-'prahyz, suh-][sə'praɪz] n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然 vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现

【单词】entered 原型:enter 动词过去式 ['en-ter]['entə] v. 进入 【计算机】送入

Tom read the fine print.


【单词】fine 形容词 [fahyn][faɪn] adj. 好的;优质的;精致的;晴朗的;健康的;细微的 adv. 合适地;恰好地 n. 罚款;罚金;结尾 v. 罚款;优化;净化;细化

【单词】print 名词 [print][prɪnt] v. 印刷;出版;打印;铭刻 n. 印刷字体;版画;印刷;印记;印刷物;印花 adj. 印刷的

The magazines weren't free and Tom's mother was not increasing her chances of winning anything by subscribing.


【单词】increasing 原型:increase 动词现在进行式或动名词 [verb in-'krees; noun 'in-krees][ɪn'kriːs] v. 增加;提高 n. 增加;增强;提高

Tom did some research and found out there had even been lawsuits against the companies running the contests and selling the magazine subscriptions.


【单词】lawsuits 原型:lawsuit 名词复数形式 ['law-soot]['lɔːsuːt] n. 诉讼;控诉

【单词】selling 原型:sell 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖

【单词】magazine 名词 [mag-uh-'zeen, 'mag-uh-zeen][ˌmæɡə'ziːn] n. 杂志;弹盘;弹药库

【单词】subscriptions 原型:subscription 名词复数形式 [suh b-'skrip-shuh n][səb'skrɪpʃn] n. 订阅;签署;同意;捐款;会费

Tom's mother felt bad.


【单词】bad 形容词 [bad][bæd] adj. 坏的;不好的;差的;疼痛的;严重的;有害的;腐败的;低劣的;不利的;不舒服的;不健康的 n. 坏人;坏事 adv. 非常;不好地

"It pays to win, mom, but you can't pay to win," Tom told her.


【单词】win 动词原形 [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

【单词】mom 名词 [mom][mɒm] n. 妈妈

Tom's mother wondered what she was going to do with all these magazines.


【时态】be going to do sth. 表示主观打算、准备或有信心做某事,强调事情已计划好并将按照计划来做;will do sth. 则多用于客观的情况,即客观上将要发生的事情.例如:I’m not going to ask her. 我不打算去问她. It will be rainy tomorrow. 明天会下雨.

【单词】wondered 原型:wonder 动词过去式 ['wuhn-der]['wʌndə] n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观 v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑 adj. 奇妙的;非凡的

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