Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 January 10

【作者】:Eileen Caddy



Learn to seek within for all the answers. Take time to be still, and find the answer in the silence. Never despair if it does not come immediately. Simply wait upon Me, and know that My timing is always perfect and in perfect rhythm with the whole of creation. How easy it is when life is not going very smoothly to throw up your hands in despair and try to run away from it all, instead of facing your responsibilities and allowing quietness and confidence to be your strength. Seek My will before all else. When you truly love Me, you will want to do My will, for love longs to do all for the Beloved. Therefore, when you hear My still small voice deep within you, follow through all I ask of you for your very love for Me. Know that I will never fail you nor forsake you. Know that only the very best will come out of all you do for My sake.



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