Linux命令日日说(十九)-- expand



expand [options] files



  • -t | --tab=NUM 指定tab字符的等效空格宽度(默认值为8)。

  • -i | -- initial 只转换出现在行首的tab字符。

  • --help 显示帮助文档

  • --version 显示当前文本。


  • expand test.txt


    |zzw:~ zzw$ cat test.txt
    |       front with 2 tabs.
    |    front with 4 spaces.
    |  font with 2 spaces.
    |no tab and space.
    |   font with 1 tab.
    |  |                font with 2 space and 4 tabs.
    |zzw:~ zzw$ expand test.txt
    |                front with 2 tabs.
    |    front with 4 spaces.
    |  font with 2 spaces.
    |no tab and space.
    |        font with 1 tab.
    |  |                             font with 2 space and 4 tabs.
  • expand -t 1 test.txt


    |zzw:~ zzw$ cat test.txt
    |       front with 2 tabs.
    |    front with 4 spaces.
    |  font with 2 spaces.
    |no tab and space.
    |   font with 1 tab.
    |  |                font with 2 space and 4 tabs.
    |zzw:~ zzw$ expand -t 1 test.txt
    |  front with 2 tabs.
    |    front with 4 spaces.
    |  font with 2 spaces.
    |no tab and space.
    | font with 1 tab.
    |  |    font with 2 space and 4 tabs.
  • expand --version

    root@895e4cf6e8a1:/# expand --version
    expand (GNU coreutils) 8.28
    Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later .
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
    Written by David MacKenzie.

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