

                TWS (True Wireless Stereo) Earphones


说明书 Manual

一. 参数配置 Specifications


Truewireless stereo (TWS), real no wire design, individual left and right channel,HIFI sound, both the left and right earbud are Bluetooth enabled could be usedseparately, or used as one pair.

蓝牙版本                                    双模蓝牙V5. 0 + EDR, 超低功耗

Bluetooth Version                       V5.0 +  EDR (both sides), ultra-low consumption

支持协议                                    蓝牙使用频段

Bluetooth Mode                         Bluetooth Frequency

蓝牙传输距离                            15-25米

Bluetooth Range                       15-25m                       

电池容量                                    Battery Capacity                                  


Earbud: 30 mah rechargeable Li-ion battery;Charging dock: 300 mah (optional)

待机时间                                    双耳可待机6小时

Standby Time                             Both ears can stand for 6 hours

通话/播放时间                            耳机播放时间约:2-3小时 ;耳机通话时间约:4小时

Talk/Play Time                            Headphone playback time: 2-3 hours

                                                   Headphone talk time approx: 4 hours

二. 耳机使用步骤与特别说明 Headphone Use Steps and Special Intructions 

1.    开启充电盒开关(蓝灯或红灯亮起)

       Turn on the charging box switch (blue orred light is on)

2.    打开充电盒上盖取出耳机,耳机自动开机配对(重要提示:打开充电盒之前开启充电盒开关,是耳机自动开机的前提)

       Open the top cover of the charging boxand take out the earphones (Important note: Turn on the charging box switch beforeopening the charging box, which is the premise of the headset automaticallyturning on)

3.    与其他设备配对:打开手机或其它设备蓝牙设置,搜索蓝牙名点击链接蓝牙

       Pair with other devices: open the phoneor other device Bluetooth settings, search for the Bluetooth name, click to connectto Bluetooth)

4.    耳机放入充电盒进入充电模式,耳机自动关机

       The headset is placed in the charging boxto enter the charging mode, and the headset is automatically turned off.

5.    无线耳机左右耳机均可以分开单独连接,其它蓝牙设备使用

       Wireless earphones can be connectedseparately and separately to other Bluetooth devices.

6.    无线耳机若5分钟没有连接蓝夜设备将会自动关机

       Wireless headset will automatically shutdown if it is not connected to the Bluetooth Device for 5 minutes.

三. 耳机触摸功能说明 HeadphoneTouch Function Description

1.    左耳、右耳触摸位置,轻触1下接听电话,左右耳机连触2下音量减,右耳耳机连触2下音量加,左耳连按3下下一曲,右边连按3下上一曲,长按3秒Siri功能,长按5秒开关机,来电时两个耳机同时报号。

       The left ear and the right ear touch theposition, touch 1 time to answer the call, the left earphone touches 2 timesand the volume decreases, the right earphone touches 2 times and the volume increases,the left ear presses 3, next song and the right era presses 3, last song. Long press3 seconds, Siri function, long press 5 seconds to switch on and off, twoearphones simultaneously report when calling.

2.    关机后再开机,耳机自动连回手机。

       After turning off the phone, the headsetwill automatically connect back to the phone

3.    整机都是有语音提示的。

       The whole machine has voice prompts

4.    耳机为双通道,通话左右耳都有声音。

       The earphones have sounds for the leftand right ears of the two channel conversation

5.    耳机音乐播放时间约2-3小时,通话时间约4小时,待机时间约6小时。

       Headphone music palyback time is about2-3 hours, talk time is about 4 hours, and standby time is about 6 hours.

6.    听歌时,主耳连接触摸3下为播放下一曲,短触两下会“咚”一声响为加音量,当加到最大会有英文播报提示最大音量。

       Listening to the music, the ears fortouching three times to play the next song, touch the tow short will “knock” toadd volume, when added to the general assembly have English broadcast hint at topvolume.

7.    副耳3下为上一曲,短触两下会“咚”一声响为减音量一直到没有声音。

Deputyear three times for a last song, touch the two short will “knock” to reduce volumetill no sound.

8.    长按3秒,唤醒苹果Siri功能。

       Long press for 3 seconds, wake up theapple SIRI function.

9.    长按5秒关机(放入充当仓充电时会自动关机)

       Long press for 5 seconds, it will beturned off (Be automatically shutdown when in charge warehouse)

四. 耳机概述 Summary

1.    耳机防尘网

       Headphone dust screen

2.    多功能按键

       Multi-function touch button

3.    MIC

4.    耳机充电口

       Charging port of earphones

5.    充电盒充电口

       Charging port of charging box

五. 注意事项 Warnings

1.    请勿暴力对待本产品,也不要用重物挤压,远离高温高湿环境。

       Please do not overuse this earphone or putit under heavy pressure. Keep it away from high wet and heat place.

2.    远离WIFI,路由器以及其它高频发射设备,这样会影响本机的信号接收,造成声音的卡断及断连。

       Keep it away from WIFI, router or otherhigh frequency transmitting equipment to prevent interruption of signalreceiving.

3.    请在有效环境(15-15米)中使用本产品,并且;蓝牙设备与耳机之间不要有实体阻隔(例如墙等)

       Please use this earphone under itsworking range (10-25m), and the effect would better if there is no obstaclebetween the earphones and the connected devices (such as Wall)


Please Note:This Bluetooth earphone can be used to connect any device with Bluetooth function.
