英文 | 中文 |
And everyone is talking. | 每个人都在谈论她 |
Blair, it's serena. | 布莱尔瑟琳娜来了 |
Serena? | 瑟琳娜? |
And b.'s boyfriend nate | 关于B的男朋友内特 |
Rumor has it | 也有传言说 |
He's always had a thing for serena. | 他跟瑟琳娜有一段感情纠葛 |
But you're back now. I didn't come back for you. | -但你回来了-我不是为了你才回来的 |
Look, blair's my best friend, | 听着布莱尔是我最好的朋友 |
And you're her boyfriend, | 而你是她的男朋友 |
And she loves you. | 并且她爱着你 |
Why did she leave? why did she return? | 她为何离开?她又为何回来? |
Must be a lot of rumors why you're back. | 关于你这次回来肯定会谣言四起 |
Yeah, but none of them mention you. | 是啊但是没一个提到你 |
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He tries to take his own life, | 他企图自杀 |
And you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom the year"? | 而你担心的却是评不上"年度妈妈" |
You have no idea what it's been like. | 你根本不知道发生了什么 |
The best friend and the boyfriend | 最好的朋友和自己的男友 |
That's pretty classy, s. | 太经典了S |
And nate's friend chuck | 内特的朋友恰克 |
Won't let serena forget about her past. | 不想让瑟琳娜忘记过去 |
I'm trying to change. I liked you better before. | -我正试图改变-我更喜欢以前的你 |
And then there's dan, the outsider. | 然后出现了丹一个圈外人 |
Looks like his childhood crush has returned. | 看来他年少时的暗恋对象又回来了 |
She doesn't know me. nobody knows me. it's cool. | 她不认识我没人认识我行了吧 |
No. no, no, no, no, no. uh, serena, um, do you know this young man? | -瑟琳娜你认识这个人吗?-别 别 别 别 |
Oh, from last night. you remember me? | -是昨晚那个?-你记得我? |
You'd really go out with some guy you don't know? | 你真愿意和一个陌生人出去? |
Well, he can't be worse than the guys I do know. | 你也许比我认识的那些人强 |
Guess whose dad is cool. | 猜猜谁的老爸最酷 |
It's a trick question. | 这个问题真难回答 |
Yeah, cause it can't be ours. | 是啊因为肯定不会是咱爸 |
"top ten forgotten bands of the '90s." | 90年代十大被遗忘乐队 |
Yeah, check out who is number nine | 看看谁是第九名 |
He's very proud. hey! | 他引以为豪 |
Hey, way to be forgotten. | 哇被遗忘了 |
Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts? | 为什么我的女儿会去看你的演唱会? |
Well, our kids were bound to meet. it's a small island. | 他们注定会相遇因为世界太小了 |
Are you sure it's not some ploy, | 你敢说你不是使手段 |
Your using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you? | 想在你妻子离开以后利用我女儿来接近我? |
Serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance | 瑟琳娜和她的神秘男友 |
At blair's kiss on the lips party. | 在"唇上之吻"派对上意外亮相 |
Serena's here? | 瑟琳娜来了? |
What is she doing here? she wasn't invited. | 她来干嘛?我没有邀请她 |
But serena wasn't the only one who made an impression... | 但让人们记住的不只瑟琳娜一个... |
Who's the newbie? | 那个新妞是谁? |
Jenny made an impression on chuck. | 恰克对珍妮可是印象深刻 |
Let's go and talk somewhere quieter. | 我们去个静点的地方聊聊吧 |
Get off! stop! | 滚开!住手! |
Hey! that is my little sister! | 她是我妹妹! |
Don't you ever touch her again! | 以后不准你再碰她! |
Hey, your life is over, slut! | 你的好日子过到头了婊子! |
She better not show her face again. | 她最好以后别再出现 |
I'm actually hoping she will. | 我倒希望她再出现 |
You think I got a shot at a second date? | 我们还有第二次约会的机会么? |
We'll talk about it in the cab | 我们上车再谈吧 |
And now that s. is back, | 如今S已经归来 |
Will the upper east side ever be the same? | 曼哈顿的"贵族们"还会一如既往吗? |
We're all just dying to see what happens next. | 大家都迫不及待地想知道接下来发生的故事 |
I bet you're wondering | 我打赌你一定在琢磨 |
What gossip girl is doing up so early. | "八卦天后"起这么早干嘛? |
Truth is, I never went to bed. | 事实是我根本不睡觉 |
Why waste precious time dreaming | 既然醒时的生活如此美好 |
When waking life is so much better? | 为何要把宝贵时间浪费在做梦上呢? |
Is there really anything better than a lazy sunday? | 有什么比慵懒的周日更令人惬意的吗? |
Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, | 躺在床上读读报品品咖啡 |
Scrambling an egg or two. | 来一两个炒蛋 |
Yeah, right. | 对了 |
We upper east siders don't do lazy. | 曼哈顿的名流们从不懒惰 |
Breakfast is brunch, | 早午餐就是我们的早餐 |
And it comes with champagne,a dress code | 配上香槟身着盛装 |
And a hundred of our closest friends... | 还有一群密友相伴 |
And enemies. | 当然还有死对头 |
Chuck's dad, bart bass, | 恰克的爸爸巴特·拜斯 |
Is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. | 为他的基金会举办每年一度的早午餐会 |
Everyone is invited. | 所有人都得到邀请了 |
Well, not everyone. | 不是所有人 |
Oh. hey, you're up. | 你起来了啦 |
And you're checking up on me. | 你来视察? |
I'm okay. really, I'm okay. | 我没事真的我很好 |
You know, I was okay when you asked me at the party | 你在派对上问我的时候就没事了 |
And in the cab, when we got home, | 在车上...回到家... |
Before and after I brushed my teeth. | 在我刷牙的前后...都没事 |
Look, I just feel really stupid. | 我就是觉得自己傻极了 |
I mean, how could I have actually thought | 我是说我竟然真的以为 |
That chuck bass just wanted to talk to me? | 恰克·拜斯只想和我聊聊 |
Because you trust people, | 因为你容易相信别人 |
Which is normally a good thing. | 正常情况下是好事 |
Yeah, except when it involves chuck. | 是啊但如果是恰克就另当别论了 |
Yeah, pretty much. | 是这么回事 |
So the real question is, uh, how are you? | 现在问题是你好吗? |
Me? | 我? |
Why wouldn't I be okay? | 我有什么不好的? |
You know, at the end of the night, with serena | 昨晚你对瑟琳娜 |
And the--the--the... | 那个...那个 |
Was it really that bad? | 真的那么衰吗? |
This is me. | 我到了 |
So... good night. | 那么...晚安 |
Yeah. | 是好的 |
Yeah. um, yeah, good night. | 好晚安 |
Go! walk her to the door. something. go! okay. | 走啊!把她送到门口!快啊! |
Oh! oh, god. that hurt a lot. whoa, whoa, stop, stop. | 哦停车停车停下来 |
Oh, I think I have brain damage. | 哦我想我脑袋撞坏了 |
You know what, dan? | 你知道吗丹 |
You wouldn't even know if you had brain damage. | 你就不知道脑袋撞坏了 |
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no, let's go, please. | 不我们走吧开车吧 |
No! | 别! |
H-hi. | 哈...嗨 |
So he waved? | 他就挥了挥手? |
I wouldn't take it as a waver | 这是什么意思? |
No, he was just trying to be funny. | 不他只是想搞笑 |
Maybe he's shy. | 他可能害羞了 |
Or he hates me. | 或者他不喜欢我 |
No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you. | 到目前为止从没有任何男人讨厌过你 |
She probably thinks I hate her now. | 她可能以为我讨厌她了 |
I've waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl, | 我耗尽整个青春就是为了跟这个女孩约会 |
You know, serena van ddsen... | 要知道她可是瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森... |
And I decide to close the evening with a wave. | 我竟然以挥手终结了这美好的夜晚 |
it was a nice wave.At the end of a date? | -那个动作很帅呀-这样结束约会? |
come on, Here's no such thing. | 算了吧不该这样的 |
And you only get one shot with a girl like serena. | 对于像瑟琳娜这样的女孩你只有一次机会 |
I got mine, and I blew it. | 机会来了却被我搞砸了 |
Which means you have nothing to lose. | 那现在你也没什么好失去的了 |
No, nothing except my last shred of dignity. | 没还留有我那点可怜的自尊 |
oh, no. I think that's gone. | 哦不我觉得那些也没了 |
You're right. | 你说的对 |
You know what? I'm just-- I'm gonna go talk to her. | 知道吗我... 我要找她谈谈 |
I'm gonna apologize for the wave. | 我要对我的挥手向她道歉 |
I'm gonna tell her how much I like her, | 我要告诉她我多喜欢她 |
And I'm gonna ask for a second shot. | 然后请求第二次约会 |
No, I'm gonna get a second shot. | 不我一定会得到第二次机会 |
Yeah, you are. | 你一定会的 |
Yeah. wait, wait, wait. | 等等等等 |
I love the plan, | 我喜欢你的计划 |
But, uh, you need a better outfit. | 但你需要打扮一下 |
And maybe a shower. | 可能还得冲个澡 |
Whatever. it's probably for the best. | 管他呢可能这样更好 |
The last thing I need in my life is a new guy. | 我生活中最不该想的就是找个新男友 |
He was just so smart, th | 只是他真的很聪明... |
And--and funny... | 而且...很有趣 |
It sounds like you like him. | 听上去你好像喜欢上他了 |
And really nice. | 他真的很好 |
God, blair was so mean to me last night. | 天哪昨晚布莱尔对我的态度实在是太恶劣了 |
I don't even know why. whatever. | 我根本不知原因...管它呢 |
I'm sure if we talk about it, we can work it out. | 我相信和她谈谈应该就没事了 |
Hey, maybe I should go over there. | 或许我该去找她 |
Serena had better just stay away. | 瑟琳娜最好离咱们远点 |
Thank you, dorota. yeah, thanks. | -谢谢多拉达-谢谢 |
We love sleeping at blair's. | 我们喜欢睡在布莱尔家里 |
I don't want to see serena at school, | 我不想在学校见到瑟琳娜 |
And she better not show at brunch today. | 她今天最好不要在的早午餐上露面 |
You're really mad at serena. | 你对瑟琳娜恨透了 |
Yeah, I hope you never get that mad at us. | 是啊希望你以后千万别这样对我们 |
Well, you would never do what serena did | 你们永远都干不出瑟琳娜干的"好事" |
No, never. of course not. | -不永远不会-当然不会 |
I wonder if nate remembered brunch. | 不知道内特会不会把早午餐会的事给忘了 |
It would be so wrong for me to show up | 若没有爱我和我爱的男友相伴 |
Without my boyfriend whom I love, and who loves me. | 就我一人出席就太衰了 |
Hello? | 喂? |
Hi, sweetie. did I wake you? | 嗨亲爱的我把你吵醒了? |
No, I'm up. | 没我已经起来了 |