import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say("I will speak this text") engine.runAndWait()
Changing Voice , Rate and Volume :
import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() # object creation """ RATE""" rate = engine.getProperty('rate') # getting details of current speaking rate print (rate) #printing current voice rate engine.setProperty('rate', 125) # setting up new voice rate """VOLUME""" volume = engine.getProperty('volume') #getting to know current volume level (min=0 and max=1) print (volume) #printing current volume level engine.setProperty('volume',1.0) # setting up volume level between 0 and 1 """VOICE""" voices = engine.getProperty('voices') #getting details of current voice #engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id) #changing index, changes voices. o for male engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) #changing index, changes voices. 1 for female engine.say("Hello World!") engine.say('My current speaking rate is ' + str(rate)) engine.runAndWait() engine.stop() """Saving Voice to a file""" # On linux make sure that 'espeak' and 'ffmpeg' are installed engine.save_to_file('Hello World', 'test.mp3') engine.runAndWait()
# 工具模块
import pyttsx3 #导入
#创建 初始化
engine = pyttsx3.init()