项 | 版本 |
@babel/core | ^7.16.0 |
@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin | ^0.5.3 |
@svgr/webpack | ^5.5.0 |
@testing-library/jest-dom | ^5.17.0 |
@testing-library/react | ^13.4.0 |
@testing-library/user-event | ^13.5.0 |
babel-jest | ^27.4.2 |
babel-loader | ^8.2.3 |
babel-plugin-named-asset-import | ^0.3.8 |
babel-preset-react-app | ^10.0.1 |
bfj | ^7.0.2 |
browserslist | ^4.18.1 |
camelcase | ^6.2.1 |
case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin | ^2.4.0 |
css-loader | ^6.5.1 |
css-minimizer-webpack-plugin | ^3.2.0 |
dotenv | ^10.0.0 |
dotenv-expand | ^5.1.0 |
eslint | ^8.3.0 |
eslint-config-react-app | ^7.0.1 |
eslint-webpack-plugin | ^3.1.1 |
file-loader | ^6.2.0 |
fs-extra | ^10.0.0 |
html-webpack-plugin | ^5.5.0 |
identity-obj-proxy | ^3.0.0 |
jest | ^27.4.3 |
jest-enzyme | ^7.1.2 |
jest-resolve | ^27.4.2 |
jest-watch-typeahead | ^1.0.0 |
mini-css-extract-plugin | ^2.4.5 |
postcss | ^8.4.4 |
postcss-flexbugs-fixes | ^5.0.2 |
postcss-loader | ^6.2.1 |
postcss-normalize | ^10.0.1 |
postcss-preset-env | ^7.0.1 |
prompts | ^2.4.2 |
react | ^18.2.0 |
react-app-polyfill | ^3.0.0 |
react-dev-utils | ^12.0.1 |
react-dom | ^18.2.0 |
react-refresh | ^0.11.0 |
resolve | ^1.20.0 |
resolve-url-loader | ^4.0.0 |
sass-loader | ^12.3.0 |
semver | ^7.3.5 |
source-map-loader | ^3.0.0 |
style-loader | ^3.3.1 |
tailwindcss | ^3.0.2 |
terser-webpack-plugin | ^5.2.5 |
web-vitals | ^2.1.4 |
webpack | ^5.64.4 |
webpack-dev-server | ^4.6.0 |
webpack-manifest-plugin | ^4.0.2 |
workbox-webpack-plugin | ^6.4.1" |
- 一、Jest 前端自动化测试框架基础入门(上)
toBe 匹配器类似于 Object.is
或者 ===
test('测试toBe', () => {
expect(10).toBe(10); // passed
test('测试toBe', () => {
const a = {one: 1}
expect(a).toBe( {one: 1}); // failed,因为两个对象的地址是不一样的
test('测试toEqual', () => {
const a = {one: 1}
expect(a).toEqual( {one: 1}); // passed
test('测试toBeNull', () => {
const a = null
expect(a).toBeNull(); // passed
test('测试toBeUndefined', () => {
const a = undefined;
expect(a).toBeUndefined(); // passed
test('测试toBeUndefined', () => {
const a = '';
expect(a).toBeUndefined(); // failed
test('测试toBeUndefined', () => {
const a = null;
expect(a).toBeUndefined(); // failed
test('测试toBeDefined', () => {
const a = null;
expect(a).toBeDefined(); // passed
test('测试toBeDefined', () => {
const a = undefined;
expect(a).toBeDefined(); // failed
test('测试toBeTruthy', () => {
const a = undefined;
expect(a).toBeTruthy(); // undefined 视为false
test('测试toBeTruthy', () => {
const a = null;
expect(a).toBeTruthy(); // null视为false
test('测试toBeTruthy', () => {
const a = 0;
expect(a).toBeTruthy(); // 0 视为false
test('测试toBeTruthy', () => {
const a = 1;
expect(a).toBeTruthy(); // 1 视为true
test('测试toBeFalsy', () => {
const a = 1;
expect(a).toBeFalsy(); // failed,因为1 视为true
test('测试toBeFalsy', () => {
const a = undefined;
expect(a).toBeFalsy(); // passed,因为undefined 视为false
test('测试toBeFalsy', () => {
const a = null;
expect(a).toBeFalsy(); // passed,因为null 视为false
test('测试toBeFalsy', () => {
const a = 0;
expect(a).toBeFalsy(); // passed,因为0 视为false
test('测试toBeFalsy', () => {
const a = 0;
expect(a).not.toBeFalsy(); // failed,因为0 视为false,但是匹配器要的是真
test('测试toBeGreaterThan', () => {
const count = 10;
expect(count).toBeGreaterThan(9); // passed,表示希望count这个变量的值比9大
test('测试toBeLessThan', () => {
const count = 10;
expect(count).toBeLessThan(9); // failed,表示希望count这个变量的值比9小
test('测试toBeGreaterThanOrEqual', () => {
const count = 9;
expect(count).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(9); // passed,表示希望count这个变量的值大于等于9
test('测试toBeLessThanOrEqual', () => {
const count = 9;
expect(count).toBeLessThanOrEqual(9); // passed,表示希望count这个变量的值小于等于9
test('测试toBeCloseTo', () => {
const firstNumber = 0.1;
const secondNumber = 0.2;
expect(firstNumber + secondNumber).toEqual(0.3); // 结果是failed,因为js计算浮点数的时
expect(value).toBe(0.3); // 这句会报错,因为浮点数有舍入误差候,有可能会溢出或者说不准确,这种情况下最好用toBeCloseTo
test('测试toBeCloseTo', () => {
const firstNumber = 0.3;
const secondNumber = 0.4;
expect(firstNumber + secondNumber).toBeCloseTo(0.7); // passed
test('测试toMatch', () => {
const str = 'www.baidu.com';
expect(str).toMatch('baidu'); // passed, 表示str字符串中是否包含baidu这个字符串,是返回passed
expect(str).toMatch(/baidu/); //passed,这里还可以写正则表达式
test('测试toContain', () => {
const arr = ['dee', 'lee'];
expect(arr).toContain('dee'); // passed, 表示arr数组中是否包含dee这个字符串元素,是返回passed
test('测试toContain', () => {
const arr = ['dee', 'lee'];
const data = new Set(arr);
expect(data).toContain('dee'); // passed, 表示arr数组中是否包含dee这个字符串元素,是返回passed
const throwNewErrorFunc = () => {
throw new Error('this is a new error');
test('测试toThrow', () => {
expect(throwNewErrorFunc).toThrow(); // passed, 表示希望throwNewErrorFunc这个方法运行的时候能够抛出一个异常
test('测试toThrow', () => {
expect(throwNewErrorFunc).not.toThrow(); // failed, 表示希望throwNewErrorFunc这个方法运行的时候不能够抛出异常
test('测试toThrow', () => {
expect(throwNewErrorFunc).toThrow('this is a new error'); // passed, 表示希望throwNewErrorFunc这个方法运行的时候能够抛出一个异常,并且内容是'this is a new error'
expect(throwNewErrorFunc).toThrow(/this is a new error/); // 也可以是正则表达式
- 匹配器的使用 · Jest
- Expect 断言 · Jest
Ctrl + Shift + P 打开 vscode 的命令窗口,输入
install code command
命令会添加到系统 path 中
这样在随便一个命令行窗口输入 code
就可以打开 vscode,输入 code filePath/directoryPath
即可在 vscode 中打开对应文件或目录
目前在 windows 中安装 vscode 过程中该命令会自动添加到 path 中
运行 npm run test
之后,jest 会运行所有测试用例,最后会显示这样一句:
Watch Usage: Press w to show more.
输入 w 后,显示:
Watch Usage
› Press f to run only failed tests.
› Press o to only run tests related to changed files.
› Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
› Press t to filter by a test name regex pattern.
› Press q to quit watch mode.
› Press Enter to trigger a test run.
需要借助 git 来获取文件变动记录,否则会报错
- 安装 git
- 项目根目录运行
git init
初始化一个 git 仓库- 运行
git add .
将项目下的所有文件添加到 git 仓库- 运行
git commit -m 'version 1'
将文件变化提交并做备注(到了这一步就已经满足 o 模式的运行条件啦)- 运行
git push
将已提交的文件变动推送到线上 git 仓库
之前配置 package.json
:"test": "jest --watchAll"
默认会进入 a 模式,配置为 --watch
则会默认进入 o 模式:
"scripts": {
"test": "jest --watch"
类似模式 t, 通过正则表达式过滤,只运行通过过滤的测试文件
q : 退出监听模式
本文仅作记录, 实战要点待后续专文总结,敬请期待。。。