Gerrit 与 SSH command line tools

我们以通过ssh上传我们的代码修改,Gerrit 支持两种形式的身份验证:用户的公钥或 kerberos。


如果要注册新的 SSH 密钥以与 Gerrit 一起使用, 要将 或 id_dsa.pub文件的内容粘贴到Settings的SSH Public Keys文本框中,然后单击“Add”按钮。如果文件内容不存在,可以创建一个新密钥。

ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/


Ubuntu在本地 SSH 配置中使用以下条目为 Gerrit 启用它:

Host gerrit.mydomain.tld
     GSSAPIAuthentication yes


ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost


curl http://gerritlocalhost/ssh_info
gerritlocalhost 29418

经常需要上传的话,考虑添加 Gerrit 服务器到SSH Host添加到OpenSSH 客户端的配置文件(~/.ssh/config)中。如果需要开发一个自动化工具来执行向 Gerrit 的上传,推荐使用ssh来执行。

cat ~/.ssh/config
#  ...
#  Host gerritlocalhost
#      Hostname gerritlocalhost
#      Port 29418
#      User yourname

Command Line Tools

由于 Gerrit 不提供交互式 shell,因此必须从 ssh 客户端触发命令,可协助自动化开发:link

ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit –help

gerrit [COMMAND] [ARG ...] [--] [--help (-h)]
 --          : end of options
 --help (-h) : display this help text

Available commands of gerrit are:
   apropos              Search in Gerrit documentation
   ban-commit           Ban a commit from a project's repository
   close-connection     Close the specified SSH connection
   create-account       Create a new batch/role account
   create-branch        Create a new branch
   create-group         Create a new account group
   create-project       Create a new project and associated Git repository
   flush-caches         Flush some/all server caches from memory
   gc                   Run Git garbage collection
   gsql                 Administrative interface to active database
   ls-groups            List groups visible to the caller
   ls-members           List the members of a given group
   ls-projects          List projects visible to the caller
   ls-user-refs         List refs visible to a specific user
   query                Query the change database
   receive-pack         Standard Git server side command for client side git push
   rename-group         Rename an account group
   review               Apply reviews to one or more patch sets
   set-account          Change an account's settings
   set-head             Change HEAD reference for a project
   set-members          Modify members of specific group or number of groups
   set-project          Change a project's settings
   set-project-parent   Change the project permissions are inherited from
   set-reviewers        Add or remove reviewers on a change
   show-caches          Display current cache statistics
   show-connections     Display active client SSH connections
   show-queue           Display the background work queues
   stream-events        Monitor events occurring in real time
   version              Display gerrit version


​# 查看某条提交的详细信息
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit query change:

# 查看GerritID change提交到的project&&branch信息::
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit query change: | grep "project" | awk -F ": " '{print$2}'
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit query change: | grep "branch" | awk -F ": " '{print$2}'

# 针对Iac6b2ac2 change 添加reviewer alice和bob 并删除reviewer eve
ssh -p 29418 gerrit set-reviewers \
  -a -a -r  Iac6b2ac2
# 针对Iac6b2ac2 change 添加所有的project owners为reviewer
ssh -p 29418 gerrit set-reviewers   -a "'Project Owners'"  Iac6b2ac2
# 再myproject 的特定的1935 change 添加eve作为reviewer????
ssh -p 29418 gerrit set-reviewers --project myproject -a   1935

# verity +1命令:
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit review --verified +1 -m "......" ,
# SLTApproved: --sltapproved +1
# SME granted: --sme-granted +1
# Submit approved: --sumbit-approved +1
# code review:--code-review +2
# abandon change:--abandon
# delete:--delete

ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit review -m '"......"' ,
# 添加tag: --tag or -t

# 将分支“master”上“MyProject”中的更改“I6686e64a788365bd252df69ae5b3ec9d65aaf068”的主题设置为“MyTopic”。
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit set-topic MyProject~master~I6686e64a788365bd252df69ae5b3ec9d65aaf068 --topic MyTopic

# 查看所有匹配 tools的项目名:
ssh -p 29418 gerritlocalhost gerrit ls-projects --match "tools"
# ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit ls-projects 
# 等效于:curl http://gerritlocalhost/projects/
# 添加forest:curl http://gerritlocalhost/projects/tools

# 跳过2条,查询tools/gerrit库的待合入2条changes:
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit query --format=JSON status:open project:tools/gerrit limit:2 --start 2

# 从项目“myproject”的“master”分支或者f06124a这个revision切出,创建一个名为“newbranch”的新分支。
ssh -p 29418 gerritlocalhost gerrit create-branch myproject newbranch master
ssh -p 29418 gerritlocalhost gerrit create-branch myproject newbranch f06124a
# 查看ssh连接数(可用于查看有多少人在做代码拉取或推送操作,有利于判断服务器的压力):
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit show-queue -w

# 查看所有缓存(分析服务器缓存情况):
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit show-caches

# 查看可刷新缓存(更新数据):
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit flush-caches --list

# 刷新指定缓存——项目列表:
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit flush-caches --cache projects

# 设置项目合并commit方式(merge->rebase)
ssh -p 29418 username@gerritlocalhost gerrit set-project example --submit-type REBASE_IF_NECESSARY

# 针对myproject代码库需要更改ID时候,选择rebase方式合并
ssh -p 29418 gerritlocalhost gerrit set-project myproject --submit-type MERGE_IF_NECESSARY --change-id true --content-merge false --project-state HIDDEN

