npm install vue-json-excel
import JsonExcel from "vue-json-excel";
Vue.component("downloadExcel", JsonExcel);
<div class="hello">
<download-excel class="export-excel-wrapper" title="标题名称" :data="excelpage" :fields="json_fields" name="人员信息.xls">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
excelpage: [
{ id: 1, name: "王五" },
{ id: 2, name: "张三" },
{ id: 3, name: "李四" },
{ id: 4, name: "赵六" },
], // 存放用于导出excel的数据
json_fields: {
id: "id", //常规字段
姓名: "name", //支持嵌套属性
json_meta: [
" key ": " charset ",
" value ": " utf- 8 ",
mounted() {
methods: { },
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
npm install xlsx-style --save
npm install xlsx--save
注意: 修改xlsx-style 源码 解决报错
var cpt = require('./cpt' + 'able'); 改为 var cpt = cptable;
<div class="hello">
<h2>xlsx xlsx-style插件文件下载</h2>
<button @click="downExcelLoad">xlsx下载</button>
<ThreeOne />
import { exportExcel } from "../api/excelDownload/excelUtils.js";
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
headers: [
{ title: "学员名字", dataIndex: "name", width: 140 },
{ title: "联系⽅式", dataIndex: "phone", width: 140 },
{ title: "状态", dataIndex: "status", width: 140 },
{ title: "扣除课时", dataIndex: "deduct", width: 100 },
{ title: "已完成/总课时", dataIndex: "number", width: 100 },
datasource: [
name: "张三",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "已签到",
deduct: 1,
number: "1/10",
name: "李四",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "旷课",
deduct: 1,
number: "1/10",
name: "王⼩⼆",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "请假",
deduct: "-",
number: "0/10",
name: "赵钱",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "已签到",
deduct: 1,
number: "1/10",
name: "孙李",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "已签到",
deduct: 1,
number: "1/10",
name: "马上飘",
phone: "12345678909",
status: "已签到",
deduct: 1,
number: "1/10",
options: [
{ title: "学员信息" },
{ title: "单位:万、千、元" },
type: {
bookType: "xlsx",
bookSST: true,
type: "binary",
cellStyles: true,
mounted() {
methods: {
downExcelLoad() {
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
#container {
height: 400px;
h3 {
margin: 40px 0 0;
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 10px;
a {
color: #42b983;
import XLSX from "xlsx-style";
/* @param {数据源 } headers
* @param {表格副标题 } datasource
* @param {配置⽂件类型 } options
* @param {导出的⽂件名 } type
* @param { fileName}
function exportExcel(headers, datasource, options, type, fileName = "未命名") {
// 处理列宽
const cloWidth = => ({ wpx: item.width || 60 }));
// 处理附加表头
const _options = options
.map((item, i) =>
title: item.title,
position: String.fromCharCode(65) + (i + 1),
(prev, next) =>
Object.assign({}, prev, {
[next.position]: { v: next.title },
// 处理表头
const _headers = headers
.map((item, i) =>
key: item.dataIndex,
title: item.title,
position: String.fromCharCode(65 + i) + (options.length + 1),
(prev, next) =>
Object.assign({}, prev, {
[next.position]: { v: next.title, key: next.key },
// 处理数据源
const _data = datasource
.map((item, i) =>, j) =>
content: item[col.dataIndex],
position: String.fromCharCode(65 + j) + (options.length + i + 2),
.reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next))
(prev, next) =>
Object.assign({}, prev, {
[next.position]: { v: next.content },
const output = Object.assign({}, _options, _headers, _data);
const outputPos = Object.keys(output); // 设置表格渲染区域如从到,A1C8
// 设置单元格样式仅⽣效,写了也不⽣效 xlsx-stylejs-xlsx
// 这⾥对每个单元格设置样式是写死的,每次改样式改都要改这⾥有点鸡肋
output.A1.s = {
font: { sz: 14, bold: true, vertAlign: true },
alignment: { vertical: "center", horizontal: "center" },
fill: { bgColor: { rgb: "E8E8E8" }, fgColor: { rgb: "E8E8E8" } },
output.A2.s = {
// font: { sz: 12, bold: true, vertAlign: true },
font: { sz: 12, bold: true, vertAlign: true },
alignment: { vertical: "center", horizontal: "right" },
// output.A3.s = {
// font: { sz: 12, bold: true, vertAlign: true },
// alignment: { vertical: "center", horizontal: "bottom" },
// };
// output.A4.s = {
// font: { sz: 12, bold: true, vertAlign: true },
// alignment: { vertical: "center", horizontal: "bottom" },
// };
const merges =, i) => ({
s: { c: 0, r: i },
e: { c: headers.length - 1, r: i },
const wb = {
SheetNames: ["mySheet"], // 保存的表标题
Sheets: {
mySheet: Object.assign(
output, // 导出的内容
"!ref": `${outputPos[0]}:${outputPos[outputPos.length - 1]}`, // 设置填充区域(表格渲染区域)
"!cols": [...cloWidth],
"!merges": [...merges],
// 这种导出⽅法只适⽤于js - xlsx,且设置的单元格样式不⽣效,
// 直接打开下⾯这两⾏就⾏了,后⾯的可以省略
// XLSX.writeFile(wb,`${fileName}.xlsx`);
// return;
* 以下这种导出⽅法对于js-xlsx/xlsx-style都适⽤
* 区别在于import XLSX from 'xlsx-style';可以设置单元格样式
* import XLSX from 'xlsx';不⽀持设置单元格样式
* new Blob转换成⼆进制类型的对象
const tmpDown = new Blob(
bookType: type == undefined ? "xlsx" : type.bookType,
bookSST: false,
type: "binary",
} // 这⾥的数据是⽤来定义导出的格式类型
type: "",
// 数据都准备完成,可以开始下载excel了
`${fileName + "."}${type.bookType == "biff2" ? "xls" : type.bookType}`
* 标签下载excel
* @param { Blob对象:⼆进制的数据} obj
* @param { Blob对象:⼆进制的数据} obj
* @param { ⽂件名+⽂件类型后缀} fileName
function downExcel(obj, fileName) {
const a_node = document.createElement("a"); = fileName;
// 兼容ie
if ("msSaveOrOpenBlob" in navigator) {
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(obj, fileName);
} else {
// URL.createObjectURL根据传⼊的参数创建⼀个指向该参数对象的 URL 这个URL的⽣命仅存在于它被创建的这个⽂档⾥
// 新的对象URL指向执⾏的File对象或者是Blob对象
a_node.href = URL.createObjectURL(obj);
// 每次调⽤createObjectURL的时候⼀个新的URL对象就被创建了即使你已经为同⼀个⽂件创建过⼀个URL
// 如果你不再需要这个对象 要释放它 需要使⽤ ⽅法 URL.revokeObjectURL()
// 当页⾯被关闭 浏览器会⾃动释放它 但是为了最佳性能和内存使⽤ 当确保不再⽤得到它的时候 就应该释放它
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
// 字符串转字符流---转化为⼆进制的数据流
function s2ab(s) {
if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined") {
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
const view = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
return buf;
} else {
const buf = new Array(s.length);
for (let i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) buf[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
return buf;
export { exportExcel };