这几天有点时间,想学点Python基础,今天看到了《learn python the hard way》的 Ex48,这篇文章主要记录一些工具的安装,以及scan 函数的实现。
首先与Ex48相关的章节有前面的Ex46, Ex47,故我们需要先安装一些工具,主要是一些包管理和测试框架的软件:
Install the following Python packages:
实际上对于Linux用户来说安装比较简单,首先安装 sudo apt-get install python-pip,接下去的3个都可以使用pip 来安装,即
pip install distribute/nose/virtualenv
模仿Ex46 的描述,新建工程目录为ex47,进而建立以下目录和文件:
setup.py 如下,一些参数可以设置成自己想要的,如NAME 更改为需要测试的多个模块名:
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from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup config = { 'description': 'My Project', 'author': 'My Name', 'url': 'URL to get it at.', 'download_url': 'Where to download it.', 'author_email': 'My email.', 'version': '0.1', 'install_requires': [ 'nose'], 'packages': [ 'NAME'], 'scripts': [], 'name': 'projectname' } setup(**config) |
在ex47 和 tests 目录下各touch新建一个__init__.py 文件。
测试文件 tests/lexicon_tests.py 摘自网站:
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from nose.tools
import *
from ex47 import lexicon def test_directions(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "north"), [( 'direction', 'north')]) result = lexicon.scan( "north south east") assert_equal(result, [( 'direction', 'north'), ( 'direction', 'south'), ( 'direction', 'east')]) def test_verbs(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "go"), [( 'verb', 'go')]) result = lexicon.scan( "go kill eat") assert_equal(result, [( 'verb', 'go'), ( 'verb', 'kill'), ( 'verb', 'eat')]) def test_stops(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "the"), [( 'stop', 'the')]) result = lexicon.scan( "the in of") assert_equal(result, [( 'stop', 'the'), ( 'stop', 'in'), ( 'stop', 'of')]) def test_nouns(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "bear"), [( 'noun', 'bear')]) result = lexicon.scan( "bear princess") assert_equal(result, [( 'noun', 'bear'), ( 'noun', 'princess')]) def test_numbers(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "1234"), [( 'number', 1234)]) result = lexicon.scan( "3 91234") assert_equal(result, [( 'number', 3), ( 'number', 91234)]) def test_errors(): assert_equal(lexicon.scan( "ASDFADFASDF"), [( 'error', 'ASDFADFASDF')]) result = lexicon.scan( "bear IAS princess") assert_equal(result, [( 'noun', 'bear'), ( 'error', 'IAS'), ( 'noun', 'princess')]) |
上面程序中 from ex47 import lexicon 表示从ex47 中 导入lexicon 模块,即现在我们要在ex47 目录下写一个lexicon.py 文件,文件主要是scan 函数的实现,根据网站的提示,自己实现如下:
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#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import re def convert_number(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: return None def scan(input_str): words = input_str. split( ' ') pattern = re. compile(r '\d+') direction_list = [ 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'down', 'up', 'left', 'right', 'back'] verb_list = [ 'go', 'kill', 'stop', 'eat'] stop_list = [ 'the', 'in', 'of', 'from', 'at', 'it'] noun_list = [ 'door', 'bear', 'princess', 'cabinet'] sentence_list = [] for word in words: bool = pattern.match(word) if bool: sentence = ( 'number', convert_number(word)) sentence_list. append(sentence) elif word in direction_list: sentence = ( 'direction', word) sentence_list. append(sentence) elif word in verb_list: sentence = ( 'verb', word) sentence_list. append(sentence) elif word in stop_list: sentence = ( 'stop', word) sentence_list. append(sentence) elif word in noun_list: sentence = ( 'noun', word) sentence_list. append(sentence) else: sentence = ( 'error', word) sentence_list. append(sentence) return sentence_list |
程序中使用正则表达式来匹配数字字符串,请google re 模块之。
执行测试命令,即使用lexicon_tests.py 去测试lexicon.py 里面的函数,输出如下:
simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/python/projects/ex47$ nosetests
Ran 9 tests in 0.081s
为什么是9个tests 呢,上面只有6个,实际上我在ex47 下还有个game.py,而针对这个模块的测试文件game_tests.py也存在tests 目录下,且里面有3个test, 故这个项目总的测试个数是9个,需要针对一个模块写一个测试文件。
参考 :http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex48.html