The following browsers support at least one form of AJAX style file uploads, either via XHR or via the Iframe Transport:
1、要支持上传.必须支持AJAX style file uploads, either via XHR or via the Iframe Transport,
这三种中的一种,所以我选择了最后一种Iframe Transport
,根据Iframe Transport链接下的地址https://cmlenz.github.io/jquery-iframe-transport/
2、根据 https://cmlenz.github.io/jquery-iframe-transport/
var url = ctx + fileServiceURL.saveFiles;//上传文件的地址 var iframe = false; if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 10){ iframe = true; } $('#' + _this.ctlID ).fileupload({ url: url, //forceIframeTransport: forceIframeTransport, iframe: iframe, dataType: 'json', //datatype: dataType, autoUpload: true, //sequentialUploads : true, formData: {signUploadFile: _this.signature}, maxFileSize: 5000000, // 5 MB previewMaxWidth: 100, previewMaxHeight: 100, previewCrop: true }).on('fileuploadadd', function (e, data) { pageLock("show"); }).on("fileuploadsubmit", function(e, data){ if(_this.signature && !_this.validSignatureUSB()){ pageLock("hide"); return false; } return true; }).on('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) { pageLock("hide"); if((typeof data.result) == "undefined"){ oAlert("不支持上传该格式的文件"); }else{ $.each(data.result.data, function(index){ //console.log("new file " + this.fileID); _this.addFile(this.filename, this.fileID, this.contentType, this.digestValue, this.digestAlgorithm, this.certificate, true); }); } }).on('fileuploadfail', function (e, data) { pageLock("hide"); if((typeof data.result) == "undefined"){ oAlert("可能您上传的文件格式不被支持!!!"); }else{ $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) { var error = $('<span/>').text(file.error); $(data.context.children()[index]) .append('<br>') .append(error); }); } });