spring activiti ACT_RE_MODEL

In Spring, if you're referring to "activiti" in the context of workflow or business process management, it's likely you're using the Activiti BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) engine.

In Activiti, ACT_RE_MODEL is one of the tables used to store metadata related to the process models. It's a part of the Activiti database schema and is used to store information about the models created using the Activiti Modeler or other BPMN modeling tools.

Here's a brief explanation of what ACT_RE_MODEL typically contains:

  1. ID: Unique identifier for the model.
  2. REV: Revision number of the model.
  3. NAME: Name of the model.
  4. KEY: Key of the model.
  5. CATEGORY: Category of the model.
  6. CREATE_TIME: Timestamp indicating when the model was created.
  7. LAST_UPDATE_TIME: Timestamp indicating when the model was last updated.
  8. VERSION: Version of the model.
  9. META_INFO: Additional metadata associated with the model.
  10. DEPLOYMENT_ID: Identifier of the deployment that this model belongs to, if deployed.

This table is essential for managing and deploying process models in Activiti. When you create or update a process model using Activiti Modeler, the corresponding metadata is stored in this table. Later, when you deploy the model, it will be deployed along with its associated process definition, tasks, and other relevant data.

If you're working with Activiti in a Spring application, you might interact with this table indirectly through Activiti's Java APIs or Spring's higher-level abstractions. These APIs allow you to create, deploy, and manage process models programmatically within your Spring application.
