Mongodb {serverStatus:1} 详细解释

> db.serverStatus()

Field Example Value Explanation
host The hostname of this server
version 1.8.0-rc1-pre- The version number of this server
process mongod What is the process? (mongod, mongos)
uptime 14143 Uptime in seconds
uptimeEstimate 12710 Uptime based on MongoDB's internal coarse grained timer
localTime ISODate("2011-03-01T05:30:16.682Z") The local time at this server (time is in UTC).
globalLock.totalTime 14143457121 The number of microseconds since startup that the global lock was created
globalLock.lockTime 17166 The number of microseconds that the global lock has been held since it was created
globalLock.ratio 0.0000012137060870720337 The ratio between lockTime & totalTime 12 The current number of operations queued waiting for the global lock
globalLock.currentQueue.readers 10 The current number of operations queued waiting on a read lock
globalLock.currentQueue.writers 2 The current number of operations queued waiting for a write lock 3 Total number of active clients connected to this server
globalLock.activeClients.readers 2 The total number of active clients currently performing read operations
globalLock.activeClients.writers 1 The total number of active clients currently performing write operations
mem.bits 64 Is this a 32 or 64 bit architecture?
mem.resident 20 number of megabytes resident. It is typical over time, on a dedicated database server, for this number to approach the amount of physical ram on the box.
mem.virtual 2502 virtual megabytes for the mongod process. Generally virtual should be a little larger than mapped, but if virtual is many gigabytes larger, that could indicate a memory leak - with journalling, virtual is twice mapped
mem.supported true Whether or not this machine supports extended memory info. If this is false, other values in 'mem' may not be present
mem.mapped 80 As MongoDB memory maps all the data files, this number is likely similar to your total database(s) size.
connections.current 23 The number of currently active connections to this server
connections.available 50 The number of available connections remaining
extra_info.heap_usage_bytes 234342 The number of bytes of heap used by this process. Only available on linux
extra_info.page_faults 2523 The number of page faults on this process. Only available on linux
indexCounters.btree.accesses 2342 The number of times the btree indexes have been accessed
indexCounters.btree.hits 2340 The number of times a btree page was in memory
indexCounters.btree.misses 2 The number of times a btree page was not in memory
indexCounters.btree.resets 0 The number of times the index counters have been reset to 0
indexCounters.btree.missRatio 0 The ratio of misses to hits on the btree
backgroundFlushing.flushes 214 The number of times the database has flushed writes to disk
backgroundFlushing.total_ms 1357 The total number of ms that the database has spent flushing data to disk
backgroundFlushing.average_ms 6.341121495327103 The average number of ms it takes to perform a single flush
backgroundFlushing.last_ms 7 The number of ms that the last flush took to complete
backgroundFlushing.last_finished ISODate("2011-03-01T05:29:44.124Z") The timestamp from when the last flush was completed
cursors.totalOpen 0 The total number of cursors that the server is maintaining for clients
cursors.clientCursors_size [deprecated] Same as cursors.totalOpen
cursors.timedOut 0 The number of cursors that have timed out since this server was started
network.bytesIn 1430 The total number of bytes sent to this database
network.bytesOut 2140 The total number of bytes sent from this database
network.numRequests 20 The total number of requests that have been sent to this database
repl.setName mySet The name of the replica set that this server is a part of
repl.ismaster true Whether or not this node is the master of the replica set
repl.secondary false Whether or not this node is a secondary of the replica set
repl.hosts [ "", "", ""] The set of hosts in this replica sets
opcounters.insert 0 The total number of inserts performed since this process started
opcounters.query 9 The total number of queries performed since this process started
opcounters.update 0 The total number of updates performed since this process started
opcounters.delete 0 The total number of deletes performed since this process started
opcounters.getmore 0 The total number of times getMore has been called on any cursor since this process started
opcounters.command 13 The total number of other commands performed since this process started
asserts.regular 0 The number of regular asserts raised since this process started
asserts.warning 0 The number of warnings raised since this process started
asserts.msg 0 The number of message asserts. These are internal server errors that have a well defined text string. Stack traces are logged for these
asserts.user 0 The number of user asserts. These are errors that can be generated by a user such as out of disk space or duplicate key
asserts.rollovers 0 The number of times the assert counters have rolled over since this process started
writeBacksQueued false Whether or not there are any operations from a mongos that have to be retried
dur.commits 0 The number of commits to the journal that have occured in the last interval
dur.journaledMB 0 MBs of data written to the journal in the last interval
dur.writeToDataFilesMB 0 MBs of data written from journal to data files in the last interval
dur.commitsInWriteLock 0 The number of commits in the last interval which were in a write lock. Commits in a write lock are undesirable
dur.earlyCommits 0 Number of times a commit was requested before the scheduled time
dur.timeMs.dt 3011 The time length of the interval over which the dur statswere collected
dur.timeMs.prepLogBuffer 0 The amount of time spent preparing to write to the journal
dur.timeMs.writeToJournal 0 The amount of time spent actually writing to the journal
dur.timeMs.writeToDataFiles 0 The amount of time spent writing to datafiles after journaing
dur.timeMs.remapPrivateView 0 The amount of time spent remapping copy-on-write memory mapped views
ok 1 Whether or not serverStatus returned correctly
