【翻译】Policy Injection Application Block - ObjectBuilder - Dependency Injection



Policy Injection Application Block - ObjectBuilder - Dependency Injection

策略注入程序块 - ObjectBuilder-依赖注入

by David Hayden, Filed:

 Enterprise Library 3.0

 企业程序库 3.0



As I mentioned earlier, the February 2007 CTP of Enterprise Library 3.0 was released on Feb 28 and it introduces a new application block, the Policy Injection Application Block ( PIAB ).

我以前提到过,企业程序库 3.0 的2007年2月的 CTP版本在2月28日发布了,它包含一个新的应用程序块,策略注入应用程序块 ( PIAB) 。

As I understand it, the Policy Injection Application Block introduces AOP-like functionality into your winform and web applications by intercepting normal method calls and running handlers before and after method execution as defined by you through configuration.

当我了解它, 策略注入应用程序块通过拦截对方法的正常调用,在方法执行之前或之后根据定义好的配置,运行Handler进行引导,为你的程序引入AOP功能。

 It does this by handing you a proxy class during factory creation that represents the class you asked for:




IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<Order, IOrder>();

IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<Order, IOrder>();



If there are policies defined in the configuration file that specify certain methods be intercepted on the Order Class, the statement above will return a proxy class that does method interception, otherwise it returns an instance of the Order Class.


The policy configuration information can be located in any configuration file and looks like this:




        <add name="Policy1">


                <add name="MatchingRule1" />

                <add name="MatchingRule2" />



                <add name="Handler1" />

                <add name="Handler2"/>





Matching Rules tell the Policy Injection Application Block what methods to intercept and the handlers specify what happens before and / or after interception.

匹配规则告诉Policy Injection Application Block什么方法需要被拦截并且在handlers里的制动拦截发生在调用前还是调用后。


Let's say we have a policy for our store that whenever an order is returned it must be logged along with the reason it was returned.


 For simplification, here are my classes:


public class Order : IOrder


    public void Return(string reason)


        // Do something.



public interface IOrder


    void Return(string reason);


One option is to use the Enterprise Library Logging Application Block directly and somewhere during the Return Process just make a call that logs the information:


LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry();

logEntry.Message = ""



With the Policy Injection Application Block, however, we can avoid this extra code by defining a policy that whenever a call is made to the Return Method on IOrder we should log a message.

通过Policy Injection Application Block,我们可以通过定义一个规则:无论合适只要调用Iorderd的Retern方法我们就记录这个消息,这样可以避免额外的编码工作。

There are numerous ways to match policies to methods, but in this case I am going to use the TagMatchingRule which means I just have to add a tag attribute to the Return Method on the Interface.


 Hence rather than writing all the LogEntry code above and explicitly calling the logging application block, I will just add the following to the IOrder Interface:


public interface IOrder



    void Return(string reason);


I then define a Policy in my configuration file that says whenever [Tag("Log")] is on a method in my application ( as defined via my IOrder interface ), intercept the call and log information to the logging provider defined by the Logging Application Block:




        <add name="Logging">


                <add type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInjection.MatchingRules.TagAttributeMatchingRule,      Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInjection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" name="Tag Matching Rule" match="Log" ignoreCase="true" />



                <add name="Logging Handler" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInjection.CallHandlers.LogCallHandler,                  Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInjection.CallHandlers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"

logBehavior="Before" beforeMessage="Before" includeParameterValues="true" includeCallTime="true" includeCallStack="false" severity="Information">


                        <add name="General" />







There is a decent amount of configuration in there, but you won't normally have to look at it because you will be using the Graphical Configuration Tool that is integrated into Visual Studio for managing your Enterprise Library configurations.




So when the following happens in my application:




IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<Order, IOrder>();

order.Return("No change in size.");

The Policy Injection Application Block substitutes a proxy class for my Order Class because a policy is defined on the IOrder Interface:

应为有一个策略被定义在Iorder接口上,所以Policy Injection Application Block(返回)使用一个代理类来替代我的Order类


When the Return Method is called, the proxy class intercepts the call and runs the handlers in the order as defined in my configuration before and after calling the Return Method associated with the Order Class.


 In this case, it runs the LogCallHandler which logs information in the EventLog as I defined in the Logging Application Block Section ( but didn't show here for brevity ).



 What ends up in my EventLog is similar to the following but would realistically provide more useful information and be logged somewhere else:



 3/5/2007 9:12:17 PM











Extended Properties:

reason -

 No change in size.

 Again, the code to do this logging is defined in policy and matched by an attribute.


namespace LogMe


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<Order, IOrder>();

            order.Return("No change in size.");



    public class Order :IOrder


        public void Return(string reason)


            // Do something.



    public interface IOrder



        void Return(string reason);



A restriction worth mentioning is that in order for a method to be intercepted, the class in question must either inherit from MarshalByRefObject or implement an Interface.


As you can see, the Policy Injection Application Block is definitely cool and a nice addition to the Application Blocks.




But Where's My Dependency Injection?


I love the new block, but have a bit of a concern.


 One of my concerns about the code above is this statement:


IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<Order, IOrder>();

Notice that I have to specify the concrete name of the class as well as the interface it implements.


 I would like to have a Create Method like this:


IOrder order = PolicyInjection.Create<IOrder>();

and via some Dependency Injection Container or better yet, Dependency Injection Application Block ( DIAB ), the Policy Injection Application Block just locate the concrete class ( or service really ) that goes with the interface.


I mentioned this disappointment about no DI Container for use with ObjectBuilder in another post:


 ObjectBuilder Dependency Injection Framework - Poor Undocumented Little Soul :)


 So now as I mentioned in this CodePlex Discussion in the Enterprise Library Forums:



I have to use a Dependency Injection Tool alongside the Policy Injection Application Block even though ObjectBuilder plays a huge role in Enterprise Library.

我不得不使用新的依赖注入工具--Policy Injection Application Block,即使 ObjectBuilder 在企业程序库担有重要作用。

And, of course, most of the software factories, like the Web Client Software Factory that I have been giving presentations on at various Florida Code Camps, use their own containers, too, so I have to coordinate them with the PIAB.

并且,当然,绝大多数软件工厂,像Web Client Software Factory也使用他们自己的容器,因此我不得不使用PIAB来协调他们。

I am hoping if I keep harping on this I will either get what I want or somebody will educate me why Enterprise Library ( or Object Builder ) doesn't come with a Dependency Injection Application Block so all the applications that use Enterprise Library ( including ones built with the software factories ) don't have to use their own version.


The Policy Injection Application Block could then hook into the Dependency Injection Application Block and give us wonderful capabilities.

Policy Injection Application Block能够后绑定?(连接?)Dependency Injection Application Block并带来奇妙的功能。

